Age Inequality- Neo/Marxism & Feminism (Conflict Theories) Flashcards
How can Marxism be applied to age and inequality?
- Age inequality is a social construction used to benefit the bourgeoisie.
- ‘Reserve army of labour’: Can be used at booms as temporary/flexible labour.
- There’s a growing market of ‘zero-hour contracts’ where employees are only given work when it’s available but must be free to work regardless.
- Benefits, like pensions & sick pay, are not given. Those in reserve for work are more likely to take up these contracts like unemployed youth or elderly people looking to continue to bring income post-retirement.
Who talked about ‘legitimation of authority’?
What is Gramsci’s theory on ‘legitimation of authority’?
- False class consciousness explains that people don’t realise their exploitation often through concessions they receive (child benefits & pensions)
- This creates a form of dependency, legitimising the need for powers of authority.
- Thus, the elderly & youth don’t question their exploitation through the labour market, accepting things like zero-hour contracts.
What concept/s did Gramsci discuss?
- Legitimation of authority
- False class consciousness
Who discussed ‘political economy theory’?
Townsend & Phillipson
What are critiques of Marxism?
- Ignores lack of a homogeneous experience. Studies take a macro approach, ignoring other social characteristics effecting experiences. For example, the elderly is not systematically marginalised & are able to work well into old age. (High court judges, politicians).
- With an aging population, there has been a growth of the ‘grey pound’. With the elderly as consumers, they can become an asset to the bourgeoisie & the capitalist economy.
Who discussed how women face a double standard in terms of status?
What did Itzin find?
- Women face a double standard.
- Men’s status is related to employment, whereas women’s status links to their reproductive cycle.
- In a patriarchal society, women’s status devalues after childbearing age.
- Older women, regardless of wealth & background, have a lower status.
- They feel immense pressure to fight signs of aging & are encouraged to improve appearance (cosmeticisation) which is capitalised on.
What term by Itzin means pressure to fight signs of aging & improve appearance?
What do Aber & Ginn say about age and gender?
When looking at women & inequality, factors like age will affect their power & status. Older women face challenges older men do not.
What does Daly say linking to cosmeticisation?
It has similarities to many global practices that women are made to comply with, like genital mutilation, in that women are expected to conform to physical standards.
What are critiques of Feminist theories on age inequality?
- The structuralist, macro nature ignores that women are not a homogeneous group, & factors like wealth & poverty can greatly fragment a woman’s life chances.
- Currie: Men also go through pressure to cosmeticize & fight signs of aging.
- Cosmeticisation is not a forced process, but one where people to choose for their own subjective reasons.
What feminists discuss the link with age and gender?
- Arber & Gin
- Itzin
- Daly
What is Townsend & Phillipson’s beliefs related to ‘political economy theory’?
- Inequality meets needs of capitalism.
- Capitalism needs to continually renew its workforce to ensure greater profit by using young workers who may be more productive. This means having a system where the elderly are institutionally marginalised.
- This happens through a process of institutionalised dependency, (e.g., elderly being made to retire) so the needs of the economy are met as younger employees take their place.
- A forced dependency takes place, where the elderly become dependent on relationships with the means of production.
What neo- Marxist theory did Townsend & Phillipson discuss?
Political economy theory
Who talks about how cosmeticisation links to global practices which oppress young women?
What Marxists/ Neo-Marxists discuss age inequality?
- Marx/Engels: ‘Reserve army of labour’ (Marxism)
- Gramsci: Legitimation of authority
- Townsend & Phillipson: Political economy theory
What are the two Neo Marxist theories and sociologists?
- Gramsci: Legitimation of authority
- Townsend & Phillipson: Political economy theory