Shoulder Flashcards
What are the Biceps Brachii proposed etiopathogenesis?
- Repetitive _____ _____
- Injury with _____ _____ disruption
- Acute to chronic _______ of tendon and assocated synovial tissues also present ________
- Repetitive strain microtrauma
- Injury with tendon fiber disruption
- Acute to chronic inflammation** of tendon and assocated synovial tissues also present **histopathologically
What is the origin and insertion for Biceps Brachii?
- supraglenoid tubercle (intra-articular)
- medial tuberosity of proximal radius and adjacent ulna
Biceps Brachii travels in the ______ ______ and is constrained by ______ ______. The Joint capsule forms a _______.
_____ tissue surrounds the proximal ______
Biceps Brachii travels in the intertubercular groove** and is constrained by **transverse retinaculum.** The Joint capsule forms a **bursa.** **Synovial** tissue surrounds the proximal **tendon.
Biceps brachii tendinopathy signalment?
- Mature adult dogs
- medium and large breed dogs
State the type of lameness for biceps brachii tendinopathy?
weight bearing lameness
Biceps Brachii Tendinopathy:
Physical examination findings
- Muscle atrophy or none?
- Pain or no pain?
- Maximally flex shoulder and extend elbow
- Deep palpation over intertubercular groove
- Apply tension to biceps insertion
- Standing exam, under load: tension to biceps
- Muscle atrophy or none?
- Yes muscle atrophy
- Pain or no pain?
- Pain
What views on rads do we look for with biceps tendinopathy?
- Lateral/craniocaudal
The skyline view for biceps tendon with rads?
What is the treatment for acute biceps brachii tendinopathy?
Treatment – acute
- Confinement for 4-6 weeks
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- +/- Physical therapy
- EBM lacking
What is the treatment for recurrent/persistent biceps brachii tendinopathy?
- Intraarticular/Bicipital tendon sheath infiltrated corticosteroid injection
- Methylprednisolone acetate (Depo-Medrol)
- Sample for joint fluid analysis/culture
- Strict confinement, 4-6 weeks
- Physical therapy
What are the indications for biceps tendinopathy?
- Refractory to _____therapy
- ______ biceps tendon
- Chronic ______ ______
- Moderate to severe lameness
- medical
- ruptured
- bicipital tenosynovitis
Biceps Tendinopathy prognosis
- Medical treatment: ?
- Surgical treatment: ?
- State the procedure: ______: excellent results reported
- State the procedure: _____: classic treatment
- Medical treatment: good to poor
- Surgical treatment: good to excellent
- Tenotomy: excellent results reported
- Tenodesis: “classic” treatment
What 2 anatomical references are with the rotator cuff?
- Subscapularis tendon (medial)
- Teres minor, supra- and infraspinatus (lateral)
Shoulder instability is caused by laxity in support structures for the shoulder, what are those support structures (4)?
- Medial/lateral glenohumeral ligaments
- Joint capsule
- Subscapularis tendon (medial)
- Teres minor, supra- and infraspinatus (lateral)
Repetitive microtrauma (“overuse” injury) can cause ______ instability
~80% ______ shoulder instability
What is the common signalment for shoulder instability?
- Medium/large breed
- Adult
When you have shoulder instability the patient has a poor response to _____ and _____
rest and NSAID
Describe the normal type of lameness with shoulder instabiltiy?
Variable lameness
- Usually subtle, intermittent
- Occasionally severe
Please answer the following in reference to shoulder instability:
- Pain or No pain in reference to manipulation of joint?
- _____ instabiltiy
- Increased ______ angle
- Pain on manipulation of joint
- Medial instability
- Increased abduction angle
Normal abduction angle= ____ degrees
Abnormal abduction angle = _____ degrees
- Normal ~30 degrees
- Abnormal ~50 degrees
What is the modality to evaluate the joint with shoulder instabiltiy?
Compare and contrast (MILD/MODERATE/SEVERE) treatment for shoulder instability:
Assign to each severity level?
- who gets rest
- who gets physical therapy
- hobbles or no hobbles
- velpeau sling
- surgery + (what type)
- arthoscopic radiofrequency shrinkage + how that works?
- Rest, PT, hobbles
- Arthroscopic radiofrequency shrinkage of attenuated ligaments and joint capsule
- Thermal insult induces repair
- Weakens tissue before it strengthens
- Rest, PT, hobbles
- Arthroscopic radiofrequency shrinkage of attenuated ligaments and joint capsule
- SX: Medial glenohumeral ligament reconstruction
- Velpeau sling instead of hobbles
When using hobbles for shoulder instability (mild and moderate cases only) post op rehab lasts ______; Activity restriction takes place for _____; and retraining begins in ______
- Postop rehab 3 weeks
- Activity restriction 3-4 months
- Retraining begins in 4-6 months