Fire Officer Principals & Practices 3rd edtn. Flashcards
NFPA standard for fire officer professional qualifications
NFPA 1021
Four levels of fire officer in NFPA 1021:
- Fire Officer I
- Fire Officer II
- Fire Officer III & IV
- Fire Officer I = Officer supervising a single co.
- Fire Officer II = Senior non-chief officer
- Fire Officer III & IV = Chief officers
The foundation of company officer practice came from …
WWII combat experience
Number of FF in US
1.1 mil
Professional : Volunteer percentages
31% : 69%
Medical : Fire response percentages
66% : 5%
Year the first FD was created
24 B.C. - 600 slaves - Familia Publica
First documented fire in US
Jamestown, 1607
Year Boston established first fire regulations
Year first organized volunteer fire company was established
1735 - Union Fire Co., Ben Franklin
Great Chicago fire:
- Days burned
- Acres burned
- Homes destroyed
- Dead
- Homeless
- Days burned = 3
- Acres burned = 2,000
- Homes destroyed = 17,000
- Dead = 300
- Homeless = 90,000
Deadliest fire in US history
Peshtigo firestorm - 2,200 dead
Developed first municipal water system
FF in NY who developed the first hydrants in 1817
George Smith
Most fire departments are structured on the basis of 4 management principals
- Unity of command
- Span of control
- Division of labor
- Discipline
Span of control
3 - 7; experts believe no more than 5
Four functions of management as identified by Henri Fayol that constitute a continuous cycle
- Planning
- Organizing
- Leading
- Controlling
- Short range planning
- Medium range planning
- Long range planning
- Short range planning = up to a year
- Medium range planning = 1 - 3 years
- Long range planning = longer than 3 years
The key to improving ethical choices
Have clear organizational values
Duties of the Fire Officer II can be divided into 3 categories
- Admin
- Emergency
- Non-emergency
Second most common reason for fire service response
Activated fire alarm
Third most common reason for fire service response
Investigate and odor, hazardous condition, or other service type call
Primary cause of death of firefighters within a burning building (2)
- Flashover
- Structural collapse
Developed the first hand-powered water pumper in 1720
Richard Newsham
Focus of first building codes developed in Egypt
Preventing structural collapse
Congressional act that established the civil service system in 1883
the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
Eligibility list:
- Rank
- Banded
- Rank = Highest scoring candidate is no. 1
- Banded = Divided into “highly qualified”, “qualified”, and “not qualified”; candidates in each section are ranked equally
A core component of the civil service system and is used to determine the compensation level for a position
Class specification
6 most commonly used components of a promotional exam
- Multipul choice
- Assessment center
- Emergency incident simulators
- Interpersonal interaction
- Writing or speaking exercise
- Technical skills exercise
Three options for constructing a multiple choice test
- Committee members write the questions
- Private company develops a generic exam
- Hiring a consultant to write the questions
The assessment center process was developed in the officer corp of the ___ army in the 1920’s
Most common assessment center exercise
In-basket exercise
Suggested method for handling promotional in-baskets (5)
- Review
- Prioritize
- Identify options/resources/alternatives
- Follow up
- Make notifications
In an interpersonal interaction assessment, the key points are to meet 8 criteria
- Maintain control of the interview
- Tell employee exact behavior you expect
- Give employee a deadline to demonstrate
- Arrange for follow up meeting
- Get employee buy-in
- Be an empathetic listener
- Explain consequences
- Finish positive
4 sections of a personal study journal
- Info about the exam
- Calendar
- Written reference materials
- Info about components of exam
Two documents to define the KSA
- Narrative job description
- Technical class specification
Decision on which components to use in a promotional exam is influenced by … (4)
- Time requirements
- Expense
- Staff expertise
- Past experience
Emergency incident simulations take one of four formats
- Data dump
- Mock emergency
- Interactive emergency sim
- Full scale incident sim
Study techniques include …(2)
- Keeping a study journal
- Participating in role-playing activities
4 basic tasks chief officers consider vital for new officers
- Beginning of shift report (most important)
- Notifications (second most important)
- Decision making (equal in importance to Problem solving)
- Problem solving
Beginning of shift report should take place within the first quarter hour and consist of 3 things
- Staffing
- Location and condition of rolling stock
- Provide chief with must know info
