Good To Great Flashcards
Level 5 leaders are _________?
The highest Level leaders
What are the other levels of leaders?
- highly capable
- contributing team member
- competent manager
- effective leader
Level 5 leaders do not exhibit ___________?
Enormous Egos
Level 5 Leaders in Policing may involve a greater degree of __________ types of skills rather than _________.
Legislative Than Executive
Great Leaders assemble their team when?
Before they decide where to go.
Good to Great companies begin finding a path to greatness by doing what?
Confronting the Brutal Facts of their current reality.
The Hedgehog Concept is what?
Understanding what the company can do better than anyone else. seeing what is essential and ignoring the rest.
What I culture discipline?
Showing extreme diligence and intensity in their thoughts and actions, always focusing on implementing the companies hedgehog concept.
what do great companies have in common?
Culture of discipline
The opposite of culture discipline is what?
When used right, Technology becomes an ___________ of momentum
No matter how dramatic the end result, the good to great transformation never happened _________?
In one fell swoop (all at once)
The “Doom Loop” is marked by what?
Chronic restructuring, fads and management hoopla without disciplined thought.
in social sectors, money in only an ________ and not a measure of greatness
when the Cleveland Orchestra aimed to become the top orchestra, they focused on the __________.
all indicators are flawed, what matters is not finding the perfect indicator, but settling upon a _________ and ____________ method of assessing your output results.
Consistent & Intelligent.
Level 5 leaders set their successors up for even greater _________, while level 4 leaders do not
A less formal means of developing leaders occurs when organizational heads encourage their command staff to __________, __________, ____________.
Think on their own
Ask questions
Challenge the boss in a constructive way.
The Boss does not need to have all the good ideas if the boss has the ______________ & __________ to select team members who can and will voice ideas.
courage and ability
Picking the right people and getting the ____________, are critical factors for success in both public and private sectors.
Wrong people off the bus
Leaders should create a ___________ to develop an organization’s Hedgehog concept.
By Whatever means possible __________ have to be confronted in an organization that aspires to greatness
Personnel Problems
The _______ remains an ineffective tool in the police manager’s tool box
Performance evaluation
What was the most important attribute identified when recruiting applicants?
One way to Avoid recruitment mistakes is to do what?
Take your time
If you do not address ___________ you miss an ideal opportunity to have an impact on your agency
Every day working conditions of officers
On e alternative to moving people off the buss is to what?
Help them become more effective as the organization moves in a new direction
____________ can provide a critical means of developing managers and leaders for organization that do not have the luxury of being able to provide their own training.
Effective leadership programs
_____________ can be a tool for level 5 managers to develop a strong management team
Management training
When a leader cannot move people in and out of an organization, it can be helpful to develop ________ or ________ of people who are supportive of the organization’s new direction
Kitchen Cabinets or Leadership teams
A good example of a “confronting the brutal facts” type program in policing is
It is not enough for data to be made readily available. managers need to be ______________.
Familiar with the data and involved in the analysis.
The Chicago experience involved what?
Dubious crime stats
GTG companies strive to make a climate in which __________ is heard and valued.
Collins offers 4 suggestions for climate of truth, they are;
- lead with questions, not answers
- engage in dialogue not coercion
- conduct autopsies of mistakes with out placing blame.
What is the concept of “short pay?”
The customer pays less that the invoice if not satisfied
Short pay acts as what?
An early warning system that forces adjustments quickly
What is the “Stockade Paradox?”
Confronting the brutal facts and having the faith to stay on the right track.
The Hedgehog concept evolves from finding the overlap of three circles of what diagram?
Venn Diagram
What are the three circles of the Venn Diagram?
- what can you be the best at?
- what are you deeply passionate about?
- What drives your economic engine?
The ability of an organization to function like a focused hedgehog depends on the existence of
A culture of dicipline
Discipline in an organization has 2 purposes. What are they?
- Focus on what an organization needs to do
2. Identify and eliminate things the organization should not do
A culture of discipline requires that a leader take a long hard look at _________ about the organization and then act on them.
Level 5 leaders make disciplined decisions regardless of ______________.
Personal consequences.
What were the 3 areas in which technology helped the Chicago Police Department?
- more productivity
- better management and accountability
- stronger partnerships
During the first years a level 5 leader must be what?
Out-front and visible
The “Flywheel Concept” means what?
The relentless, steady push towards a goal which produces momentum.
The “Doom Loop” refers to what?
The tendency of organizations to run in one direction and then turn off to go into a different direction.
Crises are a distraction, but they force the hedgehog leader to do what?
come up for air and tend to the matters outside the burrow.
few leaders considered a crises as a ____________.
permanent roadblock to organizational development.
_________ toward a crisis is key
Crisis that involve fault of the agency should be dealt with how?
Honestly and openly.
During a crisis, __________ is a way in which organizations face the Brutal reality.
Full Disclosure
When maintaining credibility during a crisis there are 2 things to remember. what are they?
- credibility is built over time and not during an incident
2. managing a crisis is just that, managing
A crisis is managed through what?
- preparation
- Planning
- Training
- Execution
in the 21st Century, _____________ is the response of a disciplined police culture
___________ is the enemy of Great