Stems Chapter 6 (Week 3 Lecture 3) Flashcards
What is a stem?
Woody twig consists of an axis with attached leaves.
______ is the area of the stem where the leaves are attached.
What are the 3 types of stems?
Alternate or spiral, opposite (attached in pairs), whorled (in groups of 3 or more)
______ is the stem region between the nodes.
The Leaf has a flattened ______ and is usually attached to the twig by ______.
Blade, petiole
Where is the axil located?
Angle between petiole and stem
The ______ ______ will become branches or flowers in flowering plants.
Axillary bud
What protects the buds?
Bud scales
Where is the terminal bud located?
Twig tip
What is the main function of the terminal bud?
Growth makes the twig longer
What are stipules?
Paired, often leaf-like appendages at base of a leaf
______ trees and shrubs, lose all their leaves annually.
______ ______ mark food and water conducting tissue within leaf scars.
Bundle scars
What are lenticels?
Parenchyma cells in cork for exchange of gases
Cells produced by stem meristem become ______ system with branches and leaves.
True or False: The apical meristem is dormant before growing season begins.
True or False: The apical meristem is protected by bud scales and by leaf primordia.
What is the leaf primordia?
Tiny embryonic leaves that develop into mature leaves
True or False: Leaf primordia and bud primordia develop into mature leaves and buds.
What are traces?
A strand of xylem and phloem
How is a leaf gap or bud gap formed?
Each trace leaves a gap filled with parenchyma in the cylinder of vascular tissue
True or False: The narrow band of cells between the primary xylem and primary phloem may become vascular cambium.
What is another name for cork cambium?
What does the cork cambium produce?
Cork cells with suberin – to the outside Phelloderm (parenchyma-like) cells – to the inside
What is the stele?
Central cylinder of primary xylem, primary phloem, and pith (if present)
______ is the solid core, phloem surrounds xylem found in primitive seed plants, whisk ferns, club mosses and other ferns.
______ is tubular with pith in center, commonly found in ferns.
______ are discrete vascular bundles in flowering plants and conifers.
What are cotyledons?
Seed leaves attached to embryonic stems
What is the function of cotyledons?
Store food needed by young seedling
What is the difference in stem for monocots and eudicots?
In monocots, vascular bundles are scattered in the stem. In eudicots, vascular bundles are in a distinct ring
______ are plants that die after going from seed to maturity within one growing season.
What are 3 common characteristics of annuals?
Usually green, herbaceous plants
Most monocots are annuals, but many dicots are also annuals.
Tissues largely primary
Herbaceous dicots have discrete vascular bundles arranged in a ______.
True or False: In herbaceous dicotyledons, the vascular cambium arises between primary xylem and primary phloem that adds secondary xylem and secondary phloem.
Wood is ______ xylem.
One years growth of xylem of woody dicotyledonous stems is know as ______ ring.
True or False: On woody dicotyledonous stems, the vascular cambium produces more secondary phloem than xylem.
False, vascular cambium produces more secondary xylem than phloem
True or False: The annual ring on wood can indicated the climate during a tree’s liftetime.
What are vascular rays?
Vascular rays are radial strands of parenchyma cells that function in lateral conduction of nutrients and water. Can be xylem rays or phloem rays
Whys is spring wood light coloured?
Relatively large vessel elements of secondary xylem produced
Why is summer wood dark coloured?
Fewer, smaller vessel elements in proportion to tracheids and fibers
______ are protrusions of adjacent parenchyma cells into conducting cells of xylem.
What is the older, darker wood in the centre?
What is the lighter, still-functioning xylem closest to cambium wood?
What is the function of tyloses?
Prevent conduction of water
______ is the wood of conifers that has no fibres or vessel elements.
The wood of dicot trees is know as ______.
What are resin canals?
Tube-like canals scattered throughout xylem and other tissues
Where are resin canals common?
Common in conifers and in some tropical flowering plants
______ is all tissues outside the vascular cambium, including secondary phloem
True or False: Mature bark may consist of alternating layers of crushed phloem and cork.
The ducts found mostly in phloem that have latex-secreting cells is known as ______.
Laticifers are commonly found in what 3 items?
Rubber, chicle (chewing gum), morphine
True or False: Monocots stems have neither a vascular cambium nor a cork cambium.
True or False: Monocots produce secondary vascular tissues or cork.
False, They produce no secondary vascular tissues or cork
True or False: In a typical monocot vascular bundle,
there are two large vessels with several small vessel.
In monocot stems, the vascular bundle is surrounded by ______ of ______ cells.
sheath, sclerenchyma
______ are horizontal stems that grow below-ground and have long to short internodes commonly found in irises, some grasses, and ferns.
______ are horizontal stems that grow above ground and have long internodes commonly found in strawberries.
What are stolons?
A specialized stem produced beneath the surface of the ground and tend to grow in different directions commonly found in potatoes
______ are swollen, fleshy underground stems that store food in potatoes.
______ are large buds surrounded by numerous fleshy leaves, with a small stem at lower end that store food commonly found in onions, lilies, hyacinths, tulips.
______ resemble bulbs, but composed almost entirely of stem tissue, with papery leaves.
What are cladophylls?
Flattened, leaf-like stems
commonly found in greenbriars, some orchids, prickly pear cactus
True or False: In a living tree, 50% of the wood weight comes from water content.
What percents of the dry part of wood are composed of cellulose and lignin.
60-75% cellulose and 15-25% lignin
______ cut boards show annual rings in the side view.
______ cut boards are cut perpendicular to rays and show annual rings as irregular bands of light and dark streaks.