Start of the Cold War 1947-60 (Berlin Airlift-Gary Powers) Flashcards
what policies/ event marked the start of the Cold War (3)
-Truman Doctrine 1947
-Marshall Aid
-Berlin/ Berlin Airlift
when was the Truman Doctrine and what was it
-1947; offered USA’s support in struggle against communism
what was the first intervention of the Truman Doctrine 1947
-gave troops to Greece to fight communism
what was Marshall Aid
-USA offered $13 billion packages to help Europe recover from ww2
why did the USA offer Marshall Aid
-prevented spread of communism by improving economies of capitalist countries, less likely to turn to communism
what was the Berlin Airlift and when was it (4)
-1948; USSR controlled East Germany, Berlin split into East/ West Berlin
-US soldiers travelled through EGermany to get to WBerlin , displeased Stalin
-Stalin blocked access to EGermany so USA sent planes
- didn’t last
what happened to Korea after ww2 (2)
-divided into North/South Korea at the 38th parallel
-North = hostile communists
-South = USA supporters
what and when was the first event of the Korean war and how did the globe respond
-March 1950, NK invaded SK
-UN sent mainly US forces to stop invasion
what happened in Korea due to US involvement
-USA won back SK
-General MacArthur urged troops to invade NK despite China’s warnings against it
who decided to invade NK
-General MacArthur
how did Truman respond to General MacArthur’s actions and how did the public respond to him
-Truman fired General MacArthur for insubordination
-Truman criticised for being soft on communism
what did MacArthur’s actions cause
-himself to be fired
-China sent troops to support NK
-3 year stalemate
when was a Korean peace treaty agreed and what did it decide
-1953; decided NK and SK would remain divided
who secretly supported NK in the Korean War and how
-USSR sent airforces to help NK
how many US troops and Korean civilians were dead after the Korean war
-27,000 US troops
-1.6 million civilians dead
give 3 impacts of the Korean war
-USA perceived communism as a global threat
-Ike’s domino theory became a widely held belief and eventually justified Vietnam
-McCarthyism sustained/ Cold War antagonism worsened
what does MacArthur’s firing demonstrate about the USA’s foreign policy
-demonstrates USA’s commitment to containment
-only liberated south not invade north
what was Ike’s domino theory
-if one country falls to capitalism a knock on effect will occur leading to global communism
what 4 things developed the cold war
-NATO vs the Warsaw Pact
-Stalin vs Khrushchev
-Hungary and Berlin
-Suez Canal
what was NATO and when was it set up (3)
-North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 1949
-defensive alliance to prevent soviet expansion/ communism
-an attack against one/more of them in Europe or NAmerica was a attack against all of them
what was set up in retaliation to NATO 1949 and when
-1955 Warsaw Pact
-military alliance of 8 nations headed by Soviet Union to counter NATO
when did Stalin die
how did Khrushchev differ from Stalin (5)
-less authoritarian rule
-started de-stalinisation process
-released political prisoners and started agricultural reform
-surrendered land from ww2
-decreased red army by 500,000 men
what was included in Khrushchev’s de-stalinisation
-no gulags/ disappearances to Siberia
-no cult of personality/ full media control
why did USA expect a better relationship with Khrushchev
-less authoritarian
-1959 first soviet leader to visit USA
when and how did the space race start
-1957; USSR launched 1st satellite into space called Sputnik no 1
why were the USA angered by Sputnik No 1
-wanted to be perceived as the best/ better than communism eg won arms race with hydrogen bomb
-feared US secrets leaked to USSR
what happened in Hungary and when and why
-1956; due to hatred of Khrushchev’s policies that prevented free elections new leader of Hungary tried to leave the Warsaw pact
how did Khrushchev/ the globe respond to Hungary trying to leave the Warsaw Pact
-1956 Khrushchev invaded Hungary with tanks , did not want other countries trying to leave as well
-Hungary appealed to NATO for support but they did not
what angered Khrushchev in Berlin
-WGermany refused to recognise legitimacy of EGermany state
-USA, Britain and France used EGermany for espionage/sabotage
how did Khrushchev respond to the West’s espionage in Berlin
-threatened to block WGermany’s access to EGermany’s routes
-gave ultimatum to do something about WBerlin or else
how did Ike respond to Khrushchev’s ultimatum
-called his bluff and in March 1959 Khrushchev backed down
-Sept 1959 summit held but no progress
when were the two summit’s held over Berlin held
-March 1959
-May 1960
what happened at the 1960 summit concerning Berlin
-Khrushchev failed to attend as Soviets shot down U-2 American spy plane and captured pilot Gary Powers
-forced Ike to admit to espionage
what happened to the Suez Canal and when
-1956 Egypt took control of Suez Canal, important trade route for Britain and France
how did the US respond to Egypt taking the Suez Canal and why
-did not help France/ Britain and sacrificed canal to maintain Arab friendship against USSR
what impact did the Suez Canal have (2)
-Britain and France no longer viewed as super powers due to dependance on USA
-Egypt and Syria turned to USSR due to Anglo-French actions reminding them of Western colonial mentality