Steinmann Pins, ESF's, and Orthopedic Wire (Betance 2) Flashcards
Steinmann pins are often referred to as _______ pins
What are steinmann pins made from?
round stainless steel rods
What are some different options for different types of steinmann pins?
- Diameter from 1/16 to 1/4 inch (2-5 mm)
- Double or single armed
- Trochar or chisel point
- Smooth or threaded
- 230-300mm length
What is the name of the wire that uses small steinmann pins that are usually smooth with a trochar point
Kirschner wires
What are the disadvantages of steinmann pins? (3)
***Resists bending forces ONLY
cannot maintain bone length
pin migration
What are some advantages of steinmann pins besides the fact that they involve less surgical time (faster), are smaller to deal with in terms of inventory and inexpensive? (3)
- Tech. easier
- Easy to place and remove
What are some different applic. of Steinmann Pins?
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ placement Stack pinning \_\_\_\_\_\_ pinning Rush pinning \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ pins Skewer pin
Intramedullary placement Stack pinning Cross pinning Rush pinning Diverging pins Skewer pin
What is the most common steinnman pin application and where is it placed in the bone?
Intramedullary placement; placed in the medullary cavity
For intramedullary pins, pin diameter is based on _____ _____
- if used with just _____
- If used with just _____
- If used with just a _____
adjunct fixation
- wires
- plate
Intramedullary pin application only resists these forces only?
Resists bending forces only!
What bones can IM pins be used in to aid in fracture reduction? (6)
Thoracic limb: Humerus, Ulna, Metacarpal
Pelvic limb: Femur, Tibia, Metatarsal
What bone in the thoracic limb can we absolutely not use an IM pin in?
What devices are used to place an IM pin? (2)
Jacobs chuck or pin driver
When using IM pins we avoid _____ surfaces it almost always requires _____ ____ and can be placed _____ or ______
articular; adjunct fixation; normograde or retrograde
IM pins once again are contraindicated in this bone of the body
With IM pins, you either cut the end of the pin or leave it long to tie into this device?
External fixator
What size dogs and type of fracture do we use IM pins for, which size is it contraindicated in?
Indicated for: small breed dogs or cats with a simple stable fracture
Contraindicated for most fractures in medium and large dogs!!!!
If loretta’s vet recommended IM pins what am I going to do?
Go to a new fucking vet they’re obviously a dumbass who didn’t stay awake listening to Surgery!!!!!
IM pins are contraindicated for most fractures in medium and large breed dogs
What’s unique about IM pins that we always need todo when using these!!!
Always combine other fixation
- Cerclage wire
- External fixator
- Bone plate
______ pinning is 2 or more pins to fill the medullary cavity
What are some disadvantages of stack pinning that lead to why its rarely praticed?
- Clinical results show no advantage
- Higher incidence of pin migration
- Difficult cutting multiple pins
Cross pinning uses _____ diameter pins and used for these types of fractures
smaller; simple proximal/distal fractures/ physeal fractures
Describe the type of forces cross pinning uses and what it engages?
Counteracts rotational and bending forces; engaged both cortices
For cross pinning the pins cross in the _____ _____ segment
larger fracture