Hazmat Responses: Surviving the Initial Response Flashcards
A first responders success depends upon these 5 things
- Level of planning before the incident
- Training
- Ingenuity
- Capabilities and limitations of equipment
- Ability to use equipment
Defined as anything that can harm people, property, or the environment
Hazardous material
A material or device created specifically to explode on demand
Liquid with a flashpoint below 100F
Flammable liquid
Liquid with a flashpoint of 100F or greater
Combustable liquid
Controlling factor in determining the flashpoint of a liquid
Temperature of the liquid
Poisons can enter the body in one of four ways
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Absorption
- Entry through a wound
Where the term ionizing radiation originates
When particles collide with an electron, the tendency is to remove that electron from the atom thus leaving a particle that is now an ion
Hazard classes
- Class 1
- Class 2
- Class 3
- Class 4
- Class 5
- Class 6
- Class 7
- Class 8
- Class 9
- Class 1 = Explosives
- Class 2 = Gases
- Class 3 = Flammable liquids
- Class 4 = Flammable solids
- Class 5 = Oxidizers
- Class 6 = Poisonous
- Class 7 = Radioactive
- Class 8 = Corrosive
- Class 9 = Misc hazards
Precedence of Hazard Table
Used to classify hazardous materials
OSHA uses this term to define any chemical which is a physical hazard or health hazard
Hazardous chemical
OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard uses this term
Hazardous substance
First responders trained to this level are to initiate an emergency response sequence
Awareness level
The first responders trained to this level function to contain the release from a safe distance and keep it from spreading and prevent exposures
Operations level
The responder trained to this level will respond to an incident with the purpose of stopping the release
Technician level
This responder is trained to provide support to the technician
The process of containing a release may be …
- Passive
- Active
Important actions to take prior to even considering containing a release (5)
- Identify the material and asses potential harm
- Isolate affected areas
- Account for all personnel who might have been exposed
- Provide medical care and decontamination to those exposed
- Protect people from the potential of exposure
First responders consider this to be “aspirin” for all incidents
Clean up involve three distinct steps
- Removal of waste
- Disposal of the waste material
- Restoration of the contaminated area
Most valuable (important) role of a first responder
Ensure everyone goes home
Defesive practices include (4)
- Contain release
- Protect people
- Protect property
- Protect environment
To encourage and support emergency planning efforts at the state and local levels and provide the public and local governments with information concerning potential chemical hazards present in their communities
Purpose of Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)
EPCRA include 4 major sections
- Emergency planning
- Community Right-to-Know requirements
- Emergency release notification
- Toxic chemical release reporting
This tier identifies a hazard by category and is the minimum requirement by law
Tier I
This tier provides greater detail and identifies materials by specific chemical name
Tier II
Tier reports must be submitted every
Threshold Planning Quantities
TPQ quantities are measured in ___ rather then in ___
- Pounds
- Gallons
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is responsible for developing an emergency response plan that should include these 7 components
- Emergency response procedure
- Evacuation plan
- Notification procedure
- Determination of the severity of a release and the populations likely affected
- Ways to notify the public when a release happens
- Identification of emergency resources and equipment
- Determination of training for local responders
LEPC is responsible for evaluating the emergency response plan every ..