4 times in a firefighters career when a major change occurs
- Completes probationary period
- Is promoted to company commander
- Is promoted to chief officer
- Retires
“Effective Company Commander” by James O. Page divides the company officer’s duties into three distinct roles
- Supervisor
- Commander
- Trainer
Widely known as the “father” of fire-based emergency medical services
James O. Page
3 activities necessary to ensure a good working relationship between a fire officer and his supervisor
- Keep supervisor informed
- Make appropriate decisions at your level of responsibility
- Consult with supervisor before making disciplinary actions or policy changes
General guidelines for for performing an initial investigation of harassment (10)
- Keep an open mind
- Treat the person who filed with respect
- Do not blame the complainant
- Do not retaliate
- Follow established procedure
- Interview people involved
- Look for corroboration or contradiction
- Keep it confidential
- Write it all down
- Cooperate with government agencies
EEOC files approximately ___ lawsuits every year
An officer who has worked as a managing fire officer for 3 to 5 years, is certified at the NFPA Fire Officer III level and has accomplished formal education equivalent to a bachelors degree
Administrative fire officer
Communication cycle (5)
- Message
- Sender
- Medium (with noise)
- Receiver
- Feedback
Fire officer needs to keep the chief officer informed about three areas
- Progress toward performance goals and project objectives
- Matters that may cause controversy
- Attitudes and moral
Most common form of communication
Most effective means of conveying many types of info
- Conditions
- Actions
- Needs
Supervisors first report of an injury must be submitted within ___ to ___ hours of the incident
24 to 72 hours
A popular assessment tool for promotion is to write a letter for the fire chief. It has two primary goals
- Asses writing skills
- Asses decision making skills
Elements of a decision document (6)
- Statement of problem/issue
- Background
- Restrictions
- Options
- Recommendations
- Next action
A verbal report consists of 4 parts
- Get their attention
- Interest statement
- Details
- Action
3 steps in preparing a news release
- Identify what make the story interesting
- Develop a concept and write the release
- Get news release to media outlets
Identifies who will develop a social media policy
Fire Chief
Short term directions, procedures, or orders signed by the Fire Chief and lasting for a period of days to 1 year or more
General orders
Written organizational directives that identify a desired goal and describe a general path to accomplish the goal
Written organizational directives that describe specific operational or administrative methods to be followed routinely for the performance of designated operations or actions
First step in developing an incident action plan
Understanding the causes of firefighter deaths
4 simple habits to improve the safety of the crew
- Be physically fit
- Wear seat belts
- Practice safety through training and personal example
- Maintain fire company integrity
Leading cause of line-of-duty deaths
Heart attacks (41%)
4 risk factors for heart attack
- Obesity
- High cholesterol
- Smoking
- Family history
Account for the largest percentage of traumatic firefighter deaths
A simple requirement could prevent 8 -12 firefighter deaths each year
Wearing seatbelt
A single unit IAP includes the following basic elements (3)
- Specifies incident objectives
- States the activities to be completed
- Covers a specific time frame (operational period)
The US Fire Administration’s Firefighter Fatality Retrospective Study indicated that ___ % of fatal fire suppression incidents tallied in the report involved the death of a single firefighter
Accountability system typically provides the following components (4)
- Method to identify all personnel on scene
- Method to identify personnel who are in the hazard area
- Process to account for personnel quickly
- Process to ensure that personnel do not go unaccounted for for an extended period of time
Some fire departments require a PAR every ___ min
20 minutes
Minimum size of an interior work team
The results of a rapid intervention drill in 2002 showed that it takes ___ minutes to rescue a downed firefighter using ___ firefighters
- 12 minutes
- 21 firefighters
Ultimately up to ___ to either approve or alter the action taken by the safety officer
According the NFPA 1521, the incident safety officer must meet the following requirements (2)
- Be a fire department officer
- Met the requirements of Fire Officer I
General knowledge requirements of an effective safety officer (4)
- Safety and health hazards involved in emergency operations
- Building construction
- Local fire department personnel accountability system
