Industrial/Organizational Psychology Flashcards
Social Loafing
Tendency to exert less effort when on a team as opposed to working alone.
Absolute Techniques
methods of subjective performance assessment that indicate performance in absolute terms (not in comparison to others).
Consideration and Initiating Structure Leadership
Behavior of leaders can be described in terms of 2 dimensions: consideration (person-centered) and initiating structure (task-oriented)
Expectancy Theory
Job motivation is result of 3 elements: expectancy (effort leads to success), instrumentality (success leads to outcomes), and valence (desirable outcomes)
Two-factor theory (Herzberg)
theory of motivation and satisfaction that places satisfaction and dissatisfaction on two separate continua. Motivators contribute to satisfaction and motivation while hygiene factors contribute to dissatisfaction when absent.
Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X: employees don’t like work and try to avoid it. Must control them
Theory Y: work is natural and employees have self-control and self-direction
Theory of Work Adjustment
Positive job outcomes are result of satisfaction and satisfactoriness. Job features must align with employee’s needs and values, and employee’s skills need to correspond with needs of the job.
Career Decision-Making Model
Vocational identity is ongoing but there are two phases: anticipation and implementation/adjustment
Krumboltz’s Social Learning
Career decisions are influenced by genetic endowment and special abilities, environmental conditions and events, learning experiences, and task approach skills.
Holland’s RIASEC
Six personality and enviro types taht you want to match: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional.
Super’s Life Space/Life Span Theory: Self Concept, Maturity, Career Rainbow.
Need a job that matches self-concept and be able to cope with developmental tasks of different stages (maturity). Life-Career Rainbow is used by career counselors to see impact of current and future roles.
Contingency Theory
Leader’s effectiveness is related to interaction between style and favorableness of situation. Low-LPC (least-preferred coworker rater) do best in VERY favorable or unfavorable while High-LPC do better in the middle.
Idiosyncrasy Credits
Positive sentiments a group has towards a specific member that affords them the ability to occasionally deviate from group norms.
Job Analysis vs Evaluation
Analysis: determine how a job differs from other jobs in terms of requirements.
Evaluation: helps set wages and salaries
Individual Decision-Making Models
Generally, decision makers try to maximize benefits by searching for best solution or decision.
Bounded rationality or administrative model proposes that we are limited by different constraints and have to satisfice instead of optimize.
Organizational Justice
Worker’s evaluations of policies and procedures as fair. Procedural, distributive, and interactional.
Realistic Job Preview
Provide accurate and complete info about job and organization to applicants. Help reduce turnover and disillusionment.
Stages of Group Development
Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
Types of Group Tasks
Additive, compensatory, disjunctive, conjunctive, and discretionary.
Adverse Impact/80% rule
Adverse impact occurs when selection test or other employment procedure results in higher rejection rates for protected minority groups.
Job Burnout Symptoms
Sense of low personal accomplishment, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion. Early sign is increase in work effort w/o increase in productivity.
Multiple Regression and Multiple Cutoff
Methods for using multiple predictor scores. Regression is compensatory (scores can offset each other) while cutoff (minimum score on each score required) is not.
Relative Eval Techniques
Paired comparison: compare 2 employees to each other on different dimensions.
Forced distribution: assign ratees to a limited number of categories based on normal distribution of performance.
Utility Analysis
Used to eval the effectiveness of training programs and other programs or procedures. Estimate the program’s return on investment.
Demand-Control Model (Karasek)
Job demand and control are primary contributors to job stress.
Criteria for evaluating effects of training
Reaction, learning, behavioral, results
Situational Leadership
Best leadership style depends on job maturity of workers–telling, selling, participating, and delegating.
Yerkes-Dodson Law
highest levels of performance associated with moderate amount of arousal (inverted U)
Centralized vs Decentralized Networks
Centralized communication (through one person) is better for simple tasks. Decentralized is better for more complex tasks and is associated with more satisfaction.
Differential Validity/Unfairness
Differential Validity: validity coef of a predictor variable is very different for one group compared to another.
Unfairness: members of minority group consistently score lower on predictor but perform about the same on criterion as members of the majority group.
