Step Up and Lead Flashcards
Leadership requires (3)
- Courage
- Determination
- Action
When individuals are promoted beyond their level of ability
Peter Principal
Corporate America would love to emulate two things that are deeply instilled in the fire service
- Brotherhood
- Respect of the public
Step up and Lead was written to serve two purposes
- Introduce firefighters to the essential traits and skills that every effective fire service leader should possess
- Teach those outside of the fire service the secrets of effective leadership
Success of an organization depends on a leader’s ability to
September 17, 2011
Occupy Wall St, organized in Zuccotti park
Initial purpose of Occupy Wall St (3)
Stand against:
- Corporate greed
- Economic equality
- Undue influence of financial services corporations on government
A leader’s job
To look into the future and see his organization not as it is but as it will be
True leadership requires
Well developed people skills
Type of person who fights to protect the status quo at all costs
Manager manage, leaders ..
Create change
Great leaders don’t focus on trying to get people to do something. They focus on trying to get people to ..
Be something
Leaders are willing to: (10)
- Change the status quo
- Stand up in front of strangers
- Give direction
- Get uncomfortable
- Be tough when they need to be
- Tell someone when they’re wrong
- Praise someone when they do something right
- Propose an idea that might fail
- Take on the opposition when they know its the right thing to do
- Stop a destructive practice and start a new trend
A leaders effectiveness will be largely determined by his
Ability to motivate others
In communicating honestly leaders should have (3)
- Vision
- Integrity
- Courage
The most important leadership traits that firefighters and the public look for in a fire service leader
L = Loyal E = Educated A = Adaptable D = Determined E = Enthusiastic R = Reliable S = Selfless
T = Tough E = Empathetic A = Assertive C = Courageous H = Honorable
Key to customer service
Connecting with people
To be loyal is to be (2)
- Dependable
- Trustworthy
Three bast ways to learn in any profession
- Reading books
- Attending seminars
- On the job training
Fourth bast way of learning
Conducting a post-incident analysis (PIA)
Small daily action produce incredible results, called
Compound effect
Attending seminars provides two great opportunities
- Expand knowledge base
- Network with likeminded people
One of the most important way to learn
On the job training
Developed to inform other what is the best way to operate
Two ways to put out a fire
- Out resource it
- Out think it
Ability to ___ and ___ your strategies on the fly is important to overall success
Evaluate and Revise
Capable of skillfully, safely and promptly navigating your way through a variety of situations, regardless of the tools, staffing, and resources that are or aren’t available
Being resourceful
The only time you grow is when
You step outside your comfort zone
The word determined, in context of firefighting, is synonymous with
What every firefighter should have posted on the wall
We risk a lot to save savable lives
We risk little to save savable property
We risk nothing to save lives and property that is already lost
A leader is determined, but also safe, smart, and calculated in his
___% of what you say to someone is in the form of words and ___% comes from how you say those words
- 3%
- 97%
Negative up
Positive down
Defined as a sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of your duties
Fire service mission
To reduce the loss of life and property and to protect the weak
Will add to your enthheausiam
Believing in the mission of your organization
Trait that falls inline with reliability and is defined as what you do when no one is watching
A leaders job
To help others develop confidence
One of the top reasons what teams fail
Leaders want to take all of the credit
Lane Theory
Everyone has a speciality, a strength. Make use of it
One caveat to the Lane Theory
Don’t fall in love with their potential
Be a leader first and
A buddy second
Vitally important to cultivate a love for the fight more that a love for ___
Country’s top moral problems
Mutual lack of respect, compassion and consideration for others
First 5 min
Last 5 min
- Strategically most important time period
- How you treat the public in this time period can decide the fate of the organization
Being aware of what is happening in others lives
What most people want in a leader
Someone who listens
A core communication skill
The way people receive you and is ultimately the summation of several character qualities such as attitude, commitment, self image
At the foreground command level, true posture is described in two words
Command presence
Subconsciously grouping together gestures
Gesture clusters
If in a position where you have to speak and educate politicians remember this simple guide (3)
- Get the facts
- Prepare
- Present
Three types of courage
- Moral (to do whats right)
- Physical (continue in the face of danger)
- Communication (to have the hard conversations)
Hernando Cortez
Spanish conquistador, 1519 assembled army of 500
Control fear by
