Lumbar Flashcards
What characteristics determine a quick recovery time for acute back from?(3)
- Lower than average initial pain
- shorter duration of symptoms
- Fewer previous episodes
What is the Brighton scale?
Beighton scale measure benign joint hyper mobility syndrome. A score of 4/9 or greater is considered hyper mobile
Beighton Scoring criteria?
1.Patient can bend and put hands flat on floor without bending knees.(1pt) 2.Knees can hyperextend past 0°(1pt ea) 3. Elbows can hyperextend past 0° (1pt ea) 4.Thumbs can be bent backwards to touch forearm (1pt was) 5. Little finger can be bent backwards beyond 90°(1pt ea)
Myotomes of the lower limb?(6)
- L1-L2 hip flexion
- L3 knee extension
- L4 ankle DF
- L5 toe extension
- S1 ankle PF & ankle EV, hip extension
- S2 hip extension
Reflexes of the lumbar spine?(5)
- Patella (L3-L4)
- Posterior Tibial (L4-L5)
- Medial hamstring(L5-S1)
- Lateral hamstring (S1-S2)
- Achilles(S1–S2)
What are the clinical features of herniated lumbar nucleus at L3 L4 disc, Fourth lumbar nerve root?
1.Pain- low back, hip, posterior lateral thigh, and Anterior tight. 2.Numbness-anterior medial thigh and knee 3.Weakness-quadricep and atrophy 4.Reflex-knee-jerk diminish
What are clinical features of herniated lumbar nucleus at L4 L5 disc/L5 nerve root?
1.Pain-over sacral joint, hip, lateral thigh, and leg 2.Numbness-lateral leg web of great toe 3.Weakness-DF of great toe,foot difficult walking on heels, and foot drop may occur 4.Reflex changes uncommon but may affect posterior tibial
What are clinical features of herniated lumbar nucleus for a massive midline protrusion?
1.Pain-lower back, thighs, legs and or perineum depending on level of lesion 2.Numbness-thighs, legs, feet, and or perineum depending on level of lesion 3.Weakness-variable paralysis or paresis upper legs and or Baller bladder incontinence 4.Reflexes-Achilles jerk diminished or absent
Pain pattern of L3-L4 disc/4th lumbar nerve root herniated disc?
Lower back, hip, posterior lateral thigh, anterior leg.
Pain pattern for L 4-L5 disc/5th lumbar nerve root for herniated disc?
Over Sacro iliac joint, hip, lateral thigh, and leg
Pain pattern for L5-S1disc/1st sacral nerve root for herniated disc
Over sacroiliac joint, hip, posterior/lateral thigh, and leg to heel.
What red flags may increase the likelihood of metastatic cancer?(4)
1.History for cancer 2.Night pain or pain at rest 3.unexplainable wt loss 4.Age>50y.o or <17y.o
What red flags may suggest the presence of a infection within the disk or vertebrae?(4)
1.Patient is immuno suppressed 2.A prolong fever with a temperature over 100° 3.History of IV drug use 4.History of a recent urinary track infection, cellulitis, or pneumonia
What red flag suggest an undiagnosed vertebral fracture?(6)
1.Prolonged use of corticosteroids 2.Mild trauma age greater than 50y.o 3.Age greater then 70y.o 4.A known history of osteoporosis 5.Recent major trauma at any age(MVA of fall greater then 5ft) 6.Bruising over the spine following trauma
What red flag may indicate a dangerous abdominal aortic aneurysm?(4)
1.A pulsating mass in the abdomen 2.A history of atherosclerotic vascular disease 3.A throbbing pulsing back pain at rest or with recumbency 4.Age >60y.o