- Incident scene rehabilitation
Third line of defense after the individual and the fire officer
Incident safety officer
Principals that should be implemented to prevent injuries as well as death (2)
- Physical fitness
Leading type of firefighter injuries
Sprains and strains
6 components of the NFPA 1581, Standard on Fire Department Infection Control Program
- Written policy with the goal of identifying and limiting exposures
- Written risk management plan to identify risks and control measures
- Annual training and education in infection control
- Designated infection control officer
- Access to appropriate immunizations for employees
- Instructions for handeling exposure incidents
Most important first step with any exposure
Wash exposed area immediately with soap and running water
Documented exposures should include (5)
- Description on how the exposure happened
- Mode of transmit ion
- Entry point
- Use of PPE
- Medical follow-up and treatment
Responsible for determining member’s fitness-for-duty status after reviewing documentation of exposure
Fire department physician
Charged with investigating all fire department injuries, illness, exposures, accidents and fatalities
Health and safety officer
An investigation normally consists of 3 phases
- Identification and collection of physical evidence
- Interviews with witnesses
- Written documentation
Most significant factors in preventing heart attacks (2)
- Regular medical checkups
- Physical fitness
Second leading cause of firefighter fatalities
Traumatic injuries
Most common fatal motor vehicle collision scenario
Responding to an emergency incident in a POV
Third most frequent category of firefighter fatality
Asphyxiation and burn
HFACS Level 1
HFACS Level 2
HFACS Level 3
HFACS Level 4
HFACS Level 1 = Unsafe acts
HFACS Level 2 = Preconditions to unsafe acts
HFACS Level 3 = Unsafe supervision
HFACS Level 4 = Organizational influences
Four roles a fire officer must fulfill to provide a safe environment
- Identify unsafe and hazardous environments
- Mitigate or reduce as many problems as possible
- Train and prepare for the remaining hazards
- Model safe behavior
Two generalized schools of management
- Scientific
- Humanistic
Taylor’s 4 principal of scientific management
- Replace rule-of-thumb with scientific methods
- Scientifically select, train and develop each worker
- Cooperate with workers to ensure the scientific methods are being followed
- Divide work evenly between managers an workers
Effect that says people improve their work because of the extra attention they receive as part of the study
Hawthorn Effect
Theory states people do not like to work
Theory X
Theory state people do like to work
Theory Y
3 Situation in which the fire officer must behave as a Theory X manager
- Operating at fire or high-risk activity
- To take control of a workplace conflict
- At the end of a series of negative disciplinary measures
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- Physiological
- Safety, security
- Social
- Esteem
- Self-actualization
How the new fire officer can bold trust (5)
- Know the officer job
- Be consistent
- Walk your talk
- Support your firefighters
- Make firefighters feel strong
Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid
- Indifferent
- Controlling
- Accommodating
- Status quo
- Sound
- Indifferent - Lowest level of concern for both results and people
- Controlling - High concern for results, low concern for people
- Accommodating - Low concern for results, high concern for people
- Status quo - does not value one concern over the other
- Sound - high concern for both
Focuses on the task of managing people using physical, financial, and time assets
Human resource management
Typical human resource management functions (7)
- Human resource planning
- Employee (labor) relations
- Staffing
- Human resource development
- Performance management
- Compensation and benefits
- Employee health, safety and security
7 steps to effective delegation
- Define your desired results
- Select appropriate firefighter
- Determine level of delegation
- Clarify expectations
- Give authority to match responsibility
- Provide background info
- Arrange feedback
Commonly used compensation systems (3)
- Step-and-grade (most common)
- Merit-based pay
- Skilled-based pay
The four boarders of managing human resources
- Federal law
- Union contract
- city regulations
- Departmental policy
5 step approach to making a decision
- Clear your mind
- List options
- Weigh outcomes
- Make a choice
- Evaluate decision
Three major leadership styles
- Autocratic
- Democratic
- Laissez-faire
Types of power (5)
- Legitimate
- Reward
- Expert
- Referent
- Coersive
Yukl provides two additional types of power
- Information
- Ecological
Fire officer’s primary responsibility it to ..
