Economic Systems, 600-1450 Flashcards
● Roadside settlements providing safety and shelter
● Alongside the Silk Road
● Well adapted to coastal navigation
● Used in Mediterranean trade
Arab slave trade
● A newer element in the trans-Saharan network
● Controlled by Arab merchants, who had transported African slaves across hte Shaaran since the 600s, but were greatly increasing the volume of trad eby the 1000s
● Caught on in east Africa as well and eventually resulted in the forcible removal of at least 10 million Africans
Lateen-sailed dhows
● Used in Indian Ocean trade
● Sail long distance and against the wind
Lateen sail
● Triangular sails
● Chinese ships
● Some used in Indian Ocean trades
● Measured the sun’s position int eh sky to calculate latitude
● Came into wisder use at sea after the 700s
● Invented in China during the 1000s
● Reached the Middle East and Europe during the late 1100s and early 1200s
● Viking ships
● Exension of credit in the form of checks, bills of exchange, and loans with interest
● Required trust, often over long distances, but allowed for hte safer and simpler transfer of wealth
Why did economic productivity grow substantially in most parts of hte world?
● Improved or innovative methods and technologies
● All the methods of intensive agriculture continued to be used and became more common
● Industrial production began to appear alongside traditional artisanry and craftsmanship
- Not the full-scale, mechanized industialization, but involved systematized manufacture, often taking the forms of cottage industry or proto-industrialization
What was the Silk Road experiencing and why?
● Active from 100 B.C.E. to approximately 800 C.E.
- Major emperies supporting it
● Disrupted from 800 C.E. to 1200 C.E.
● Fourished again thourhg the 1400s
● Its economic relevance started to fall after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks
What were the key cities passed by the Silk Road?
● Baghdad, capital of the Islamic Abbasid caliphate
● Samarkand, the Central Asian metropolis
● Chang’an, capital of Tang China and once hte eastern terminus of the Silk Road
What were the products traveling along the Silk Road?
● Slik from China remained the best-known commodity traded along this route
● Porcelain and its industrial production of iron and steel were also sold by China
● Cotton, spices, and jewels came from India and Southeast Asia
● The Middle East became a source of slaves, metalware, and glassware
● Persia specializing in textiles
What else did the Silk Road transfer other than goods?
● Cultural and religious practices
● Technolgoical innovations
● New diseases–black death