Hazard assessment involves three factors
- The material
- The container
- The environment
- Its physical state
Three stages of hazardous materials incident
- Containers that have released their contents
- Containers that have an ongoing release
- Containers that have not yet released their contents (but have the potential to do so)
Two components to aid in determining the amount of gas that could release from a container
- Size of the compressed gas cylinder
- Pressure at which the material is stored
Defensive actions (3)
- Protect People
- Protect Property
- Protect environment
When deciding on how best to manage an incident these 3 things must be considered
- Material
- Container
- Environment
Regulation governing ground transportation requires an emergency telephone number to be included on shipping papers
Code of Federal Regulations
Emergency telephone must be monitored at all times while material is …
In transportation and storage incidental to transportation
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
Nationwide network of response contractors
Support during hazardous materials incidents can be divided into the following three categories
- Technical support
- Legal support
- Logistical support
At the local and state level first responders should be able to contact the following 9 agencies
- Emergency management
- Public works
- Highway dept
- Health dept
- Game dept
- Environmental regulatory and enforcement
- Motor carrier law enforcement
- Occupational safety
- Public affairs
3 documents capable of providing first responders with specific info
- Emergency Response Guidebook
- Hazardous Materials Guid for First Responders
Latest edition of the ERG
ERG2004 contains ___ individual guides
When finding n.o.s. (not otherwise specified) in the ERG2004
Means the actual chemical name is not listed in the regulations
A distinct advantage provided by the ERG2004
Provides recommendations for the size of immediate isolations areas
Color pages where the “Table of Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances” is found in the ERG
Green pages
Atmospheric mixing is ___ effective at dispersing vapor plums during nighttime thus protective action distances ___
- Less
- Increase
Should be one of the first decisions made
To isolate and evacuate
Each MSDS shall contain at least the following (12)
- Identity used on the label
- Physical and chemical characteristics
- Physical hazards of the hazardous chemical
- Health hazards
- Primary routs of entry
- OSHA permissible exposure limits
- If listed in the National Toxicology Program (NTP)
- Precautions for safe handling
- Control measures
- Emergency and first aid procedures
- Date MSDS was prepared
- Name, address, telephone number of the chemical manufacture
On MSDS, N/A =
Not Available
MSDS sheets are required on products known to have either a ___ hazard or a ___ hazard
- Health
- Physical
Type of hazard that includes carcinogens, toxins, irritants, corrosive, sensitizers, and agents that damage the lungs, skin, or eyes
Health hazard
Type of hazard that includes chemicals that are compressed gas, flammable, an oxidizer, or water reactive
Physical hazard
Chemical and physical properties that are of importance to first responders (4)
- Specific gravity
- Vapor density
- Miscibility
- Solubility
Capable of being liquified or dissolved
Will mix with another material, such as water
minimum temperature of a liquid at which it gives off sufficient vapors to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the surface
Flash point
Defined as the maximum concentration of chemical to which an individual can be exposed during various periods of time without suffering adverse health effects
Exposure limit
Those requiring access to MSDS sheets (3)
- Employees who use the chemicals in the workplace
- Vendors who sell to employers
Those exempted from access to MSDS
- Retail vendors who do not sell to employers and operations where employees only handle chemicals in sealed containers
- Employee exposure is no greater then normal consumer use
Intended users of the Hazardous Materials Guide for First Responders
First responders trained to the Awareness and Operations level
To select appropriate response tactics first responders should alway pay attention to four things
- Specific gravity
- Vapor density
- Miscibility
- Solubility
The lower the ppm value for any exposure limit the more ___ the material
Best way to determine how to effectively manage any hazardous material incident
Identify it by name
Use of a materials identification number is referred to as a ___ in the federal transportation regulations
Hierarchy of hazardous materials identification Best = Better = Good = (*) =
Best = Name Better = 4-diget id number Good = Hazard class (*) = Synonym for various names
