Credibility Flashcards
Leadership is a relationship between who?
Those who aspire to lead and those who chose to follow
Loyalty is not something a boss can demand or even command. it is what?
Something the people (the constituency) choose to grant to a leader who has earned it.
The tree most frequent characteristics identified by the American Management Association were?
- Integrity
- Competence
- Leadership
The majority of people look for and admire leaders who are what?
- Honest
- Forward-thinking
- Inspiring
- Competent
What trait is selected more than any other leadership characteristic?
___________ is absolutely essential to leadership?
If people are going to follow someone, they first want to assure themselves the person is what?
Worthy of their trust.
When it comes to honesty, people want to know the leader is what three things?
- Truthful
- Ethical
- Principled
Employees need to know they can trust a leader and they can only do it when they are ______ with them.
you are only as good as your word, if you cannot deliver________.
Do not offer your word
Leaders are expected to have a sense of ______ and a concern for the future of the organization.
Leaders must know __________; they must have a destination in mind when asking others to join them on a journey into the unknown.
where they are going
People are unwilling to follow those who are _________? if they don’t know where they are going no one is likely to go further ahead with them
People admire and respect leaders who are what 5 things?
- Dynamic
- Uplifting
- Enthusiastic
- Positive
- Optimistic
Dreaming about something is not enough, you have to be able to____________.
Share that dream and get others to work with you to achieve it.
Leaders cant just have dreams of the future; they must be able to ___________.
Communicate those dreams in ways to encourage people to sign on.
You need to get others to believe so strongly in the vision that they are transformed into ____________.
Followers who are not afraid to fail.
If people are to enlist in another’s cause, they must see that individual as ___________ and ____________.
Capable and effective
Leaders set goals that are ________ and know the steps necessary to achieve them.
Setting goals that are realistic creates ________ and _________ in followers
Confidence and Motivation
____________ is the surest way to be considered competent.
Having a winning record.
what 5 abilities must be demonstrated if leaders are to be seen as capable?
- Model
- Inspire
- Challenge
- enable
- encourgae
What two prerequisites to leadership have increased in importance?
Forward thinking & Inspiring
Times of transition require leaders with ________ and ________ to sustain hope.
Vision & the energy
_________ remains one of the four most admired characteristics, but has slightly less importance now than in the past.
The ________ environment may influence what people look for and admire in a leader at any given moment.
____________ is the foundation of leadership.
The three dimensions of source credibility are what?
- Trustworthiness
- Expertise
- Dynamism
Credit and Credibility have the same root origin which is ____________.
Credo means what?
I trust or believe
A credit check can be simplified into one question, what is it?
Is this person worthy of my trust?
Credibility is some that is __________. it does not come automatically with job title.
Earned over time
Without _____________ leaders can have no hope of enlisting others in a common vision.
Firm foundation of personal credibility
Admired leaders focus their time and attention on _______. they do not place themselves at the center.
Leaders do not seek attention, they __________.
Give it to others
Threats, power and position do not earn commitment, they only earn __________.
Credibility is gained in small quantities though _________.
Physical presence
The secret to closing the credibility gap lies in a collective willingness to do what three things?
- get closer
- become known
- get to know others
The behavioral evidence used to judge whether a leader is believable is what?
They do what they say they will do
to strengthen credibility as a person the leader must __________.
Do what you say you will do
Leaders must act in ways consistent with not only their goals, but the _______________. of everyone in the organization.
Goals and values
To make you a credible leader in the context of the organization, the leader must___________
Do what we say we will do
When it comes to DWWSWWD, forgetting the ________ has derailed many managers.
strengthening the “we” portion of leadership has three phases what are they?
- Clarity
- Unity
- Intensity
The six disciplines for earning and sustaining credibility are what?
- Discover yourself
- Appreciate Constituents
- Affirm Shared Values
- Develop Capacity
- Serve a Purpose
- Sustain Hope
To be a credible leader you must first ________, the principles that guide your decisions and action.
Clarify your own values.
Leaders find a ___________ on which everyone can stand.
Common ground
Leaders need to ensure that _________ exist for individuals to build their knowledge and skills.
educational opportunities
To strengthen you credibility as a leader’ give people more __________ and keep them informed.
Leaders exist to ________ for the people who have made it possible for them to lead, their constituents.
Serve a purpose
By taking a stand, leaders let people know that they are ______.
Willing to put their personal careers or security on the line in service of the principles
Credible leaders keep ________alive.
Credible leaders are _______ about planning goals and can start a new course if things are not working.
________ is the base on which credibility is built.
Do what you say you will do (DWYSYWD) is behavioral definition of _______.
Personal credibility
Do what we say we will do (DWWSWWD) is what distinguishes ________credibility from ________credibility.
Leader credibility from personal credibility
Do what we say we will do (DWWSWWD) is the definition of what type of credibility?
Leader Credibility
__________ is an essential part of defining a leader’s integrity.
When it comes to discovering yourself, ________ Is the most difficult task any of us faces.
Knowing yourself
To genuinely know the level of commitment you are willing to make, you must discover and develop three essential aspects of yourself, what are they?
- Your credo
- Your competencies
- Your confidence
Credo is ____________.
A set of values and beliefs that serve as a guide to your decisions and actions
Competencies are ___________.
The knowledge skills and abilities you use to transform words to actions
Confidence is ____________.
The will to make use of your skills
The first stage of your credibility journey, then, is to
Clarify your values.
To clarify your own values, you have to create _________
A personal credo.
If confronted with an ethical dilemma yourself, the best strategy is to _____________.
Seek council.
