State Building, Expansion, and Conflict, 600-1450 - Incomplete Flashcards
● Monarchs awarded land to loyal followers or vassals
● In exchange, these vassals guaranteed that their parcels of land (fiefs) would be governed
- Law and justice would be dispensed
- Crops would be grown
- Land would be protected
Noble/Aristocratic class
● Those who received the largest land parcels from the monarchs
● They often subdivide their own land, becoming lords to their own vassals
Charlemagne (768-814)
● Grandson of Charle Martel who fought the Battle of Tours
● Took over France and conquered Germany – convert Germany to Catholicism
● Crowned emperor by the pope in 800
● Centralized Western Europe except for England, Spain, and Southern Italy
● Created the Holy Roman Empire
● Created a network of administrators and local officials to supervise his growing territories
Family that controled the Frankish kingdom
Code of chivalry
● Expressed fictionally in songs and poems like those about King Arthur
● Supposed to ensure that knights acted as virtuous, Christian warrirs, dealing fairly with the lower classes and treating women with delicacy and respect
● It was often broken
Peasants who were not technically slaves but were tied to a feudal lord’s land and had no right to change profession or residence without permission
Magna Carta
● Imposed on the king by his barons in 1215
● Guaranteed the nobility certain rights and privileges
● Made laws in conjuction with the king
● Gradually became more representative
Common law
Provide for jury trials and observe certain personal liberties
Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453)
● Resulted from the competing claims over French territory
● Coincided with social unrest on both sides and the black death
● The English enjoyed the upper hand at first but the French ultimately won due to Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc
● A prominent female who claimed that she heard voices from God
● She found the French heri and revitalized the French army
● Help France to win the war
● France, however, turned her over to England after the war and she was burned at a stake
Battle of Talas
● Fought in 751
● The newly arisen Abbasid caliphate decisively halted Tang China’s westward expansion into Central Asia
● Holy wars
● Pope has the authority to declare them
The Crusades
● The best-known crusades
● Waged against hte Muslims of the Middle East and North Africa between 1095 and 1291
The First Crusade
● 1096-1099
● Sparked by Byzantine requests for military aid agains thte Seljuk Turks, who had smashed Byzantine forces at Manzikert in 1071
● The Seljuk TUrks had captured Jerusalem and the holy Land
● They kicked Muslims out and formed 4 Latin Kingdoms