Statistics (20 marker) Flashcards
What statistics show age inequality for youths?
- MORI: 38% of discrimination cases filed after 2006 cited age as the reason.
Minimum wage for 23+ is £10.40 but is £7.50 for those 18-20.
Resolution foundation: 77% of employees under 20 earned less than the living wage. - 4.2 million children are living in poverty in the UK. In Ladywood, Birmingham, 47% of children were in poverty in 2013.
What statistics show female gender inequality?
- ONS: In private business sector, the gender pay gap is 25%
- UK Feminista: 30,000 women a year are sacked for being pregnant.
- Women who work spend 15hrs a week average doing chores, while men only do 5.
- Oxfam: Retired women’s income is less than 40% of a retired mans.
- Low Pay Commission: 70% of people on minimum wage jobs are women.
- Global Citizens: Women represent 70% of the world’s poor.
- Savage: men were 40% more likely to climb careers than women.
What statistics show class inequality?
- 20% of employees were paid below amount necessary for basic living.
- In 2020/21, around 1 in 5 people in the UK (20%) were in poverty
- Poorest 1/2 of the population have only 10% of the wealth in the UK.
- Goldthorpe’s study found 71% of senior judges and 50% of the House of Lords attended fee-paying school, despite it only being 7% of pop.
- Roberts (adapted from ONS studies) found 55% of men originating in the working class stayed.
What statistics show ethnic inequality?
- Wood: Discrimination of white names over equivalent applications from candidates from ethnic minority groups was 29%.
- 2/5 of people from ethnic minority background live in low-income households, twice the rate than for white people.
- Heath & Li: 43% of white men moved up to a higher socio-economic class than their father. Just 34% of 1st gen Pakistani and Bangladeshi men did the same.
- 2011 Census: 1 in 3 Bangladeshis and Pakistanis in England and Wales were living in deprived neighbourhoods, compared to 1 in 12 of White British group.
- Runnymede Report: ethnic minority groups were 3x more likely than white people to experience poverty in retirement.
- Black women are 4x more likely than women to die in childbirth.
What statistics show age inequality for the elderly?
- MORI: 38% of discrimination cases filed after 2006 cited age as the reason.
- Age UK: 16% of pensioners in the UK live in poverty.
- Berry: only 37% of households above the state pension age have internet access.
- Runnymede Report: ethnic minority groups were 3x more likely than white people to experience poverty in retirement.
What statistics show male inequality?
- 1 in 8 fathers in GB work excessively long hours of 60+ a week.
- They are also 4x times as likely to be excluded from school.
- ONS found the rate for suicide for men is 3x more than the rate for women.
- 80% of those dependent on alcohol are men.