Types of stress a container can be exposed to (3)
- External heating
- Chemical reaction inside the container
- Physical damage
General characteristics of containers (2)
- Size
- Used for transport or fixed
Special characteristics of containers (4)
- What the container is constructed from
- Pressurized or not
- Type and configuration of intended openings
- Whether the container has the means to relieve internal pressure
Capacity of bulk highway cargo tank
9,000 gal of liquid
Capacity of high pressure containers intended for transport
11,000 gal
Capacities of bulk rail tank cars:
Non-pressurized =
Pressurized =
Chlorine =
Non-pressurized = 10,000 - 26,000 gal Pressurized = 30,000 gal Chlorine = 90 tons
Bulk fixed storage tank capacities
Several hundren to several thousand gallons
Type of cargo tank that has a distinctive horseshoe shape
Insulated highway cargo tank
Type of container that usually presents the greatest danger
Pressurized container
Container pressure:
Low-pressure container=
High-pressure bulk transport container =
Low-pressure container= 25 to 75 psi
High-pressure bulk transport container = As high as 300 psi
Two primary characteristics for most compressed gas cylinders
- Pressure relief valve
- Rounded tank ends
Damage is especially troublesome when it occurs at ___ on a high pressure metal containers
The weld lines
Propane has an expansion rate of
270 to 1
The vapor space in a container is sometimes as high as ___% to ___% of the capacity of the container
15% to 20%
Presence of a container with an OPD is usually indicated by a ___
Triobular hand wheel
Defined as molecules with extremely high levels of energy and normal temps so that no reasonable about of pressure is capable of compressing these molecules into a liquid state
Nonliquified gas (eg. oxygen, nitrogen)
Cryogenics can reduce the temp of a material to …
Expansion ratios:
Liquid oxygen =
Liquid nitrogen =
Liquid oxygen = 857 to 1
Liquid nitrogen = 694 to 1
Factors to consider when evaluating the location of an incident and its exposures (5)
- Population density
- Location of highway
- Waterways
- Railroads
- Environmentally sensitive areas
Environmental factors (2)
- Weather
- Time of day
A communities critical systems include (4)
- Highways
- Waterways
- Utilities
- Industrial / Commercial areas
One of the best ways to provide for safe working conditions at night
Provide portable lighting
Defensive actions tat first responders can undertake (5)
- Prevent release
- Contain the release of liquid
- Contain the release of gas and vapor
- Contain the release of solid
- Protective action (evacuation/in-place protection)
Assessment of conditions should attempt to determine (3)
- Containers that have already released their contents
- Containers that have an ongoing release
- Containers that have not released their contents
Types of stress (3)
- Thermal
- Mechanical
- Chemical
The sound of gas and vapor escaping from an operating pressure relief device during a fire will increase in both __ and __ as internal pressure continues to rise
Volume and pitch
The weakest locations of non pressure containers
Indicators that underground utilities are nearby (4)
- Pad-mounted tranformers
- Manhole covers
- Valve boxes
- Utility poles outfitted with an attached cable that runs from the pole to an underground connection at its base
Booms are manufactured in ___ ft sections
10 foot
An important consideration when attempting to contain a release
Factors first responders should consider when deciding what steps they may take to control a release of gases and vapors (4)
- Type of material released
- Quantity released
- Speed of release
- Duration of release
Most difficult form of material to control
Gas or vapor
When determining what actions to take these two environmental elements will play a key role
- Wind speed
- Direction
Protective actions are considered
Defensive tactics
Protective actions include (3)
- Isolating and denying entry
- Evacuation
- In-place protection
Erg provides recommended distances for immediate isolation of spill or leak areas under the heading …
“Public Safety”
The “Table of Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances” (green pages) is intended to show areas likely affected during the first ___ min after the materials are spilled
30 minutes
Two generally accepted defensive tactics
- Evacuation
- In-place protection
The preferred method of defensive protection if a material released is flammable or will likely take a long time to dissipate
Three serious consideration when deciding to evacuate
- Where to shelter
- How to transport to shelter
- How to care for evacuees once they arrive
Best way to decontaminate any protective clothing
Avoid contamination
The purpose of putting contaminated clothes in clear plastic bags
