Personality Flashcards
The psychological qualities that bring consistency to an individual’s thoughts and behaviors in different situations and at different times
area of the mind which is focused on the present—mental model of the world which we are aware of
cognitions not currently in our conscious mind but could be recalled at will
cognitions without our awareness
Focuses on how the mind’s energy is exchanged, transformed and expressed
Free association
A method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarrassing
parts of personality
id, ego, superego
The Id
houses basic motives, drives and instinctive desires that determine our personalities.
pleasure principle
always acts on impulse and seeks immediate pleasure (the motive to obtain pleasure immediately and avoid discomfort)
sexual energy or motivation
“police” of personality
The inner voice of shoulds and should nots
The Ego
the conscious, rational part of the mind
reality principle
postponing gratification until the appropriate time presents itself
defense mechanisms
distortions of thoughts or perceptions that act to reduce anxiety
Freud’s Pychosexual Stages
oral, anal, phallic,latemcy, genital
oral stage
0-18 months; Pleasure centers on the mouth: sucking, biting, chewing
anal stage
Pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control 18-36 months
phallic stage
3-6 years, pleasure zone in genitals, coping with incestuos sexual feelings, (electra and oedipus)
latency stage
6- puberty, dormant sexual feelings
genital stage
puberty on, maturation of sexual interests
oedipus complex
boy in love with their mother
Electra complex
girl in love with their father
boys love their mom/identify with their dad
Penis envy
girls desire to have a penis-attracted to males