the team under him
Initial radio report should include (8)
- ID of arriving company
- Description of incident
- Conditions
- Actions
- Strategy
- Safety concerns
- Assumption, identification, location of command
- Request or release resources
Methods to motivate employees (5)
- Reinforcement theory
- Motivation-hygein theory
- Goal-setting theory
- Equity Theory
- Expectancy theory
5 overriding principals apply when motivating employees
- Recognize individual differences
- Use goals
- Ensue goals are perceived as attainable
- Individualize rewards
- Check for system equality
Type of motivational theory that has four types of reinforcers:
Positive, Negative, Extinction, punishment
Reinforcement Theory
According to this motivational theory the officer must address three considerations to motivate the individual:
- Employees believe that his effort will achieve the goal
- Employees believe that meeting the goal will lead to reward
- Employees desire for the reward or the rewards value to the employee
Expectancy theory
Four step method of skill training that originated in WWI
- Preparation
- Presentation
- Application
- Evaluation
Conscience competence learning matrix
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 1 - unconscious incompetence
- Level 2 - Conscious incompetence
- Level 3 - Conscious competence
- Level 4 - Unconscious competence
3 qualities that make for a good mentor
- Desire to help
- Current knowledge
- Effective coaching, counseling, facilitating and networking skills
A student looses focus after __ to __ minus of passive learning
15 to 20 minutes
Psychomotor skill levels can be classified into four categories
- Initial
- Plateau
- Latency
- Mastery
Federal regulations mandate that four topics are covered as part of any emergency service training program
- Bloodborne pathogens
- Hazmat awareness/operations
- SCBA fit test
Skills and topics that should be taught first in any training program (2)
- Fire-ground tasks that emphasize teamwork
- Motor vehicle crashes and medical emergencies
Minimum flow capability of each attack and backup line used in live fire training
95 gpm
two separate water supplies should be capable of providing ___% of the minimum needed water at a live fire training
5 steps of developing a training program
- Asses needs
- Establish objectives
- Develop the training program
- Deliver the training
- Evaluate the impact
Three types of academic accreditation
- Programs that meet specific profession or vocation
- Educational and training organizations that meet federal regulations for tuition reimbursement
- Educational institutions that meet voluntary accrediting requirements to issue degrees and academic transcripts
Documented 2000 tasks that a firefighter might be required to perform
Trade Analysis of Fire Fighting
Two organizations provide accreditation to fire service professional certification systems
- National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications
- International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
A supervising officer candidate needs __ to __ years of experience in agency operations and ___ hours of experience as an acting unit officer
- 3 to 5 years
- 200 hours
Awards the designation of:
- Chief Fire Officer
- Chief EMS Officer
- Chief Training Officer
- Fire Marshal
- Fire Officer
CPSE, the Commission of Professional Credentialing
Four areas of evaluation for a probationary firefighter
- Skill competency
- Progress in learning job specific information
- Progress in learning fire company district
- Performance of other job tasks
One of the most effective strategies within the realm of positive discipline
The first level of negative discipline
Oral reprimand, warning, admonishment
Skills have been shown to deteriorate if not used in ___ days
90 days
Hiring packet, Tax forms, Personnel actions, Evaluation reports, Grievances and formal discipline are all items that should be kept here…
Secured central repository
Annual evaluation process consists of 4 steps
- Supervisor fills out evaluation form
- Subordinate is allowed to review and comment
- Face-to-face feedback interview
- Establish goals for the subordinate
Assets on the left; Liabilities on the right
Common practice is to provide ___week notification to an employee when a substandard evaluation is due
10 week
7 evaluation errors
- Leniency or severity
- Personal bias
- Recency
- Central tendency
- Frame of reference
- Halo and horn effect
- Contrast effect
Aimed at discouraging unacceptable behavior
Negative discipline
Steps in a progressive negative discipline system (5)
- Council firefighter about poor performance
- Verbally reprimand the firefighter
- Issue written reprimand
- Suspension
- Termination
Written reprimand should contain the following (4)
- Statement of charges
- Statement that letter is official
- List of previous offenses
- Statement that similar occurrences could lead to more severe action
Most written reprimands will remain on file for …
1 year
Suspensions usually run from ___ to ___ days
1 to 30 days
Formal dispensary hearing prior to suspension to allow the firefighter to formally respond to charges
Loudermill hearing
Level of officer identified by NFPA 1021 as one who issues formal evaluation and discipline
Fire Officer II
The range, scope and tasks are defined by three primary components
- Local labor contract
- Municipalities personnel regulations
- Fire departments rules, regulations and procedures
The international Association of firefighters was established on February 28, 1918. Three principal objectives of the IAFF at that time were…
- pay raises
- two platoon or 12 hour workday
- appointments and promotions were based on individual merit
Four key recommendation form the foundation of any strong supervisor – employee relationship
- schedule regular one-on-one meetings
- schedule regular meetings with the company as a whole
- work together to articulate the concern to develop possible solutions
- relationships are rocky start by listing the areas in which you can succeed together
The root cause of almost every labor disturbance
The failure to manage the relationship between labor and management properly
The non-documented verbal notifications called an “informal grievance” or step zero. This informal step requires to grievant to provide three important pieces of information
– The article and section of the labor agreement on personal regulation alleged to have been violated.
– A full statement of the grievance.
– A statement of the desired remedy or adjustment
Supervisor has ___ calendar days to reach a decision and provide a written reply to the grievant
10 days
Four federal laws that regulate the collective bargaining system
– Norris-LaGuardia act of 1932
– Wagner-Connery act of 1935
– Taft-Hartley labor act of 1947
– Landrum-Griffin act 1959
Yellow dog contract
Norris-LaGuardia act
Established the procedures that are commonly called collective-bargaining
Wagner-Connery Act
Five types of unfair labor practices
- interfering with employees in a union
- stopping a union from performing and collecting money
- not hiring union members
- firing union members
- refusing to bargain with the union
Act gave workers right to refrain from joining a union by the unfair labor practice provisions to unions as well as to employers
Taft-Hartley labor act
Unions are required to engage in good faith bargaining and they ___ day cooling off.