To assist with the identification of the bags contents
When dealing with a citizen complaint regarding decisions to evacuate remember
An inconvenience is temporary, dead is forever
When responding to a highway transportation incident first responders must determine the following (2)
- Are there hazardous materials involved
- Is there a release or potential release
Included in the Code of Federal Regulations - Transportation are identifications known as … (2)
- Labels
- Placards
Normally applied to non bulk containers and measure …
Labels, 3.9”
Affixed to the front, rear, and both sides of transport vehicles and measure
Placards, 10.8”
Label and placard info system includes the following components (4)
- Background color
- Hazard class name (displayed in center)
- Hazard class number (single fidget, displayed in lower corner)
- Symbol (displayed in upper corner)
Four digit identification number is referred to as a
Marking (displayed in center of placard)
Prohibited for use on a radioactive placard
Four digit identification number
Labels and placards are used only during the transport of ___ hazardous materials
Placards from Table __ must be affixed to a transport vehicle whenever that vehicle contains any amount of these materials, regardless of weight
Table 1
Shipments of classes of hazardous materials not found on Table 1 are exempt from placarding requirements if the aggregate gross weight of hazardous materials is less than ___ pounds
1,001 pounds
Two other ways of displaying a four-digit identification number other than in the center of a hazard class placard
- On an orange rectangular panel
- Using a white square-on-point configuration
Type of transport container that is required to display the four digit identification number regardless of th amount of material being shipped
Cargo tank
Identification numbers not required at this location of the cargo tank when having more than one compartment
At the ends
When vans or flatbed trucks display a placard any of the following situations could exist (5)
- Any quantity of material found on Table 1
- 1,001 lbs or more aggregate gross weight of materials from Table 2
- Any amount of material from Table 2
- DANGEROUS placard likely indicates a mixed load from Table 2
- Display of a four digit number in the center of a placard could indicate the presence of materials shipped in intermediate containers or large number of non bulk containers
When transport vehicles such as box trucks and flatbeds do not display a placard the following situations could exist (3)
- Material being transported does not meet the transportation regulations definitional criteria of a hazardous material
- Material meets the definitional criteria of a hazard class found in Table 2 with a gross aggregate weight less than 1,001 lbs
- Transport vehicle is empty
When a transport vehicles such as cargo tanks display the four digit identification number the following situations could exist (3)
- Presence of that material assigned the displayed four digit identification number
- The distillate number with the lowest flashpoint may be displayed
- Placards cannot usually be removed from a cargo tank unless it is sufficiently cleaned
Examples of placards not being displayed when required (4)
- Misunderstanding of placarding requirements
- Desire to avoid unwanted attention
- Damaged, stolen, vandalized
- Underestimating the weight of materials
Placards may be displayed when prohibited due to causes such as (4)
- Vandalism
- Misunderstanding of placarding requirements
- Failure to remove placards from transport vehicle
- Desire to scare away potential thieves
Shipping papers for shipments of hazardous materials include the following types of information (6)
- Proper shipping name of material
- Hazard class and 4 digit identification number
- Total quantity of materials
- Number and type of packages
- Packaging group
- Emergency response telephone number
For each regulated hazardous material shipment, shipping papers will include (2)
- Shipper
- Consignee (destination)
Several ways in which the hazardous materials listed on shipping papers can get the readers attention (3)
- Listed first
- Entered in a color that contrasts with that of info for other types of shipments
- Identified with an “X” in a specified “HM” column
Packaging groups indicate …
Degree of danger presented by the material (Group 1 is bad stuff)
Most important information contained on shipping papers
Emergency response telephone number
Running leak
Rail tank car is leaking while the train is moving
Stenciled onto the sides of rail tank cars (2)
- Shipping name
- Four digit identification number
One of the best ways to preplan for a rail emergency
Ride in one of the railroads highway vehicles designed to drive on the tracks
Rail tank car capacity
30,000 gal
