Collective Bargaining Agreement Flashcards
How much leave time to PBA members donate to the PBA time pool bank?
Two hours each year
How much time is a PBA representative allowed to address new bargaining unit members at new hire orientation?
Thirty minutes (30)
How long can a bargaining unit member’s probationary period be extended for if it is determined additional time is needed to evaluate their performance?
Six (6) months
When must a bargaining unit member be notified of an extension of their probationary period?
Thirty (30) days prior to the end of the probationary period. This applies to both new hire and newly promoted employees.
Suspensions days shall be based on how many hours?
8 hours
Can an employee use vacation or comp time to satisfy disciplinary suspension time?
If two or more members have the same classification date and time, how is seniority determined?
By the date and time the member’s employment application was received.
In cases where multiple promotions were made to the same job classification, Seniority will be based on what?
Rank order on the promotional list as they were chosen by the sheriff.
All members shall accrue annual leave at the rate of___?
Four hours per semi-monthly period
After 5 years of service, how many hours of longevity leave does a member get?
16 hours
After getting 16 hours of longevity leave for the first 5 years, how many hours of longevity leave does a member get every year after that?
An additional 8 hours a year
What is the maximum amount of leave time members can accrue?
500 hours up to twenty (20) years and 850 after that
What happens to leave hours that are not used and exceed the maximum accrual limits at the end of the year?
They are contributed to the PBA time pool unless the member has it approved by the Sheriff to carry them over.
What is the rate at which sick leave is accrued?
4 hours Semi-monthly
What is the maximum payout for sick time?
1200 hours
What is the rate at which resigning or retiring members are paid out for unused sick time?
Greater than 5-10 years of service = 50%
Greater than 10-25 years of service = 100% for the first 480 hours and 50% of remaining hours
Greater than 25 tears of service = 100% up to 1200 hours
what could prevent a member from being paid out their sick and vacation leave at time of separation?
Having their FRS forfeited or certificate revoked.
Sick leave shall be monitored for policy violations during a _______ month period, on a rolling calendar basis.
18 month
Holiday time may be accrued to a maximum of how many hours?
How much holiday time is donated to the PBA time pool at the beginning of the year?
one hour
For court appearances, how many hours of compensation is given to the employee if called to testify, appear in court, or present a case to the state attorney?
3 hours
If a member is called to a appear in court on a second subpoena, the member will receive an additional 3 hour minimum as long as what?
The second subpoena required an appearance one or more hours after the first required appearance.
What is the total number of minimum appearance fees a member can accrue daily?
Members directed to return to work are compensated how?
More than one hour after their shift will be paid a 3 hour minimum. Less than one hour will be paid as continuous time from the end of the previous shift.
being called back to work to rectify the member’s own error or omission will be compensated as ________.
Hours worked at regular rate.
If the member is called into work while out on approved leave, what is the rate of compensation?
Time and a half the members rate for a minimum of 3 hours and leave will not be charged for the time worked.
For out of classification pay, what is the rate of compensation?
5% above current rate of pay for each shift in temporary position.
What is the maximum amount of assignment pay any bargaining unit member may receive?
Take home vehicles are assigned to deputies residing in which counties?
Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Hendry, Broward and Okeechobee.
What amount is deducted from members for take home vehicles for fuel per pay period?
$30.00 Palm Beach County
$35.00 for all others
GPS data involving non-criminal, policy violation investigations shall only be used to establish fact, unless used with what?
Corroborating information.
Tuition reimbursement shall be limited to how much per fiscal year?
100% of tuition cost will be reimbursed to the member provided they receive a grade of what?
“C” or better
What is the rate of Permit pay?
$33.00 Deputy, $38.00 Supervisor, $43.00 OIC
Permit premium pay is how much above regular duty rates?
How many permit deputies are needed before a Sergeant is required ?
five to nine (5-9)
An OIC with the rank of lieutenant is required when there are how many deputies?
15 or more
Members will work how many hours in a 28 day work cycle?
161 hours
What is the total number of comp time hours you can accrue?
All requests for Comp time shall be approved if requested at least how many days in advance?
Work schedules shall only be changed after the member has been given how many days notice?
4 working days
If a transfer is a permanent change in the member’s unit assignment, shift or days off, How many days notice needs to be given?
7 working days
When do vacancies in a specialty unit need to be posted?
14 days prior to interviews
When a member is selected to a specialty unit, they shall be transferred to that unit within how many days?
60 calendar days
What is the percent of longevity received for members?
10+ years = 2%
15+ years = 5%
20+ years = 10%
Members who terminate PBSO employment and are rehired shall be eligible to bridge their prior service after completion of _______ years of continuous service
PBSO shall give notice _____ days before the scheduled promotional examination date.
Members out on Worker’s compensation for an injury incurred while on duty , can be out until when?
2 years or maximum medical improvement, which ever comes first.
Sworn Bargaining unit members who sustain a serious injury on-duty while in fresh pursuit or in the apprehension of a violent person will receive a supplement to workers comp for that provides 100% of their base up to how many days?
180 calendar days
The period of temporary alternate employment for no related work illness/injury is
6 months or MMI
For non-work related illness/injury, The Sheriff can grant members an additional ________ hours of leave
PBSO provides how much in funeral expenses for members who died in the line of duty?
How much time do members get for Bereavement leave?
4 days for any immediate family member
5 days for any out of state immediate family member
What is the first step for members who want to file a grievance?
File the grievance with the Captain within 10 days of the occurrence or knowledge of the matter.
What is step two of the grievance process?
File to the Major within 10 days.
What is the third step in the grievance process?
File with the Colonel within 10 days.
What is the fourth step of the grievance process?
File with the Sheriff or designee within 10 days.
In all the grievance process steps how long do they have to respond to the member?
10 days