States of Consciousness Flashcards
The process underlying the mental model we create of the world of which we are aware.
3 main functions of consciousness
restricts our attention, provides us with mental “meeting place”, allows us to create a mental model of the world
Biological Rhythms
Periodic physiological fluctuations which affect body processes like temperature, blood pressure, and the effectiveness of medicines.
Circadian Rhythms
Occur once during a 24 hour period.
Ex. Sleep-wake cycle
Ultradian Rhythms
Occur more than once a day.
Infradian Rhythms
Occur once a month or a season.
sleep theories
sleep protects us-evolutionary theory
Sleep helps us recuperate-repairs brain tissue
Sleeping to remember-helps rebuild our fading memories
Sleep to grow-during deep sleep the pituitary gland releases a growth hormone
Alpha Waves
slow waves of a relaxed, awake brain
Theta Waves
In-between waves (N-REM 2)
Delta Waves
large, slow waves of deep sleep
false sensory experiences
when do spindles occur
REM sleep
A recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur
Effects of Sleep Loss
impaired concentration
depressed immune system
greater vulnerability to accidents
recurring problems fallling or staying asleep
sleep apnea
a sleep disorder characterized by a temporary stoppage in breathing forcing the person to wake
A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks.
The sleepwalker can walk, talk and see, but will have little or no memory of the event when they wake up
Night Terrors
A sleep related problem characterized by high alertness and an appearance of being terrified.
Teeth grinding
Sudden movement or flinch of a body part occurring in Stage 1 or 2
manifest content
the dream’s story line
latent content
the (supposed) symbolic meaning
Information Processing
An important memory-related function of sorting and sifting through the day’s experiences.