Critical contact for any incident occurring along a railroad right-of-way
Utility locating company
Building where hazardous materials may be manufactured, used, stored or sold
Fixed facility
5 rules designed to prevent first responders from becoming part of the problem
- Identify the materials
- Isolate affected areas
- Account for all personal who may have been exposed
- Provide medical care and decon
- Protect persons from the potential of exposure
Entitled “Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response”
NFPA 704
NFPA 704 addresses the health, flammability, instability and related hazards that are presented by …
Short-term, acute exposure
NFPA 704 degrees of Health hazards (BLUE) 4 = 3 = 2 = 1 = 0 =
4 = Lethal 3 = Serious or permanent injury 2 = Temporary incapacitations or residual injury 1 = Significant irritation 0 = No hazard beyond that of ordinary combustable materials
NFPA 704 degrees of Flammability (RED) 4 = 3 = 2 = 1 = 0 =
4 = Rapidly or completely vaporize at atmospheric pressure and ambient temps, will burn readily 3 = Can be ignited under almost all ambient temps 2 = Moderately heated or exposed to high ambient temps prior to ignition 1 = Must be preheated before ignition 0 = Will not burn under typical fire conditions
NFPA 704 degrees of Instability (YELLOW) 4 = 3 = 2 = 1 = 0 =
4 = Readily capable of detonation or explosion at normal temps and pressures 3 = Requires a strong initiating source or must be heated under confinement before initiation 2 = Readily undergo violent chemical change at elevated temps and pressures 1 = Normally stable, can become unstable at elevated temps and pressures 0 = Stable under fire conditions
Locations on 704 sign and associated color
- Health
- Flammability
- Instability
- Special hazard
- Health = BLUE / 9:00 position
- Flammability = RED / 12:00 position
- Instability = YELLOW / 3:00 position
- Special hazard = NO COLOR / 6:00 position
NFPA 704 says that at a minimum signs shall be posted at these locations (3)
- Two exterior walls or enclosures containing a means of access to a building or facility
- Each access to a room or area
- Each principal means of access to an exterior storage area
NFPA 704 allows three ways to identify
- Composite method (single sign summarizes maximum ratings)
- Individual method (a sign for each hazard with chemical name displayed)
- Composite/Individual combined method (single sign for the building and individual signs for chemicals at each location within building)
For spills in a residence from home heating oil, first responders should contact these agencies who are responsible for determining the extent of the clean-up required (4)
- Local health official
- Environmental
- Code/Compliance official
- Fire marshal
Numerical values associated with occupational exposure levels to carbon monoxide do not apply to
The general public
Document that provides recommended techniques for conducting atmospheric monitoring of residential occupancies
“Responding to Residential Carbon Monoxide Incidents - Guidelines for Fire and Other Emergency Response Personnel”
When dealing with a fuming trash container or trash truck (3)
- Isolate and deny entry to affected area
- Notify company that owns the truck or bin
- Take no remediation activities (preferred response)
Actions taken when responding to a suspicious odor in building (5)
- Asses the scene
- Evacuate affected building
- Account for all personnel
- Treat those who are symptomatic
- Control any ongoing release (if it can be done safely)
Referred to when deciding whether to enter a contaminated area for rescue
When structure firefighting protective clothing (SFPC) provides limited protection
SFPC and SCBA may be worn to perform an expedient operation
Hazardous Material Guide for First Responders states this is the most important first aid action that can be initiates
Removal of hazardous material from the skin, eyes, or clothing of a victim (decon)
Eye should be flushed for ___ min
20 Minutes
Multigas monitors can detect and simultaneously measure ___ to ___ different hazardous atmospheres
3 to 4
Should be considered before ever using an atmospheric monitor (7)
- Basic operation
- Functional bump and full calibration
- General use
- Readings as a basis for decision making
- Multipul hazards during an incident
- Potential for inaccurate readings
- Interpreting “zero”
Atmospheric monitor may not be capable of detecting ___ or ___
Dusts or mists
Concentrations of toxic gas and vapor is generally determined through the use of an ___ sensor
To determine the concentration of ____ gases a sensor containing an electric circuit with a heated filament is often used
A functional calibration is often referred to a
Bump test (conducted before each use)
Full calibration should be performed … (4)
