Standing Poses Breakdown #2 Flashcards
What is Parivrtta Trikonasana?
Revolved Triangle
What is Revolved Triangle?
Standing Posture, Asymmetrical, Twist
What are some potential complications with alignment for Revolved Triangle?
- Beginners may have difficulty keeping the back heel grounded
- When students cross the arm over the thigh they will often collapse in the side waist making it difficult to twist
- If students do not engage the inner thighs the hip will jut out to the side and the pose will lack balance as well as potentially aggravating the hip joint
- Students may over do the reach of the arm instead of allowing the action to turn from the trunk
What does Revolved Triangle strengthen?
What does Revolved Triangle stretch?
What are some of the benefits for Revolved Triangle?
- Improves balance
- Increases Stamina
- Stimulates internal organs
- Releives Constipation
- Therapeutic for Sciatica
- Improves Low Back Health
- Opens the chest and improves breathing
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Revolved Triangle?
- Neck Issues
- SI Joint Injury
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Uncontrolled high or low blood pressure
What are some preparatory postures for Revolved Triangle?
- Triangle
- Intense Stretch
- Wide Angle Forward Fold
What do you do for hands on assists with Revolved Triangle?
- Back thigh brace and lower ribcage lengthening
- Supported chest opening
What is Virabhadrasana C?
Warrior 3
What is Warrior 3?
Standing Posture, Balance, Asymmetrical
What are some potential complications for alignment with Warrior 3?
- Weak back muscles will make it challenging to keep the torso lifted.
- Lack of engagement all the way through the feet leaves the pose looking anemic and wilting.
- Tightness in the inner thighs makes it challenging to fully reach through the legs.
- Tightness in the shoulders will present challenge in lifting the arms.
Warrior 3 strengthens?
Back Glutes Hamstrings Neck Shoulders Tones the Abdomen
Warrior 3 stretches?
Inner thighs
What are some other benefits of Warrior 3?
Improves balance and posture
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Warrior 3?
High Blood Pressure
Low Back Injury (Modify Arm Position for less Weigh Bearing)
What are some preparatory postures for Warrior 3?
Sunbird Vinyasa Locust Pose Plank Uttanasana Tadasana Lunge
What is Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana?
Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose
What are some potential complications for alignment with Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose?
- If the center of gravity is not over the standing leg, meaning that there is too much weight in the front hand, the pose is not grounded and will feel off balance.
- Students may try to overreach with the top arm instead of opening the trunk.
What does Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose strengthen?
Back Core Thighs Legs Shoulders
What does Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose stretch?
Inner thighs
Elongates the Spine
What are some other benefits of Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose?
- Improves Balance
- Improves Elimination
What are some cautions and contrainindicatons for Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose?
Allow the hip to shift slightly to ease the tork of L5 against S1
Not recommended during pregnancy
What are some preparatory poses for Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose?
1/2 Moon Pose
Revolved Triangle
Revolved Angle
What are some hands on assists for Revolved 1/2 Moon Pose?
Hand to heel press
Supported shoulder roll
What is Utthita Trikonasana?
Extended Triangle Pose
What are some potential complications for alignment with Extended Triangle Pose?
Students who take a stance that is too short may find it difficult to place hands down without collapsing in the torso.
Students with tight hamstrings and/or adductor magnus may find it difficult to tilt without either bending the front knee or collapsing in the side body.
Students who try to “square” the hips by completely stacking them will not be able to move around the greater trochanter of the femur and will not be able to place their hands down.
Students may lean far forward due to lack of back strength or awareness.
Students may over reach with the top arm instead of finding the rotation from the trunk. Make sure they understand the difference between joint movement and placement of body part in space.
Extended Triangle Pose strengthens…
Lower Extremities
Deep muscles of the core
Extended Triangle Pose stretches…
Inner thighs
What are some other benefits of Extended Triangle Pose?
Therapeutic for stress
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Extended Triangle Pose?
Neck Pain: Keep your head neutral
Balance Issues: Use a chair or a wall
What are some preparatory postures?
Wide Angle Forward Folds
Downward Dog
What is Virabhdrasana B?
Warrior 2
What are the potential complications with alignment for Warrior 2?
The front knee has a strong tendency to drop to the medial line putting pressure on the meniscus and ligaments. Lack of engagement in the core often leads to a sagging belly and sinking into the low back. Students may try to lift the arms by shrugging the shoulders which over stimulates the traps instead of directing the origin of movement to the supraspinatus and the deltoids.
What does Warrior 2 strengthen?
Hip rotators
What does Warrior 2 stretch?
Inner Thighs
What are some other benefits of Warrior 2?