60 day
Established a Bill of Rights for members of labor organizations
Landrum-Griffin act
Year the first paid fire department was established
1853, Cincinnati, OH
Two notable strikes involving federal government employees
– Postal Service worker strike, 1970
- air traffic controller strike, 1981
Four objectives of a public education program
- Educate target audience
- Instruct target audience
- Inform large groups of people
- Distribute info
Fundamental goal of a public safety program
Prevent injury, death, or loss due to fire or other type incidents
Roots of fire prevention week
The great Chicago fire
Community emergency response team (CERT) can function effectively ___ hours after a catastrophe
72 hours
ABCDs of course preparation
A - Audience
B - Behavior
C - Conditions
D - Degree
5 step planning process to create and develop programs
- Identify the problem
- Select the method
- Design the program
- Implement the program
- Evaluate the program
NFPA recommends 3 steps when working with the media
- Build a strong foundation
- Use a proactive approach
- Use measured responsiveness
Types of problems a fire officer could be expected to encounter can be classified into four broad categories
- In-house issues
- Internal departmental issues
- External issues
- High-profile incidents
Systematic approach to ensuring high-quality decision making
- Define the problem
- Generate alternative solutions
- Select a solution
- Implement the solution
- Evaluate the result
4 different types of internal conflict
- A co worker
- The work environment
- A fire department policy or procedure
- Fire officers own behavior, decisions, or actions
Conflict resolution model (4)
- Listen, take notes
- Active listening
- Paraphrase and receive feedback
- Do not explain or excuse
Three objectives of an investigative report
- Identify and explain the issue
- Provide a complete and impartial presentation of the background info and facts
- Recommend action
When officer presents finding from investigation and recommended action to a supervisor there are 4 possible responses
- Take no further action
- Recommend the action requested by complainant
- Suggest an alternative solution
- Refer the issue to the office or person who can provide a remedy
Conflict resolution model that is effective when emotions are high (4)
- Drain the emotional bubble
- Understand the complainants viewpoint
- Help the complainant feel understood
- Identify the complainants expectation for resolution
Three types of citizen complaints
- Conduct or behavior of a firefighter
- Performance or service delivery
- Fire department policy
Fire officers play multiple roles in relation to properties within their communities, including handling these critical tasks (3)
- identifying and correcting fire safety hazards through safety checks or code enforcement
- developing and maintaining preincident plans
- promoting fire safety through public education
NFPA 1620 outlines a standardized 6-step method for completing a preincident plan
- Physical elements and site considerations
- Occupant considerations
- Fire protection systems
- Special hazards
- Emergency operation considerations
- Special or unusual characteristics
Factors that may hinder the collection of property data (3)
- Time
- Occupant resistance
- Proprietary information
State fire marshal may work in any one of 7 organization
- Dept of insurance
- Dept of public safety
- Separate government dept.
- Regularity agency
- State police
- Cabinet level office
- State fire commission
NFPA code that can be applied to both new and existing buildings
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code
Developed through a consensus process using a network of technical committees
Model Code
The process by which a model code is adopted by local jurisdictions may follow one of two paths
- Adoption by reference
- Adoption by transcription
Frequency a model code is updated
3 to 5 years
When sprinklers operated they were effective ___ % of the time, resulting in a combined performance of operating effectively in ___ % of all reported fires where sprinklers were present in the fire area and the fire was large enough to activate them
- 96%
- 87%
3 primary components of a water based fire protection system
- Automatic sprinkler system
- Standpipe system
- Fire pump
4 types of special extinguishing systems
- Carbon dioxide
- Dry or wet chemical
- Halon/clean agent
- Foam
Halon 1301 is about ___% more efficient than carbon dioxide
Most commonly used model codes classify construction into 5 basic types
- Type I = Fire resistive
- Type II = Noncombustable
- Type III = Limited combustable
- Type IV = Heavy timber
- Type V = Wood frame
Construction type where elements are noncombustible and are protected from the effects of fire by encasement
Type I
Construction type where structural elements can be made from either noncombustible or limited combustable materials
Type II
Construction type where exterior walls are load-bearing and are of noncombustible masonry
Type III
Construction type where exterior walls are load-bearing and of masonry construction and interior structural elements are unprotected wood beams and columns with large cross sectional dimensions