practicing self discipline and calmness
Only way to preserve honor
To be honorably
To be an effective leader you must (2)
- Take charge
- Do the right thing
The 13th and most important trait of a leader
Leaders teach
The golden rule
Use your ears and mouth proportionally
Essential to teach the importance of taking care of the tree F’s
- Firefighters
- Fire apparatus
- Fire stations
Layered Leadership
99% of all leadership occurs from the middle of an organization
“Expectations” is a key word when it comes to teaching for two reasons
- People will rise or fall to your expectations
- Set your expectations up front
Teaching tips (4)
- 4 step process
- Stories (most powerful tool in the toolbox)
- Be a mentor
Four step learning process
- You do it, they watch
- You do it along with the
- They do it, you watch
- You let them do the task alone
Keep It Simple Stupid
Ultimate goal of a leader in not just to teach but to
Succession planning is accomplished by
Training new leaders
Traits associated with poor leadership (13)
- Lack of passion
- Unclear vision
- Poor communication skills
- Avoiding taking risks
- Callousness
- Unethical behavior
- Poor self management
- Incompetence
- Playing the victim
- Tearing others down
- Micromanaging
- First to take the credit
- Last to take the blame
Needed when managing change, delegating tasks, critiquing others, motivating a team, and dealing with insubordination
Strategy and tactics
Leadership is a
Positional leaders become threatened by
talented people
Simple way to help you learn to value the diversity of you team members
Create a check sheet
One of the most important aspects of time management
Should happen in the planning, research, development. implementation and evaluation stages
How to delegate (6)
- Establish and maintain an environment that is favorable to delegating
- Select the right person for the job
- Assure the person accepting the assignments understands it
- Keep an open door
- Be prepared to accept and deal with the consequences
- Always reward performance
When delegating assignments be prepared to express (7)
- Scope of the task
- Desired results
- Available resources
- Sensitivity of the task
- Communication guidelines
- Deadlines
- Your confidence in the person
Will increase your effectiveness as a leader
Sincere recognition
15 basic components of a subordinate interview
- Gather facts
- Get it in writing
- Schedule a meeting
- Conduct the meting
- Get individuals side of story (open-ended questions)
- Look for an underlying problem
- Determine which of the 3 U’s your dealing with
- Discuss progressive discipline
- Develop a solution together and implement
- Summarize
- Set a follow-up meeting
- Inform individual of appeal process
- Close on a positive note
- Document and report
- Monitor progress until next meeting
The 3 U’s
- Unaware
- Unable
- Unwilling
Progressive discipline (5)
- Verbal
- Written
- Suspension
- Fines
- Termination
Critiquing, when done correctly falls under the same category as
Constructive criticism
5 step format for critiquing
- Begin positive
- Criticize the act, not the person
- Clearly explain what you want
- Develop a solution together
- End on a positive note
Placing the performance issue between two compliments
The Sandwich technique
One of the most dangerous, destructive and counter productive act an individual or group can do
When acting in a way that contradicts a septs SOPs without being assigned to that task
Many times this is the result of poor communication
Freelancing can be prevented by taking the following 7 actions
- Train
- Follow up in writing
- Give clear directions
- Openly delegate tasks
- Track you personnel
- Hold people accountable for actions
- Communicate your expectations regularly
Best way to train new officers
Mentorship program
Mentorship program can be specifically designed for many purposes (7)
- Educate and prepare new hires
- Instill the right values and improve the attitude and performance
- Preserve rich history and tradition
- Provide a program, standard, and mechanism for evaluation of specific members
- Encourage all members to be proactive in developing the team
- Increase confidence levels
- Increase moral
Critical step in developing a mentorship program
Admit that you alone do not determine your septs success
Qualities of a good mentor (13)
- Experienced
- Goal oriented
- Calm
- Caring
- Positive
- Honest
- Strong communication abilities
- Available on a daily bases
- Above average training, coaching, concealing skills
- History of strong work ethic
- Belief in the mentorship program
- Ability to relate and respect others
- Good understanding of the goals of the org
Number of individuals a person can mentor
Between 1 and 5
What to look for in a mentee (8)
- Eager to grow
- Willing to invest time
- A positive attitude
- Respectful
- Purposeful
- Confident (least important of the 8)
- Loyal
- Willing to be accountable
Zig Ziglar said loyalty is
Number one key to success
How to mentor (6)
- Choose your mentees
- Begin the connecting process
- Begin to quip them
- Enable them
- Encourage them
- Inspire and encourage them to be self motivated
First rule of mentoring cannot be overlooked ..