________ is one of the key elements of credibility
Self-Efficacy is __________.
people’s beliefs in their capabilities.
There are four ways self-efficacy can be enhanced, what are they?
- Mastery – learn to do the task well
- Modeling – find opportunities to watch other like your self do it well
- Support – you need to hear words of encouragement
- Encouragement
When it comes to believing in yourself, What is the most common source of distraction?
People willingly follow your advice and recommendations only when they trust you have their_________ at heart
Best interest
With regards to Shifting focus from self to others through values, What are the 4 types of values?
- Personal
- Professional
- Organizational
- Societal
Overlooking real and relevant differences can not only harm people, it can seriously damage their _______
What four things make up good working relationships for people of different age, gender, etc?
- The relationship involves the whole person, acknowledge one another’s personal side (family, interests)
- A sense of shared history is developed over time, this fosters sense of durability
- The relationships are collaborative rather than competitive
- There is a strong sense that each person values and affirms the other.
The best thing you can do to show others you respect them and consider them worthwhile is to do what?
Reach out, listen and learn.
Building trust begins by building a personal relationship though what?
When it comes to social media, there are differences between what two types of leaders?
Thought leaders and Action leaders
What is the difference between Thought Leaders and Action Leaders?
- Thought leaders can build credibility from a distance
2. Action leaders, those working in the field, cannot sustain credibility without making efforts to connect face to face
Listening to ________ is among the most ancient and lasting way to strengthen relationships.
Other people’s stories
Once you start ______ , you find out how little you know about other people.
When you listen, you find you may have to _______ old assumptions
Leaders demonstrate that they appreciate diverse points of view by asking for ___________.
________ is the reciprocal side of showing appreciation
Soliciting feedback
Before people will be willing to follow a leader’s vision or act on a leader’s initiatives, they must ______ their leader.
To ensure and enhance your reputation as trustworthy, take a few moments to examine your daily actions with these four questions in mind, what are they?
- Is my behavior predictable or erratic?
- Do I communicate clearly or carelessly?
- Do I treat promises seriously or lightly?
- Am I forthright and candid or deceptive and dishonest
___________ is the lubricant for individual organizational development
For leaders of organizations to have high Credibility, all members must align with _________.
Shared values
Shared values are _____________
The internal compasses that enable people to act independently and interdependently
Credible leaders energize people to take actions that __________
Support higher organizational purposes
Relationships characterized by __________ have higher levels of productivity and resource sharing than competitive relationships.
Cooperation and Community
People must affirm that the team has _________ to which they all subscribe.
Beliefs and Principles
Power sharing replaces ______________.
Power struggles
An organization‘s ______________ are critical mechanisms for reinforcing and sustaining shared values.
Recruitment and hiring programs
At Zappos, the online retailer, the orientation process includes the __________.
“Culture book”
Shared values are further strengthened and reinforced in____________ programs
Training and development
Effective leaders make a clear link between what people are rewarded for and the organization’s
Values and priorities
The first step in reconciling differences is for people to _____________
explore own inner territory so that they are clear about their personal values and what they are seeking in a relationship.
The second step in reconciling differences requires
Understanding of the other party’s perspective and how that person sees the world from the other side of the table.
Effective leaders appreciate differences and take then into consideration when building what Harvard Professor William Ury in “getting past no” calls a ___________.
“golden bridge.”
The golden bridge helps people surmount the four obstacles to agreement which are _______________.
- It’s not my idea
- This doesn’t meet my needs
- This may embarrass me
- You’re asking too much, too fast
When values collide, a leader must ____________
confront and help people to resolve dilemmas
Resolving dilemmas is framed by the word reconciliation, which means ___________.
“unite again”
People can’t do what they say if they don’t have the competence to execute, or do not have the ____________.
Confidence to try.
Five essential components go into developing capacity so that everyone can act in a free and responsible way, they are what?
- Competence
- Choice
- Confidence
- Climate
- Communication
Credible leaders enhance ownership mindset by making sure people have choices about what they do, especially in terms of what?
How shared values are implemented.
Providing people with _________ liberates them.
Discretion and latitude
Choice Builds ________ and Choice Produces_________.
Commitment & Ownership
When it comes to creating a climate for learning, there are two types of mindsets they are what?
Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset
What is Growth Mindset?
The belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts
What is Fixed Mindset?
Belief that your qualities are carved in stone. Think leaders are born.
Research indicates that individual’s motivation to increase their productivity on a task increases only when they have a _________ and _____________.
Challenging goal and receive feedback
What leaders ______ is the single most important factor in demonstrating to others what is and what is not acceptable behavior in the team.
________ is your only true resource
How shared values are actually put into practice becomes crystal clear during ____________.
Critical incidents
___________ are leaders who make others around them smarter and more capable.
When people are confronted with confusing situations, they should do what?
Seek Guidance from those they admire and respect
The ancient art of ________ is another major may that leaders teach others about what sense to make of various actions and achievements
Story telling
The Zulu word Shosholoza means what?
Go forward, make your road, forge ahead
Researchers call a “take charge attitude”_______.
Grit is defined as__________.
A perseverance and passion for long term goals
When hope, Work challenge, and the skills are in balance, that’s when you experience _________
Optimal performance
The word passion has its roots in the Greek and Latin word for ___________.
What are the three tensions and dilemmas that leaders experience?
- Tension between freedom and constraint
- Tension between leading and following
- tension between definitions of success
What should people do if they find the teams or organization’s values are inconsistent with their personal values?
- ask for clarification
- Manage the disagreement
- Withdrawal
- Rebellion