Diversity of Plants (Week 8 Lecture 11) Flashcards
True or False: The plant kingdom is primarily terrestrial eukaryotes.
True or False: Plants store carbohydrates as starch.
Chloroplasts contain ______, ______, and ______.
Chlorophyll A, Chlorophyll B,
What are the cell walls of plants composed of?
How many different plants exist today?
265 000
When did plants make the transition to land?
425 MYA
What are the pores that carry out the gas exchange on plants?
True or False: The leaves are covered with a waxy cuticle to prevent desiccation.
What is the alternation of generation that occurs in the life cycle of plants?
haploid gametophyte stage, diploid sporophyte stage
What type of plants have a large obvious gametophyte stage?
What are the 4 major plant evolution adaptation?
1) about 400 million years ago (Ordovician age) - the feature of a protected embryo; also spore production as a means of reproduction
2) the evolution of vascular tissue
3) the origin of seed producing plants about 360 million years ago, and
4) the evolution of flowering plants about 130 million years ago.
An example of a non-vacular plant would be?
True or False: In non-vascular plants, multicellular embryos are protected within structures that produce an egg
What is an example of a seedless vascular plant?
Vascular tissue conducts water and organic nutrients within its roots stems and leaves in what type of plants?
Seedless vascular
Conifers are an example of what tye of plant?
In ______, seeds produced in seed cones disperse offspring away from the parent plant.
In ______, flowers produce seeds protected by fruits.
Liverworts and hornworts are examples of ______.
What are the 4 major classes of plants?
Bryophytes, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
Grasses and hardwoods are examples of ______.
How do bryophytes and pteridophyta fertilize?
What do nonvascular plants have instead pf roots?
What phylum has the most species for nonvascular plants?
Bryophytes lack vascular tissue but have certain adaptations that made a terrestrial existence such as?
Waxy cuticle
What is the male and female gametangium of bryophytes.
Male - antheridium
Female - archegonium
Why do mosses live in shady moist habitats?
lack vascular tissue to absorb water
What class of nonvascular plant has lobbed shape bodies?
Heptophyta (liverworts)
How do heptophyta reproduce?
gemmae which are dispersed with rain
______ (______) resemble liverworts but have horn-shaped sporophyte stage.
Antherocerophyta (hornworts)
What phylum has the most species for vascular seedless plants?
Pterophyta (ferns)
In vascular seedless plants, the ______ stage is more dominant than the ______ stage.
sporophyte, gametophyte
True or False: Psilophyta (whiskferns) lack true roots and leaves, have rhizomes which are underground stems covered with rhizoid hairs.
True or False: In lycophyta (club mosses), sporangia of Lycopodium are borne on sporophylls, leaves specialized for reproduction.
True or False: In lycophyta (club mosses), the gametophyte stage is conspicuous and develops above ground.
False, inconspicuous and develops underground.
True or False: In lycophyta (club mosses), heterosporous, the megaspores develop into female gametophytes bearing archegonia and the microspores develop into male gametophytes bearing antheridia.
What physical characteristic does Sphenophyta (horsetails) have?
Silia in the epidermal cells to give them a glassy texture
Why were horsetails formerly called scouring rush?
glassy texture made them useful for scrubbing pots and pans
True or False: Ferns do not have a large sporophyte stage.
False, sporophyte stage is large
______ are the leaves of ferns
______ is the underside of fern leaves and hold spores.
What phylum of gymnosperms (vascular seed plants) has the most species?
What is the oldest conifer and he largest confer?
older = bristlecone largest = redwood
Why do conifers produce cone shaped seeds?
Helps protect the seed.
What’s the function of needles on conifers.
adapt them to dry habitats
True or False: Conifers are monecious.
Do conifers produce true seeds?
Yes, consist of developing embryo, nutrient supply, and protective seed coat.
How many species on anthophyta (flowering plants) are there?
240 000
True or False: Angiosperms are extremely important providing all of our fruits and vegetables, and providing medicines, fiber, perfumes, and decorations.
Are angiosperms the most dominant form of plant life on earth?
______ consisting of sepals that protect the flower
______ consisting of petals to attract pollinators
______ are male pollen production organs, filament and anther
______ are female pollen production organs, stigma, style, ovary
______ holds the megasporangium and female gametophyte which produces an egg; the ovule later becomes the seed.
______ is the enlarged base of the pistil, which forms the fruit.
______ is the transfer of pollen from microsporangium to female gametophyte
______ is the fusion of sperm nucleus with egg nucleus.
What are the four trends of angiosperm evolution?
- Number of floral parts has been reduced
- Floral parts have become fused
- Symmetry has changed from radial to bilateral
- Ovary has dropped to a position below the petals and sepals (inferior) where the flowers are better protected