Frame of Reference Training
Training for raters that emphasizes multidimensionality of job and tries to reduce bias by focusing on good and poor work-related behaviors.
Levels of Org Culture
Artifacts, espoused values and beliefs, and basic underlying assumptions
Needs Assessment
Includes org, task, person, and demographic analyses. Identify job performance requirements and performance deficits to identify training needs.
Process Consultation
Consultant helps members perceive, understand, and identify ways of improving processes that are undermining interactions and effectiveness.
Social Cog Theory
Bandura’s theory of motivation–self-regulation of behavior involves goal-setting, self-observation, self-evaluation, and self-reaction
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Management Theory that emphasizes customer service, employee involvement and continuous improvement in goods and services.
ADA key info
Applies to companies with 15 or more employees
If a disabled person can perform a job, provide accommodations
Caveat is that accommodations can not result in undue hardship for employer
Criterion Contamination
When a criterion measure assesses factors other than those it was designed to measure. Can inflate the validity coefficient.
Force Field Analysis
Organizational change involves unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
Job Enrichment versus Job Enlargement
Enrichment: increase challenge level, more motivation and satisfaction
Enlargement: increase number of and variety of tasks.
National Culture (Hofstede)
Culture of nations can be described in terms of five dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, and long-term orientation
Path-Goal Theory
Best leadership style depends on characteristics of worker and work, and leaders help carve paths for subordinates to fulfill personal goals.
Scientific Management
Involves: analyze jobs into component parts, select train and place workers into jobs, foster cooperation between supervisors and workers, and have managers and workers assume responsibility for their share.
Taylor-Russell Tables
Used to estimate a predictor’s incremental validity with criterion-related validity coefficient.
Work Shifts trends
Graveyard is worst of fixed, but rotating is worse than graveyard.
Big 5 Personality
Neuroticism, conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness, extraversion. Conscientiousness is BEST predictor of job performance.
Formative vs Summative Eval
Formative: eval done during program development to make modifications
Summative: eval after it’s implemented to see outcomes.
Hawthorne Effect
Improvement in job performance resulting from participation in a research study.
Job Satisfaction Trends
Higher for: older people, higher level, use your skills and abilities in job.
Might be a genetic component
Pay and satisfaction relationship is complex, mostly important that you feel you are being paid fairly.
Need for Achievement (McClelland)
3 things underlie work motivation: need for affiliation, need for power, and need for achievement. Those with high nACH choose tasks of moderate difficulty and risk.
Person-Machine Fit
Performance is result of interactions between people and machines and failures are due to mismatches
Self-Managed Work Teams
Autonomous work groups that make hiring, budget, and other decisions.
Organizational assessment used when goal is org development.
Gender differences in leadership
Women are more likely to rely on democratic decision-making style
Incremental Validity
Increase in decision making accuracy from use of a new predictor.
Maximized when validity coef is high, selection ratio (ratio of # of jobs to # of applicants) is low and base rate is moderate
Mediation vs Arbitration
Mediator: Clarify issues, help with communication, make recommendations
Arbitrator: more authority, controls process and outcome of conflict resolution.
Normative Decision-Making Model
5 different decision-making strategies that vary in terms of employee participation in process. Use a decision tree to select optimal strategy.
Quality Circles
Voluntary group of employees who work together and talk about job issues. Representatives present solutions to management.
Social Facilitation vs Inhibition
Facilitation: increase in learning and performance when in front of others (true for simple or well-learned tasks)
Inhibition: decrease in learning and performance when in front of others (true for new or complex tasks)
Personnel Assessments
Collects individual data such as accomplishment records, personality tests, and work samples.
Equity Theory
Motivation in work is based on perception of and comparison with others. If you feel you’re being paid less but putting in more than someone else, you will try to restore equity.
Goal-Setting Theory
More motivated if goals are accepted and committed to by employees. Specific, moderately difficult goals are best for productivity.
Methods of Job Training
Job rotation: on-the job
Vestibule: simulated work environment
Behavioral Modeling: what it sounds like, off the job.
Internal vs External Change Agents
External is better received by members of org due to impartiality.