Begin with the end in mind
This is offered when personal issues affect an individuals work performance
Number one cause of low moral
When people have to drag dead weight
8 proven steps a leader can take to improve low moral
- Praise often and in public
- Set goals
- Lead by example
- Don’t be a micromanager
- Eliminate problems quickly (gossip/rumors)
- Encourage promotion and help members advance
- Instill team spirit
- Be consistent and fair
3 top reason a person works
- Money
- Security
- Self-esteem
Praise and recognition fulfill the basic human needs to feel … (3)
- Accepted
- Valuable
- Appreciated
Two most underused words in corporate America
Thank You
Two ways to show appreciation
- Acknowledge deserving accomplishments early
- Establish a time, place, and more formal method for acknowledging those who perform at a high level
Two main ways in which performance evaluations can benefit a team
- Gives an opportunity to express appreciation
- Help ensure accountability
7 strategies for shortening meetings
- Start on time
- Don’t sit down
- Be prepared
- Be clear and specific
- Stick to agenda
- Separate and subjugate
- Never end late
5 step outline for program development and a format for administrative tasks
P = Plan R = Research D = Develop I = Implement E = Evaluate
An effective SOP includes the following sections (3)
- Purpose
- Scope
- Procedures/Guidelines
Ways to inform the public of a new program (5)
- Local paper
- Local TV
- Brochures mailed to residents
- Internet
- Community notification channel on TV and in handouts in school
R = Review E = Evaluate R = Revise
Number one and number two fears in America
1 = Public speaking 2 = Death
Subconscious aspects of an oral interview (3)
- Voice
- Body language
- Appearance
Types of nonverbal communications:
- Frown
- Raised eyebrows
- Hand to cheek
- Inability to make eye contact
- Touching/rubbing nose
- Covering mouth
- Pinching bridge of nose
- Clearing throat
- Frown = Displeasure or confusion
- Raised eyebrows = Fear, envy, disbelief
- Hand to cheek = nervous, critical, pondering, listening intently
- Inability to make eye contact = hiding
- Touching/rubbing nose = doubt
- Covering mouth = hiding
- Pinching bridge of nose = self-conflict
- Clearing throat (more than once) = anxious, apprehensive
8 Tip to delivering a message in a confident and professional manner
- Speak clearly and naturally
- Dont shout or whisper
- Dont rush words or talk slowly
- Don’t be flashy
- Keep hand movements to a minimum
- Make eye contact (projects confidence)
- Avoid nervous body movements
- Dont ramble
First thing to do if wanting to advance in a career
Identify the reason(s) why then Practice, practice, practice
Best way to rehearse for a presentation
Video or audiotyping yourself practicing
Simple ritual to help prepare for a presentation in the days leading up to (4)
- Study the topic
- Practice delivery
- Make adjustments
- Repeat steps 1, 2, 3
When in charge of a fire scene two things must be done well
- Give precise directions
- Listen
When on the fire scene everyone, including the IC should spend ___% of their time listening and ___% of the time talking
- 80%
- 20%
You shouldn’t begin on the training ground until you end …
On paper
An essential aspect of emergency services
Report writing
Causes of poor report writing (3)
- Lack of training
- Lack of understanding of what a good report consists of
- Poor writing skills
Why report writing is serious business
Reports are written for two reasons
- To educate people not at the incident
- To help recall incident specifics
11 headings of structure fire narrative
- En route
- Establish command
- Size-up factors
- Initial radio report (IRR)
- Resources requested
- Incident command system
- Strategies and tactics
- Problems encountered
- Under control
- Transfer or termination of command
- Additional info
Goal of a fire service professional can be summed up in four words
Do your job right
Goal of a report can be summed up in two words
Prove it
Greatest challenge a fire service leader will encounter is acknowledging
That few organizations have to combine different philosophies that leaders implement to effectively manage unions and paramilitary organizations
Next greatest challenge a fire service leader will encounter will be
The ability to develop the skills needed to manage both unions and paramilitary organizations
Culture is created by
Design or default
The individuals who have the greatest impact on organizations overall are
those at the top
Fire officer plays a critical role in creating the right customer service culture by taking the following actions (5)
- Provide leadership on what is acceptable and what is not
- Set a good example for others
- Clearly communicate the mission
- Support the field members who are in direct contact with the customers
- Publicly recognize outstanding effort
K = Knowledge A = Attitude R = Respect E = Excellence
The key to exceeding customer expectations
High-quality customer service
An organizations ability to supply its customers wants and needs
Definition of customer service
Customer service model (9)
- Always be nice
- Always provide the best possible service to customers
- Regard everyone you come into contact with as a customer
- Treat other the way you would would want other to treat you
- Dont disqualify the customer with your personal qualifications
- Consider how what you’re doing looks to others
- Always work on improving your organizations customer service
- Everyone in the organization plays a part
