Clinical Psychology Flashcards
Emic v Etic
Etic= universalist or culture-general
Emic= culturally specific
Alloplastic v Autoplastic Interventions
Alloplastic= make changes to environment
Autoplastic= make changes to the individual
Therapist-Client Matching
Mixed results, might reduce premature termination of therapy. Some research suggests other factors (worldview) are more important.
Worldview (Sue)
Affected by cultural background and has two factors: locus of control and locus of responsibility. Issues in therapeutic relationships, especially White therapists who are (IC-IR) and black clients who are (IC-ER).
Reality Therapy
Based on choice theory! People are responsible for choices they make and therapy focuses on how people make choices that impact the course of their lives. People have 5 basic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, fun. Adopt success or failure identity when needs are/arent met.
Network Therapy
Helpful for american indian clients. Incorporates family and community members, very contextual.
Structural Family Therapy (Minuchin)
Have to alter family’s structure to change behavior. Can have rigid boundaries (leads to disengagement) or diffuse boundaries (leads to enmeshment). 3 major issues: detouring, stable coalition, and triangulation.
Integration, assimilation, separation, or marginalization
Parallel Process
Happens in supervision when a trainee behaves toward supervisor like how their client is behaving towards them.
Issue w/ Treatment Manuals
can oversimplify treatment process
Cultural v Functional Paranoia
Cultural: avoid disclosing to white therapist out of fear of being hurt
Functional: unwilling to disclose to any therapist
Symmetrical v Complementary Communication
Symmetrical: between equals, can become competitive
Complementary: between unequal individuals and emphasizes their differences
Health Belief Model
Health behaviors are influenced by A) readiness to take action (based on perception of susceptibility to illness and severity of consequences) B) evaluation of costs and benefits of making a certain response, C) internal and external cues to action that trigger the response
Open ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summaries
Dose-dependent effect
75% of clients in therapy show improvement after 26 sessions, and that # only goes up to 85% after 52 sessions.
Separation-individuation (Mahler)
Object relations theorist. Focused on how infant assumes own identity. Development of object relations happens during separation-individuation phase (4-5 mos) and issues during this period can lead to psychopathology down the road.
Adler’s Individual Psychology
Behaviors are purposeful and goal-directed. Behaviors are largely related to future goals rather than past events. Key concepts: inferiority feelings, striving for superiority, style of life. Maladaptive behaviors=mistaken style of life.
Diagnostic Overshadowing
Tendency to attribute all psychiatric issues to ID. Applies to other diagnoses as well.
CAN help recover repressed memories. BUT does not enhance accuracy of memories, can lead to pseudomemories, and exaggerate a person’s confidence in uncertain memories.
Eysenck’s Findings
Did a review of psychotherapy outcome studies (in 1952) and concluded that any apparent benefit to therapy is due to spontaneous remission.
Solution-focused therapy
Client is expert and therapist is consultant. Pose questions like the miracle question, exception questions, and scaling questions.
Personal construct therapy
psych processes determined by how people construe events. Goal of therapy= identify and revise or replace maladaptive constructs
Feminist therapies
Feminist therapy= empowerment, social change, minimizes power differential between client and therapist.
self-in-relation= object relations with feminism. Gender differences traced back to early mother-daughter and mother-son relationships
nonsexist therapy= greater focus on personal causes of behavior and personal change.
Strategic Family Therapy
Focus is on transactional patterns and focuses on relief over insight. Use paradoxical interventions (reframing) to alter behavior of family members and help them see symptom in alternative way.
Smith et al. Findings
Also looked at psychotherapy outcomes. Found an average effect size of .85…typical therapy client is better off than 80% of people who need therapy but don’t get it.
Communication processes–positive and negative feedback loops. Negative loop reduces deviation and maintains status quo. Positive loop amplifies change and disrupts system.
Double-bind communication
Etiological factor of schizophrenia. Communication that involves conflicting negative commands (do that and you’ll be punished, don’t do that and you’ll be punished) with one expressed verbally and other nonverbally. Person receiving this message usually cant comment on it or ask for help.
Freudian Psychoanalysis
When ego can’t ward off anxiety through rational means, it resorts to defense mechanisms (repression, reaction formation). These happen unconsciously and serve to distort or deny reality. Work on this through free associations, dreams, transferences, confrontations, interpretation, and working through.
Person-centered therapy conditions
people can grow and self-actualize! conditions: emphathy, genuineness, and unconditional positive regard.
Jung’s Analytical Psychotherapy
Behaviors are determined by conscious and unconscious factors. Collective unconscious= memories passed down, included archetypes that lead to experiencing certain things in universal ways.
Individuation: integration of conscious and unconscious aspects of psyche which leads to unique identity and wisdom.
Interpersonal Therapy
Manual-based therapy, brief. Originally developed for depression. Focus is on symptom reduction and resolving issues in interpersonal functioning (role transitions, role disputes)
Group Therapy Issues
Three Stages
1: orientation, participation, search for meaning, dependency
2: conflict, dominance, rebellion
3: development of cohesiveness
Cohesiveness is most important factor
Gestalt Therapy
Awareness is primary curative factor in therapy. Neuroses often comes from boundary disturbance (like introjection) that leads to abandoning self for self image. Transference is NOT productive.
Extended Family Systems Terms
Differentiation= ability to separate intellectual and emotional function which avoids fusion
Emotional triangle= two people recruit a third to reduce stress
Genogram= made at start of therapy, includes major events relationships between family members
Object-Relations Family Therapy