Stats and Research Design Flashcards
Factorial Design
Research designs that have 2+ IVs. Can analyze main and interaction effects. Main= effect of one IV on the DV. Interaction= effects of one IV on different levels of another IV.
Shared Variability
Correlation coefficient for 2+ variables can be squared to obtain a measure of shared variability. So, if correlation between X and Y is .5, 25% of variability in Y is shared with or accounted for by X.
Scales of Measurement
Nominal: name! have a number of groups and frequency count in each group (marital status)
Ordinal: also named categories but have a natural sequence or order (like income, likert). differences between values are not consistent
Interval: often continuous values (dates on a calendar) but no true zero
Ratio: can be continuous or discrete, have a true zero (weight)
Standard Deviation
measure of variability of scores around the mean of a distribution.
Regression Analysis
Helps predict a score on one criterion based on the person’s score on a predictor. Line of best fit helps make predictions.
Statistical Power
Probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis. Can’t be controlled directly but is increased by large sample, large alpha, reducing error, and maximizing effects of IV
Factorial ANOVA
2+ IVs and a single DV, interval and ratio scales.
Randomized Block ANOVA
Use when blocking is done to control for an extraneous variable.
Experimentwise Error Rate
Probability of making Type 1 error. As number of comparisons in a study increases, error rate goes up.
1+ IVS and 2+ DVs. Use of this helps reduce experimentwise error and increases power.
Indicator from ANOVA of significant difference between means. A large effect is larger than 1.0
Chi-Square Test
Nonparametric test used with nominal data. Single sample has one variable. Count IV and DVs together.
Threats to External Validity
External Validity = generalizability
Pretest sensitization–pretest affects reaction to treatment
Reactivity–respond differently b/c they know they’re in a study
Multiple treatment interference–when they receive more than one level of IV
Trend analysis
Type of ANOVA used to assess linear and nonlinear trends when IV is quantitative.
Discriminant Function Analysis
Analysis used when 2+ predictors will be used to predict one’s status on a single discrete (nominal) criterion.
Effect Size
Measures the magnitude of the relationship between IV and DV. Helpful for establishing clinical or practical significance.
Cohen’s d and eta squared.
Threats to Internal Validity
Internal Validity= degree to which a research study allows investigator to conclude that the observed variability is due to the IV.
Maturation, History, stat regression, selection (groups are diff at start)
Multiple Regression
Used to predict a score on a continuous criterion based on performance on 2+ continuous or discrete predictors.
Issue in multiple regression when there are high correlations between predictors (don’t want this!)
Skewed distributions
Positively skewed: most scores on low side, with a few scores on the high side and mean>median>mode
Negatively skewed: most scores on high side, with a few on low side mode>median>mean
Used to increase efficiency of analysis. Removes variability in DV due to extraneous variable. DV score is adjusted for each person.