- Don’t forget, to the customer you are the organization
Golden rule of customer service
The customer is always right
A great technique to deal with an upset customer
Feel, felt, found technique
When dealing with the public, firefighters must be educated on the importance of (3)
- Looking professional
- Controlling their emotions/humor
- Projecting confidence
7 simple actions when dealing with customers
- Be friendly
- Make eye contact
- Give your full attention
- Say please and thank you
- Address adults as ma’am or sir
- Avoid confrontation
- Direct people with questions to your supervisor
4 questions to ask yourself before participating in an activity or taking action
- Is it legal, moral, ethical
- Is it at my level of expertise/training
- Does it align with the overall mission of my organization
- Is it something my family would be proud of
The majority of the problems of problems in life will be a direct result of
Ineffective or poor people kills
Make sure dispatchers realize two things
- How important they are
- How to do their job correctly
The lifeblood of the firefighting profession
Customer service
Public has been impressed with with 3 things the fire service has provided
- Rapid response
- Professionalism
- Kind and caring service
Every leader needs to understand that the purpose of his teams existence is the same
To serve
Gary Vaynerchuk’s book “Crush It” Chapter 9 is titled, The Best Marketing Strategy Ever. Chapter consists of a single word
Way in which excellent customer service will benefit your org (6)
- You will be known for your professionalism
- You will develop a reputation for being able to turn negatives into positives
- You will create a positive public image
- You will gain community support
- You will improve the moral of your org
- You wil satisfy your customers
Way in which poor customer service will affect you org (6)
- You will produce negative press
- You will increase the possibility of legal issues
- You will see more disciplinary actions
- You will see problems that didn’t exist before
- You will find yourself with a bad reputation
- You will decrease moral throughout the org
6 examples of unacceptable customer service
- Failure to provide the service you promised
- Unpleasant surprises
- Unrealistic customer expectations
- Delayed response
- Ignoring and/or minimizing the customers problem
- Bad manners
Ripple effect
One abgey customer will tell everyone he knows
Types of unhappy customers (3)
- Those that thrive on spreading the negative
- Those who demand apologies
- Those who you will never make happy
The heart of great customer service
The recognition book can serve several purposes (4)
- Shows the members you value their efforts
- Serves as an example of what your org considers outstanding behavior
- Used as a reference to show other how much your customers appreciate your service
- passed down over the years to show that your org has always focused on the right thing - Service
More content is created on the internet every ___ hours than was created from the beginning of time until 2003
48 hours
Rethink the name “social networking” and rebrand it to
“Public relations media”
Tips for creating a website or social media page (4)
- Identify your page objective
- Limit the number of admins from 1-4
- Dont post controversial content
- Pass on important community news
Public employees are not entitled to first amendment protection for speech arising from their official duties
just remember it
Every adversity you and your team will ever encounter is either a ___ or an ___
- Problem or an Opportunity
- Only diference is attitude
The greatest revealer of character
5 components to making high pressure decisions
- Situational awareness
- Set a goal
- Risk vs. Reward
- Input from others
- Take action
6 signs of for determining personal maturity
- Thankful for what they have and to be apart of the team
- Humble with the willingness to serve others
- Edifying, knowing how to encourage and iild up others
- Patient, understanding the concept of delayed gratification
- Skillful as a professional
- Well developed people skills
Will ultimately determine how strong a leader you will become
Your dominate thought
More important for the team to know the ___ rather than the ___
- Why (fuels the team)
- How
3 constant goals on the fireground
- Protect life
- Stabilize incident
- Conserve property
What makes a person or team successful
Setting and achieving goals
For goals to be effective that must be ___ and ___
Attainable and Measurable
Short range goals
Mid range goals
Long range goals
Short range goals = 30 days or fewer
Mid range goals = 30 days to 1 year
Long range goals = Longer than 1 year
It takes ___ days to create a habit
30 days
10 Goal setting tips
- Be decisive
- Stay focused
- Put it on paper
- Plan as a team
- Take action with specific intent
- Be encouraging
- Uphold integrity
- Suspend reality
- Reward your team
- Repeat the process
When communicating a message remember the 3 C’s
When putting a goal on paper include (4)
- Name of goal
- Deadline
- Priority of goal
- How the goal will be measured
Trust breakers (6)
- Lying
- Breaking promises
- Spreading gossip
- Being judgmental
- Taking care of your own needs at the expense of others
- Over promising and under delivering
Trust builders (6)
- Always be truthful
- Keep your word
- Under promise and over deliver
- Being dependable
- Not participating in negative conversations
- Showing other that you care about their needs