Underwriters Laboratory research found that Type V residences will flashover in ___ to ___ minutes
3:30 to 4:45 minutes
Residential subcategory identified as providing sleeping accommodations for ≤ 16 people without separate cooking facilities
Lodging or rooming house
Residential subcategory identified as providing sleeping accommodations for > 16 people and that is primarily used by transients, with or without meals
Residential subcategory identified as providing sleeping accommodations for > 16 people not of the same family in one room or a series of closely associated rooms and without individual cooking facilities
Residential subcategory identified as providing ≥ 3 dwelling units with independent cooking and bathroom facilities
Apartment Buildings
Required to be affixed to containers containing hazardous materials within a structure and to each entrance into a building, on doorways to chemical storage areas, and on fixed storage tanks
NFPA 704 marking system
4 steps to conducting a fire inspection
- Circle the area around the building
- Meet the property owner/manager
- Begin inspection on exterior and work systematically through building from the lowest to the highest
- Write a formal report for the inspector
Critical hazards uncovered in an inspection must be corrected immediately. Less critical issues can be corrected in ___ to __ days
30 to 90 days
The school fire that produced the swiftest example of catastrophic theory of reform
Our Lady of Angels fire, killed 95
The emergency/disaster management and business continuity plan document is published in 6 parts
- Strategic plan
- Emergency operations/response plan
- Prevention plan
- Mitigation plan
- Recovery plan
- Continuity plan
Codes developed and adopted at he state level for either mandatory or optional enforcement by local governments; these codes cannot be amended by local governments
Mini/max codes
Budget process is a cycle that consists of 6 steps
- Identify needs and required resources
- Prepare a budget request
- Local government/public review of requested budget
- Adoption of approved budget
- Administration of approved budget
- close out of budget year
Most municipal governments use this type of budget
Base budget
These top three tax revenue sources make up about half of the total revenues collected by local governments
- General sales and gross receipts taxes
- Property taxes
- Individual income taxes
When faced with declining revenues fire departments must decrease their budgets. In order of increasingly difficulty are 5 was of making that reduction
- Defer scheduled expenditures
- Regionalize or consolidate services
- Privatize or contract out elements
- Reduce workforce
- Reduce the size of the department
US Fire Administration provides a 4 step grant proposal method
- Conduct a community and fire department needs assessment survey
- Compare community needs with the priorities of the grant program
- Decide what to apply for
- Complete the application
Accounting system uses a database system to support line item budget
- 12
- 12345
- 123456
- 12 = Fund
- 12345 = Dept
- 123456 = Description
Fire department costs a generally divided into three areas
- Personnel costs (90%)
- Operating costs
- Capitol expenditures
Annual costs fall into two areas
- Continuity
- Personnel
Budgetary process (6)
- Develop a budget proposal
- Considering expenditures
- Creating a capitol budget
- Asking for everything you need
- Determining cost recovery and reduction
Fiscal year
July 1 to June 30
Provided the foundation for NIMS (2)
- Phoenix’s Fire Ground Commander
FI - Firefighting RE - Resources S - Southern C - California O - Organized for P - Potential E - Emergencies
Part of NIMS
Core NIMS curriculum (7)
- IS 700
- ICS 100
- ICS 200
- IS 800
- ICS 300
- ICS 400
- Appropriate position-specific training
5 components of NIMS
- Preparedness
- Communication and information management
- Resource management
- Command and management
- Ongoing management and Maintenance
Primary purpose of a review process
To serve as an educational training tool
What the first arriving officer does in the first ___ minutes will dictate how the scene will run for the next ___
- 5 minutes
- hour
For emergency operations the recommended spam of control is __ to ___
3 to 5
The three level of command in ICS
- Strategic
- Tactical
- Task
IC responsible for three strategic priorities
- Life safety
- Incident stabilization
- Property conservation
IC responsible for 3 aspects within operations
- Building a command structure
- Translating strategic priorities into tactical objectives
- Assigning resources that are required for the tactical assignments
3 command option modes
- Investigation mode
- Fast-attack mode
- Command mode
Immediate initial command functions (3)
- Determine strategy
- Select incident tactics
- Setting an action plan
Next 4 functions of command after initial functions
- Develop ICS
- Manage resources
- Coordinate resource activities
- Provide scene safety
Last two functions of command
- Release information about the incident
- Coordinating with outside agencies
4 steps of transferring command
- Officer assuming command communicates with initial IC
- Initial IC briefs the new IC
- Command is transferred only after the new IC has been briefed
