Civil Rights Flashcards
what desegregated schools and when
-Brown v Topeka 1954
-declared Plesy v Ferguson inherently unequal
between 1956-7 how many AA were in desegregated schools compared to segregated
300,000 desegregated
240,000 segregated
give an example of opposition to Brown v Topeka 1954
-Arkansas closed down all public schools to stop desegregation
give 3 examples at notable attempts at desegregation from 1950s-70s
-1957 Little Rock 8 students
-1960 Ruby Bridges
-1974 Boston bussing
what happened at Little Rock and when
-1954; 8 students tried to attend school in Little Rock met with state troops to prevent it
-Ike had to send 1000 troops against the state troops
what happened to Ruby Bridges and when
-1960; little girl went to school, only girl in class
-threatened with death and poisoning
what happened with the Boston bussing and when
-1974; tried to bus white kids and AA kids to diff schools
-started riots
give 4 arguments for why desegregation of schools was unsuccessful
-no set time limit, south slow to respond
-KKK recruitment rose dramatically after 1955
-north still segregated through diff neighbourhood wealth divide
-lack of presidential support, Ike opted for slow desegregation
who was Emmet Till and what happened to him
-14 yo boy accused of flirting with a white woman in south
-tortured and killed
-open casket funeral held in North to raise awareness to journalists
what was the Montgomery Bus Boycott
-year long bus boycott in Alabama started by Joanne Robinson and a group of black women after Rose Parks arrest
what did MLK find and what tactics did they use
-SCLC / Southern Christian Leadership Conference
-non violent tactics
what happened in Birmingham Alabama and when (3)
-1963; SCLC organise protest against segregation
-leaders arrested so children/ 1000 students march instead
-Bull Connor reacted violently so Kennedy sent 3000 troops to force desegregation
what impact did Birmingham Alabama 1963 have on CR
-more sympathy due to media shared images of children being brutalised
-same year Kennedy passes CR Bill
what happened at the March on Washington and when (3)
-1963; combination of different civil rights groups eg NAACP, SCLC, CORE
-MLK I have a dream speech
-200,000 marched
what were sit ins, give an example
-4 black students sat in an all white restaurant and refused to react to violence ; Feb 1960
give a stat that shows the impact of sit ins
-in Feb 1960 54 sit-ins in 15 cities in 9 states
what were freedom rides and when were they
-1961; CORE + group of AA and white civil rights activists launched freedom rides to test SC enforcement of desegregation on interstate buses and rail stations
what was Malcolm X apart of and what were his tactics
-Nation of Islam
-violent revolution, by any means necessary
-black people should rule themselves and focus on improving their race
who founded the term Black Power
-Stokley Carmichael
why were black people frustrated by the CR Act/NAACP
-did not help economically, not enforced
-NAACP could not relate to ppl in North/ghettos
what riots occurred 1964-72 and what resulted from them
-Ghetto riots
-250 deaths
-60,000 arrests
when were the Black Panthers founded
what did the Black Panthers advocate for
-10 point plan to economically empower black communities eg AA history taught, end police brutality
-freedom of all incarcerated black men, exemption from military service and a black only vote for CR matters