Increases stamina
Can reduce backache during pregnancy
Therapeutic for sciatica
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Warrior 2?
Neck problems: do not turn your head to the side
Uncontrolled high blood pressure, keep the arms down at your sides
What are some of the preparatory postures for Warrior 2?
Downward Dog
Bound Angle
What is Utthita Parsvakonasana?
Extended Side Angle Pose
What are the potential complications with alignment in extended side angle pose?
Tightness in the inner thighs may not allow for a long enough stance. In this case students will not have a ninety degree angle at the front knee so they will not be able to place the hand on the floor without collapsing in the side waist so the student may place the right elbow just above the right knee on the thigh.
Students may lack engagement in the top side of the waist. This posture is a strengthener as much as it is a lengthening posture. In addition weakness in the side body may not be able to support the weight bearing of the top arm in the fully extended position. An option to support this case would be to have the student open the top arm into horizontal extension.
What does extended side angle pose strengthen?
Side body Back Neck Shoulders Hip Rotators
What does extended side angle pose stretch?
Inner thighs
What are some of the other benefits that extended side angle pose offer?
Alleviates menstrual discomfort
Therapeutic for the low back pain and sciatica
Therapeutic for osteoporosis
What are some cautions and contrainindications of side angle posture?
Do not turn the head up if you have neck pain
What are some of the preparatory postures for side angle posture?
Warrior 2
What is Ardha Chandrasana?
1/2 Moon Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment for 1/2 Moon Pose?
Weakness in the rotators and the obliques keeps students from lifting the torso.
Weakness in the medial glutes makes it challenging for students to lift the top thigh.
Lack of full engagement leaves the pose “heavy”
The screw-home mechanism of the knee may cause the bottom foot to want to shift.
What does 1/2 Moon Pose strengthen?
Outer Hips Thighs Calves Shins Shoulders Extensor Muscles of the Spine Abdomen Inner Arches of the Feet
What does 1/2 Moon Pose stretch?
What are some of the other benefits of 1/2 Moon Pose?
Improves balance
Improves coordination
Strengthens elimination
What are some cautions and contraindications with 1/2 Moon Pose?
Neck Pain: Keep the gaze at the floor or neutral, do not look upward
What are some preparatory postures for 1/2 Moon Pose?
Side Angle
What is Vrksasana?
Tree Pose
What does Tree Pose strengthen?
Outer Hips
Inner arches of the feet
What does Tree Pose stretch>
Inner thighs
What are some other benefits of Tree Pose?
Improves balance
What are some cautions and contraindications with Tree Pose?
Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, do not raise arms overhead
What are some preparatory poses for Tree Pose?
Supta Baddha Konasana
What are some hands on assists for Tree Pose?
Shoulder blade protraction/upward rotation lift
What is Utthita Padangusthasana?
Standing Foot to Hand Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment for Standing Foot to Hand Pose?
Tight hamstrings may prevent the lengthening of the legs or students will compensate by rounding the back and disengaging the shoulder.
What does Standing Foot to Hand Pose strengthen?
Back Muscles
What does Standing Foot to Hand Pose stretch?
What are some other benefits of Standing Foot to Hand Pose?
Therapeutic for osteoarthritis
What are some contrainindications and cautions for Standing Foot to Hand Pose?
Ankle or low back injuries
What are some preparatory postures?
What is Guarudasana?
Eagle Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment for Eagle Pose?
Soft tissue approximation of the thighs may prevent the wrapping of the legs.
The full wrap may also be compromised by tight outer hips or lack ankle flexibility and or the student may not be bending the bottom knee enough to accomdate the top leg.
Shoulder and/or mid-back tightness may prevent the wrapping of the arms.
What is strengthened in Eagle Pose?
Lower Extremities
What is stretched in Eagle Pose?
What are some other benefits for Eagle Pose?
Improves balance and coordination
Improves flat feet
Improves concentration
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Eagle Pose?
Knee Injuries
What are some preparatory poses for Eagle Pose?
Cow Face Posture
What is Prasarita Padottanasana?
Fan Pose or Wide Leg Forward Bend
What are some potential complications in Fan Pose?
Tightness in the adductor magnus will keep the pelvis locked in posterior tilt making it difficult to move forward with our pushing into rounding the low back.
What does Fan Pose strengthen?
Inner back, legs, and spine
What does Fan Pose stretch?
Inner back legs and spine
What other benefits does Fan Pose have?
Relieves mild backache (caused by tightness in the muscles)
Calms the mind
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Fan Pose?
Acute low back pressure (disk or nerve issues)
What are some preparatory postures for Fan Pose?
Downward Facing Dog
Forwards Folds