- Transfer of command is communicated to dispatch center and units on scene
Command staff (3)
- Safety officer
- Liaison
- Information officer
4 functional sections of ICS
- Operations
- Logistics
- Planning
- Administrative/Finance
General staff
Persons in charge of Operations, Logistics, Planning and Admin/finance
Section responsible for identifying the needed resources
Subunits to section…
- Resource unit
- Situation unit
- Documentation unit
- Demobilization unit
- Technical specialists
Planning section
Responsible for providing supplies, facilities, and materials
Logistics section
Subunits to section …
- Supply unit
- Rehab unit
- Facilities unit
- Ground support unit
- Communication unit
- Food unit
- Medical unit
Logistics Section
Subunits to section…
- Time unit
- Procurement unit
- Compensation and claims unit
- Cost unit
Admin/finance section
Where the strategy specified in the incident action plan is converted into action
Divisions, groups and units
Tactical level management
Divisions, groups, units
Represents a geographical operation
Represents a functional operation
Term applied to either a geographic or functional component
Two to five single resources that are assembled to accomplish a specific task
Task force
Consists of five of the same units with an assigned leader
Strike team
11 Rules of Engagement developed by Seattle FD and IAFC Safety Committee
- Size up you tactical area
- Determine occupant survival profile
- Do not risk you life for live and property that cannot be saved
- Extend limited risk to protect savable property
- Extend vigilant and measured risk to rescue savable lives
- Go in together, stay together, come out together
- Maintain continuous awareness of air supply, situation, location, fire conditions
- Constantly measure fire ground communications
- You are required to report unsafe practices or conditions
- You are required to abandon your position and retreat before deteriorating conditions can harm you
- Declare a mayday as soon as you think you’re in danger
3/4 of the disoriented fire fighter deaths occurred in this type of structure
Enclosed structure
Some lightweight unprotected truss systems and collapse as quickly as___ minutes
6.5 minutes
A critical element of firefighter survival
Crew integrity
Ultimate responsibility for enforcing crew integrity
Company officer
When attempting to reconnect after separating from the crew and the firefighter cannot reconnect after ___ attempts in 1 min then the firefighter should transmit a mayday and activate the emergency button on the radio and PASS device
3 attempts
6 major benchmarks for checking air
- Before entry
- After going up or down stairs
- Before entering and searching a room
- After exiting a room
- After going down a hallway or aisle
- Before an after doing a labor demanding task
In the 2013 edition of NFPA 1981 the low air alarm activates at ___% up from the previous ___%
- 33%
- 25%
4 “No Go” situations regarding the use of an SCBA
- If you do not have a full SCBA
- If you do not know your air supply at all times
- If you do not know where you are
- If you have reached your turnaround point
___% of errors on the foreground happen when individuals fail to intervene in a known or observed unsafe situations
Lifeline for firefighter survival
Portable radios
4 factors that distinguish modern building from legacy buildings
- Larger homes
- Open house geometrics
- Increased fuel loads
- New construction materials
One of the most significant factors in size-up
Lloyd Layman’s 5 step size up process
- Facts
- Probabilities
- Situation
- Decision
- Plan of operation
Situation assessment in Lloyd Layman’s size-up process involves 3 considerations
- Will the resources on scene and en route be sufficient
- Capabilities and limitations of responding resources
- Capabilities and limitations of personnel on scene
National Fire Academy size-up process (3)
- Preincident info
- Initial size-up
- Ongoing size up
2 major components to the IAP
- Determination of the appropriate strategy
2. Development of tactics to execute the strategy
Lloyd Layman’s R E C E O V S
R - Rescue E - Exposures C - Confinement E - Extinguishment O - Overhaul
V - Ventilation
S - Salvage
A fire produced ___% more heat energy when attacked by a 3 person crew rather then a 6 person crew
60 %
This section has a Service Branch and a Support Branch
Logistics branch responsible for communications and rehab
Service branch
Logistics branch responsible for ensuring adequate supplies, personnel and equipment
Support branch
This logistics branch director is often located at a base
Support branch director
First priority for the support branch
Spare SCBA bottles
Responsible for conducting the investigation and for completing the NFIRS documents
1st, 2nd, and 3rd most common causes of home structure fires
- Cooking (42%)
- Heating (17%)
- Intentional (8%)
Fire officer must understand these 3 things to determine the point of origin
- Fire behavior
- Growth
- Development
Michigan v. Taylor
Fire officials are charged with extinguishing fires and determining their cause
Three types of evidence
- Demonstrative (tangible)
- Documentary (written)
- Testimonial (Witness)
Investigators ultimate goal (2)
- Identify point of origin
