Stats Flashcards
What is reliability?
- A degree of consistency to which an instrument or rater measures a particular attribute.
- A test is considered to be reliable if it produces precisely and reproductive information.
What is intra examiner reliability?
The ability of a single rater to obtain the identical measurement during separate performances of the same test
What is intre examiner reliability?
A measure of the ability of two or more raters to obtain identical results with the same test.
What is kappa coefficient(k)?
A measure of the proportion of potential agreement after chance is removed.
What is interclass correlation coefficient(ICC)?
Commonly used to determine the reliability of data that is continuous in nature.
Values less then .10 no reliability Between .11-.40 slight reliability Between .61-.80 moderate reliability .81 or higher substantial reliability
What is referenced standard?
Criterion considered closest representation of the truth of the disorder being presented.
The results obtain with the reference standard are compared with the results obtained with the test under investigation to determine the percentage of people correctly diagnose or diagnostic accurate.
What is the positive predictive value?
The estimate likelihood that a patient with a positive test actually has the disease.
What is negative predictive value?
The likelihood that a patient with a negative test does not have the disease.
What is sensitive?
- A test ability to detect those patients who actually have the disorder as indicated by the reference standard.
- Test with high sensitivity are good for ruling OUT a particular disorder
- SnNout-high sensitivity and negative result good for ruling out disorder
What is specificity?
- The ability to detect those patients who actually do not have the disorder as indicated by the reference standard.
- Tests with high specificity are good for ruling IN a disorder.
- SpPin-high specificity and Positive result good for ruling in disorder.
What are likelyhood ratios?(3)
- Combing test’s sensitivity and specificity to develop an indication in the shift of probability given the specific test results and the value in guiding clinical decision-making.
- Positive LR indicate a shift in probability favoring the existence of a disorder.
- Negative LR indicate a shift in probability favoring the absence of a disorder.
What is a systematic review?
Synthesizes results from multiple studies and answers a specific clinical question.
What is a randomized controlled trial?
Participants of the study are designated by random chance either experimental groups or control groups.
Control groups can receive treatment, no treatment, or placebo.
What is a cohort study?
Identify and study a group of people who are already on a existing treatment or have exposure to a variable being looked at.
Group is studied overtime and outcomes are compared to a similar population that is not affected by treatment or condition
Study’s risk factors to see if one can associate a disease or deficit, observational studies only
What are case control study’s?
Study the disease or deficit and determine if you can associate risk factors to it.
Often use for rare disorder and look back and medical records for data collection