- On a regular schedule
- When it fails a bump test
- After any repairs
- After replacement of the sensor
If a gas cylinder does not display an expiration date it will likely display …
A production date (manufacturer will advise on how to calculate expiration)
When purchasing atmospheric monitors consideration should be given to (4)
- Life expectancy of sensors
- Difficulty associated with sensor replacement
- Cost of sensor replacement
- Delivery time
Explosive atmosphere may require additional precautions (3)
- Hoseline for protection
- Utility control
- Proper ventilation
Two types of toxic gasses usually measured with a multi gas detector
- Carbon monoxide
- Hydrogen sulfide
In addition to knowing what materials a monitor can detect, first responders must also know the ___ of the material
Vapor density
Vapor density:
- Natural gas
- Propane
- Gasoline
- Natural gas = 0.55
- Propane = 1.56
- Gasoline = 3-4
Info made available for atmospheric monitors usually measured in one of two ways
- ppm
- Percent of LEL
OSHA defines a hazardous atmosphere as one with combustable gas concentrations that exceed ___% of the LEL
Short Term Exposure Limit = 15 min exposure
The permissible STEL to vapors of regular unleaded gasoline
500ppm (LEL = 1.4%)
Atmospheric monitor manufacturer supplied numbers by which readings must be multiplied or divided
Correction factors
Oxygen content below ___% and above ___% are themselves defined as hazardous atmospheres
- 19.5%
- 23.5
Response time is the time necessary to obtain a reading is usually measured in
Gasoline =
Diesel =
- Gasoline = -45F
- Diesel = above 100F
Class B foam works in 4 ways
- Smothers
- Separates
- Suppresses vapor production
- Cools surrounding surfaces
Liquids that will not mix with water
Nonpolar solvents
Liquids that will mix with water
Polar solvents
ERG2004 refers to foam for polar solvents as ___ and foam for non polar solvents as ___
- Alcohol resistant
- Regular foam
Class B foam may be referred to as either ___ or ___
- Alcohol resistant
- Regular foam
Types of foam that consist of products from protein hydrolysate and produce a relatively thick foam blanket (2)
- Protein
- Fluoroprotein
Produces a thiner, more fluid foam blanket
AFFF 3%/6%
- 3% = nonpolar solvents
- 6% = polar solvents (alcohol)
Handheld appliance most critical to production of foam
Inline educator
Discharge or male thread of an inline educator is normally ___ inches in diameter while intake or female coupling may be ___ or ___ inches in diameter
- 1 1/2”
- 2 1/2” or 1 1/2”
Two important points for first responders to remember when selecting the discharge outlet to which the inline educator will be attached
- Ensure the siphon tube will reach the bottom of the foam bucket
- Someone must be available to switch the siphon tube
Minimum application rate of foam defined as
GPM/ft2 of spill surface
Defined as a spill that is not contained in a dike with an average depth that does not exceed 1 in. and is bound only by the contour of the surface
Spill fire
Dilution ratio is determined by
Manufacturer of the foam
Minimum application rate of AFFF on nondiked spill fire
0.1 GPM/ft2 of spill surface
Minimum application rate of protein and fluoroprotein foams
0.16 GPM/ft2 of spill surface
NFPA 11 states a minimum discharge time of
15 minutes
To preplan foam firefighting capabilities first responders need the following (4)
- Foam concentrate dilution ratio
- Minimum application rate
- Capacity of the apparatus water tank
- Amount of foam carried on apparatus
Minimum discharge time
15 minutes
Increasing the foam application rate above the minimum recommended by NFPA 11 will not extinguish a larger fire, it can ____ the time required to achieve control
Increasing the application rate (bigger nozzle) can ___ the time to control a fire
Increasing the dilution ratio (adding more concentrate to less water) ____ decrease the time to control but rather will waste foam concentrate
will not
Pre-plan calculations for AFFF:
- 1%, 500 gal, 5 gal foam
- 1%, 1000 gal, 10 gal foam
- 3%, 500 gal, 15 gal foam
- 3%, 1000 gal, 30 gal foam
- 6%, 500 gal, 30 gal foam
- 6%, 1000 gal, 60 gal foam
- 1%, 500 gal, 5 gal foam = 333 sq ft
- 1%, 1000 gal, 10 gal foam = 666 sq ft
- 3%, 500 gal, 15 gal foam = 333 sq ft
- 3%, 1000 gal, 30 gal foam = 666 sq ft
- 6%, 500 gal, 30 gal foam = 333 sq ft
- 6%, 1000 gal, 60 gal foam = 666 sq ft
Hint: (500 gal = 333 sq ft; 1000 gal = 666 sq ft)
Most important components of ICS to first responders during the initial phase of a hazardous materials incident (2)
- Command structure
- Action plans
Command structure should include no less than (2)
- IC
- Safety officer
Key functional areas during the initial phase of a hazardous materials incident (7)
- Scene control
- Research
- Protective action