- Cause
First step in fire cause determination
Identify point of origin
Determining the point of origin requires the analysis of information from four sources
- Physical marks or fire patterns
- Observations by witnesses
- Analysis of the physics and chemistry
- Noting the location where electrical arching has caused damage
Three step process to cause determination
- Determine source of ignition
2 Determine fuel that was first ignited - Determine he circumstance or human scions that allowed the ignition source and the fuel to come together
Two or more causes remain, the cause of the fire is considered ___
A competent ignition source has three components
- Generation
- Transmission
- Heating
___% of vehicle fires were caused by mechanical failure or malfunction
First objective in vehicle fire investigations
Look for arson
These two fire seasons set records for both suppression costs and acres affected
2006 and 2007 fire seasons
Circumstances of the fire are generally divided into four classifications
- Accidental
- Natural
- Incendiary
- Undetermined
Most frequent ignition cause in residential fires
Unattended cooking
Second and third most frequent ignition cause in residential fires
- Smoking
- Heating
Five general factors that indicate an intentional fire
- Disabled built in fire protection
- Delayed notification
- Accelerants and trailers
- Multiple points of origin
- Tampered or altered equipment
6 basic motives for arson
- Profit
- Crime concealment
- Excitement
- Spite revenge
- Extremism
- Vandalism
Fire officers first responsibility
Provide a safe fire ground
A civil action involving the insurance company is decided by ..
A preponderance of the evidence
The destructive distillation of organic compounds in an oxygen-free environment that converts the organic matter into gases, liquids and char
Two officer practices that affect success
- Crew resource management (CRM)
- Leading change
CRM lead to accident reduction of __% in the aviation industry
Dupont’s “dirty dozen”
- Lack of communication
- Complacency
- Lack of knowledge
- Distraction
- Lack of teamwork
- Fatigue
- Lack or resources
- Pressure
- Lack of assertiveness
- Stress
- Lack of awareness
- Norms
2 reasons why holes appear in the layers of defense
- Active failure
- Latent failure
Unsafe act committed by people who are direct contact with the situation or system
Active failure
Inevitable resident pathogens within the system
Latent failures
CRM is an error management model that incorporates 3 activities
- Avoidance
- Entrapment
- Mitigating consequences
CRM covers 6 areas
- Communication skills
- Teamwork
- Task allocation
- Critical decision making
- Situational awareness
- Debriefing
5 step assertive statement process
- Use an opening attention getter
- State your concern
- State the problem
- State a solution
- Obtain agreement or buy-in
True respect is based on 3 competencies
- Personal
- Technical
- Social
Triangle of leadership
- Efective leadership
- Trust and respect
- Leadership skills
Focal point of CRM
What is right, not who is right
All fowlers should perform a self assessment of their ability to function as part of a team. The self assessment should consist of 4 critical areas
- Physical condition
- Mental condition
- Attitude
- Understanding human behavior
Fire officers fall into three categories when it comes to multitasking
- Reluctant to admit they are ever overwhelmed
- Become overwhelmed before the full complexity of the event unfolds
- Effectively asses the situation and call for addtioinal resources early
2 decision making models
- Recognition-primed decision making
- Naturalistic decision making
6 steps to maintain emergency scene situational awareness
- Fight the fire
- asses problems in the time available
- Gather information from all sources
- Choose the best option
- Monitor results and alter plan
- Beware of situational loss factor
8 situational awareness loss factors
- Ambiguity
- Distraction
- Fixation
- Overload
- Complacency
- Improper procedure
- Unresolved discrepancy
- Nobody fighting fire
NFPA Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions
NFPA 1403
Before participating in any live fire training evolutions, the student must have received training to meet the Firefighter I performance objectives from the following sections of NFPA 1001 (3)
- Safety
- Fire behavior
- Portable extinguishers
NFPA standard that outlines the criteria for an incident safety officer
NFPA 1521
5 different live fire training scenarios
- Acquired structure
- Gas-fired training center building
- Non-gas-fired training center building
- Exterior props
- Exterior class B fire
Education is the process of imparting knowledge or skill through systematic instruction, whereas training as directed toward
The practical application of education to produce an action
Year FLSA was passed and year Public safety workers were added to it coverage (2)
- 1938 FLSA was passed
- 1986 Safety workers were added
A comprehensive program directed at injury prevention
Risk Watch
The tactical priorities and the information obtained in the size-up are used to develop …
The first step in the task allocation phase
Knowing ones own limits and the capacity if the team
Training and practice can improve …