State Statutes Flashcards
Who are mandatory reporters?
Medical Professionals, heath or mental health profession, spiritual healing practitioner, teacher or other school officials, Social Worker, child care worker, law enforcement officer, Judge.
Child abuse records are kept how long?
Until victim is 30 years of age
Failing to report child abuse is what type of crime?
Third Degree Felony
Disclosing information from the abuse hotline report is what type of crime?
Second Degree Misdemeanor
what is the fine for a collage or university who fails to report child abuse?
1 million dollars
Involuntary mental health examinations can be made with what criteria?
- Reason to believe they have a mental illness
- Refused a voluntary examination
- Unable to determine for themselves it is necessary
- without treatment could harm themselves or others
- without treatment cannot care for themselves
If there is not expiration listed on an order for involuntary examination, how long is it valid for?
7 days
How long can a person be held for an involuntary mental health examination.
72 hours
Involuntary admissions for substance abuse requires what?
- lost the power of self control
- inflicted or attempted to inflict themselves or others
- is in need of services and is too impaired to recognize it
Residency for sexual offenders cannot reside with how far of a school?
Sex offenders labeled “career offenders” must register within how many das of moving into a residence?
2 Days
A person over the age of 18 who intentionally lures a child under the age of 12 to a building, structure or vehicle commits what level crime
First Degree Misdemeanor
Human Trafficking is what level crime
Third Degree Felony
A Carry Concealed Weapons permit is good for how long?
7 years
Criminal use of personal information
What degree crime is it?
Third Degree Felony
Criminal use of personal information
What dollar amount and victim count upgrades the charge to a minimum mandatory of 3 years?
Value of over $5,000 or more and between 10 - 20 victims.
Criminal use of personal information
What dollar amount and victim count upgrades the charge to a minimum mandatory of 5 years?
$50,000 and 20 - 30 victims
Criminal use of personal information
What dollar amount and victim count upgrades the charge to a minimum mandatory of 10 years?
$100,000 and 30 or more victims
Possession of Personal information of another person
How many different people’s information does the suspect have to possess for this to be a misdemeanor?
Four or fewer.
Possession of Personal information of another person
how many items personal ID does the suspect have to have to make it a felony?
Five or More
Aggravated elderly abuse is what type of crime?
Third Degree Felony
Sexual Performance by a child
Sexual Performance means what?
Any performance that includes sexual contact committed by a person under 18
Sexual Performance by a child
A person is guilty of promoting sexual performance by doing what?
Promoting any photograph, movie, show or presentation
Sexual Performance by a child
Promoting Sexual performance by a child under 18 is what level of crime?
Second Degree Felony
Sexual Performance by a child
possession of how many photos, movies etc. is prima fascia evidence of promoting
3 or More
Affrays and Riots
What level of crime is an Affray?
1st degree Misdemeanor
Affrays and Riots
What level of crime is a riot?
Third Degree Misdemeanor
Unlawful assemblies
what is the definition?
If three or persons meet together to commit a breach of the peace or other lawful act
Unlawful assemblies
What level crime is it?
Second Degree Misdemeanor
Riots and Routs
Persons unlawfully assemble and demolish property what level crime is it?
Third Degree Felony
Preservation of the Public Peace by local authority
In the event of overt acts of violence, can local authorities declare a state of Emergency?
When shall a summons be issued?
- when the judge does not believe there will be a flight risk
- it is a misdemeanor crime
- the summons will set forth the nature of the offense and command the person to appear before the judge
When is an arrest by a Law enforcement officer lawful without a warrant?
Committed in their presence, P.C. exists for felony crime, another officer not present has a warrant, Injection for protection, Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Battery, Criminal Mischief, violation of security Zone, violation of Pre trial release,
can an officer arrest someone for defrauding the inn Keeper without a warrant?
Searches of persons arrested
When a lawful arrest is effected, the officer may search the person and the immediate area for the purpose of what?
- protecting the officer from attack
- preventing the person from escaping
- discovering fruits of the crime
Strip Searches
When are Strip searches permitted?
- Not for a traffic or Misdemeanor unless involves weapon, or controlled substance
- PC to believe there is something hidden there
- Judge determines the at first appearance the person is going to stay incarcerated.
Strip Searches
what are the conditions for doing a strip search?
- performed under sanitary conditions
- no officer will do it within the agency or facility without written authorization of Supervisor
- Performed by person of same gender in private
Arrest outside of jurisdiction
Fresh Pursuit arrest outside jurisdiction requires arrestee to go where?
County Jail in county of arrest