- Fire control
- Product containment
- Decontamination
- Patient care
Key to survival to any additional responding resources
Safest route to the scene
Type of command structure where the IC is solely responsible for establishing the incident management strategies and objectives
Single command structure
Command structure where individuals designated by their jurisdictional authorities jointly determine objectives, plans, and priorities
Unified command structure
Stakeholders during most hazardous materials incidents (9)
- Fire department
- Police department
- Local government officials
- Environmental regularity agency
- Health department and hospital
- Responsible party
- Property owner
- Cleanup contractor
- Recovery service
These decisions serve as the basis for developing the action plan (3)
- Strategies
- Tactics
- Task assignments
Best defense for incidents involving hazardous materials
Action plan is developed using th following modes (3)
- Thinking mode
- Action mode
- Waiting mode
This mode must come first
Thinking mode
The thinking mode allows first responders to conduct the following hazard assessments (3)
- The material
- The container
- The environment
The result of the Thinking mode
The action mode
The action mode includes (3)
- Strategies
- Tactics
- Task assignments
Actions of first responder should be limited to
Public safety
Whenever the results of the thinking mode caution first responders against action they should employ the ____ mode
Waiting mode
Any action must include safe work practices (9)
- Selection of proactive clothing
- Decon of first responders
- Limits on the number of personnel operating in the hazardous area
- Use of a buddy system
- Detection and monitoring of airborne contaminants
- Avoidance of contamination
- Evacuation signal with area of safe refuge
- Rehab and shelter for personnel
- Roadway safety
To protect firefighters from traffic the apparatus should be parked at a ___ degree angle and ___ ft ahead pf the work area
- 45 degree
- 100 feet
Before progressing to the action mode have the answers to (3)
- What
- How
- Who
First responders on scene of a potential crime scene involving hazardous materials should accept the responsibility to (3)
- Identify evidence
- Preserve evidence
- Notify appropriate authorities
When dealing with abandoned materials or containers, preserving evidence is best accomplish by
Staying away from it
During an emergency incident first responders should base their actions on (5)
- Experience
- Accepted practices
- Training
- applicable industry standards
- Rules and regs of their agency
One way for first responders to prepare for their defense
Documentation of actions taken on scene
Primary mission of first responders
Protect public safety
Agency who decides who is qualified to conduct cleanup and when cleanup is complete
Local or state environmental regulatory agency
Disposal of contaminated absorbent is governed by
Local or state environmental regulatory agency
Recovery operations involving commercial vehicles require the (3)
- Right equipment
- Right skills
- Right experience
For incidents involving overturned vehicles on the highway, this should be done prior to contacting a wrecker service
Consult with law enforcement officers on scene
Scene restoration includes (3)
Restoring the:
- Safety
- Appearance
- Function
Defer the question of “Is is safe to go home?” to
Industrial hygienists
Briefings conducted after any exercise should include ___ for progress reports on efforts to solve problems identified during the exercise.
Milestone dates
Upon arrival at any incident, first responders should always ___ that could indicate the involvement of hazardous materials
Look for clues
CHEMTREC also has available a mutual aid networked called …
A treating physician is authorized to obtain ___ excluded on the MSDS during situations when it is needed in order to provide emergency medical care
Trade secrets
Use of a materials identification number is referred to as a ___ in the federal transportation regulations
Required in various circumstances on some individual packages, on transport vehicles that contain large shipments of small packages, and vehicles intended for bulk shipments such as cargo tanks
Containers that carry liquid petroleum products may be constructed ___ that is ___ inches thick
- Aluminum
- 1/4” thick
Containers that carry liquified petroleum gas stored at high pressures are usually made of ___ with a wall that is ___ inches thick
- Steel
- 1/2” thick
The ones to determine if a material release is a harm to first responders or the environment
First responders
Manner in which First responders at the operations level should be capable of responding
In a defensive manner
Should be used to determine the effectiveness of a foam blanket
Atmospheric monitor