Stomach 2 Flashcards
Secretin stimulation test - Test for? How?
Give two units per kilogram of secretin. Positive if Increase in gastrin by 120 pg/ml in 5-10 minutes
Patients with features of ZES and a normal gastrin level - check this lab? To look for?
Elevation in gastrin due to a PPI?
Secretin stimulation test must be off this medication? Effects of being taken off the medication?
Exaggerated rebound gastric acid hypersecretion (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, perforation)
During initial gastrinoma growth, pancreatic secretion of bicarbonate gradually increases to buffer acid. PPI therapy decreases acid, decreasing pancreatic buffer.
How to wean ppi prior to ZES testing?
Gradually wean
switch to high-dose H2 blockers for 3 to 5 days
Stop H2-blockers and give only anti-acid 24 hours prior to the test
If secretin test is suggestive of ZES, next step?
Search for primary tumor using imaging (CT, MRI, EUS, somatostatin PET, octreoscan)
Gastrinoma triangle?
Junction of CBD and cystic duct
Junction of 2nd/3rd portion of the duodenum
Junction of head and neck of the pancreas
Patients with gastrinoma should be evaluated for?
MEN type 1
Fundic gland polyps are associated with this medication?
Chronic PPI therapy
Fundic gland polyps are associated with these genetic conditions?
Management when encountering fundic gland polyps?
- Always biopsy or select gastric polyps to rule out adenoma‘s
- resection of polyps 1+ cm
- screening colonoscopy in patients with multiple fundic gland polyps
- routine EGD screening not recommended
Most common gastric location for a hyperplastic polyp?
Hyperplastic gastric polyps that should be respected if over this size?
Gastric adenocarcinoma usually arises from these pre-malignant lesions?
Gastric adenomas in large hyperplastic polyps
Physical exam findings suggestive of G.I. malignancy?
Virchow’s node (L Superclavicular node)
Lesser-Trélat - sudden onset of multiple seborrheic keratoses
Acanthosis nigricans
Name for a hyper coagulable state and DVT’s that are associated with cancer?
Trousseau syndrome
Classification system for gastric adenocarcinoma?
Lauren classification
Subtypes of gastric adenocarcinoma? Difference in age, location, Endoscopy appearance?
Diffuse and Intestinal
Younger versus younger
proximal versus Distal stomach
diffuse gastric thickening versus Polypoid/fungating mass
Diffuse versus interstitial Gastric adenocarcinoma - associated with? Histologic features?
loss of E-cadherin
Versus Atrophic gastritis, H pylori
poorly differentiated with signet ring cells versus Well differentiated
When is EMR an option for early gastric cancer?
<1.5 cm in size,
Moderate or well differentiated,
no penetration beyond submucosa
Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer - defined by?
Gene Involved?
2+ cases in first or second degree relatives (one under age 50)
3+ cases in first or second degree relatives (Any age)
E-cadherin (CDH1)or alpha-E-catenin
CDH1 mutation - management?
Prophylactic total gastrectomy
Annual mammogram at 35 (Increase risk of lobular breast cancer)
Endoscopic patterns for gastric lymphoma?(3)
Exophytic type - polyploid-like mass
Ulcerated type
Hypertrophic type - Large gastric folds
Staging system for G.I. lymphoma?
luago staging
Buspirone - Mechanism of action?
5-HT1a agonist - Relaxes stomach and approves gastric accommodation