Kneeling Postures #2 Flashcards
What is Trianga Mukhaikapada Paschiottanasana?
Triangular Facing Forward Fold
What are some alignment cues for Traingular Facing Forward Fold?
Students with tightness in the hips and quads (or students with excessive soft tissue proximation) may have difficulty with the deep flexion required of the bent knee.
What does Triangular Facing Forward Fold strengthen?
Bones in the Lower Extremities
Hip Flexors
What does Triangular Facing Forward Fold stretch?
Back muscles
Posterior Neck Muscles
Tibilias Anterior and the Dorsi-Flexors of the Feet
What are some other benefits of Triangular Facing Forward Fold?
Stimulates the Internal Organs
Calms the Mind
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Triangular Facing Forward Fold?
Hip replacement
Knee replacement
Knee Injury
Low Back Injury
What are some preparatory postures for Triangular Facing Forward Fold?
Lunge with Thigh Stretch
What is Upvista Konasana?
Wide Leg Forward Fold
What are some complications with alignment for Wide Leg Forward Fold?
Tight adductor magnus will make this pose very challenging to bend forward as it pulls on the base of the sitting bones.
What does Wide Leg Forward Fold strengthen?
Bones of the lower extremities
Back Muscles
Hip Flexors (when actively pulling the torso forward from the hips)
What does Wide Leg Forward Fold stretch?
Gluteus Maximus
What are some other benefits of Wide Leg Forward Stretch?
Stimulates the internal organs
Therapeutic for Sciatica
Calms the brain
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Wide Leg Forward Stretch?
Low back injury
What are some preparatory postures for Wide Leg Forward Stretch?
Low Back Injury
What are some preparatory postures for Wide Leg Forward Stretch?
Prasarita Padottanasana
Baddha Konasana
What is Baddha Konasana?
Bound Angle Pose
What are some alignment cues for Bound Angle Pose?
Tightness in the outer hips will keep the knees from releasing towards the earth. Tightness in the inner thighs will potentially make it difficult to sit upright and increase the workload on the spinal muscles.
What muscles strengthen in Bound Angle Pose?
Outer Hips Hip Flexors (when using an active force) Back Muscles (when pose is done in a more active state)
What muscles are stretched in Bound Angle Pose?
Inner Thighs
What are some other benefits of Bound Angle Pose?
Therapeutic for Sciatica
Helps Relieve Mild Depression
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Bound Angle Pose?
Hip Replacement or Injury
What are some preparatory postures for Bound Angle Pose?
Upvista Konasana
Janu Sirsasana
What is Agni Stambasana?
Fire Log Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment for Fire Log Pose?
Tight Hips might not allow enough external rotation to drop the second knee down. Lack of activity in the ankle on top may cause a sickled foot which can lead to knee damage. Tight adductors/hamstrings might not allow someone to sit fully upright and require a prop to gain length.
What does Fire Log Pose strengthen?
Ankles (when done properly, can be very damaging if done without attention to the ankles)
Back muscles
What does Fire Log Pose stretch?
Hips (especially the periformis)
Inner Thighs
Quads (Vasti Group)
What are some other benefits of Fire Log Pose?
Helps to alleviate Sciatica
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Fire Log Pose?
Hip, Knee, Ankle or Low Back Injuries
Hip Replacements
What are some preparatory postures for Fire Log Pose?
Baddha Konasana
Janu Sirasana
What is Gomukhasana?
Cow Face Posture
What are some potential complications with alignment?
Tightness in the hips and knees might not allow the knees to fully stack. This may require some students to use a block or in more hypertonic cases leave the bottom leg straight. Tightness in the shoulders and chest might not allow the arms to reach one another and may require a strap to connect the hands.
What does Cow Face Posture strengthen?
Back Muscles
Posterior Neck Muscles
Rhomboids and mid-traps
What does Cow Face Posture stretch?
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Cow Face Posture?
Signifigant neck, shoulder, hip, knee or back problems
What are some preparatory postures for Cow Face Posture?
Trianga Mukhaekapada Paschimottanasana
Janu Sirasana
What is Navasana?
Boat Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment?
Weakness in the core and hip flexors can lead to collapse and rounding in the low spine
What does Boat Pose strengthen?
Hip Flexors
Quads (when legs are straight)
What does Boat pose stretch?
Low Back
What are some other benefits for Boat Pose?
Stimulates the organs of elimination
What are some cautions and contrainindications of Boat Pose?
Ashtma Diarrhea Headache Heart Problems Insomnia Low Blood Pressure Pregnancy Neck Injury
What are some preparatory postures for Boat Pose?
Downward Facing Dog
What is Supta Padangusthasana?
Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment for Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose?
Tight hamstrings might not allow the lifted leg to come to 90 degrees or better without bending the knee. Overpulling from this same tightness might make it difficult to keep the opposite thigh and hip grounded
What is strengthened in Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose?
Glutes and Hamstrings (Grounded Leg)
What is stretched in Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose?
Hamstrings (Lifted Leg)
Low Back
What are some other benefits for Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose?
Can help alleviate low back pain and sciatic pain
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose?
Pregnancy after 20 weeks you may have to elevate the back body a bit to keep the heart higher (Vena Cava Syndrome
What are some preparatory postures with Reclining Hand to Big Toe Pose?
What are some potential alignment complications with Happy Baby?
What does Happy Baby stretch?
Gluteus Maximus
Low Back
Inner Thighs
What are some other benefits for Happy Baby?
Can help alleviate low back pain and sciatic pain
What are some cautions and contrainindications for Happy Baby?
Pregnancy after 20 weeks you may have to elevate the back body a bit to keep the heart higher (Vena Cava Syndrome)
Neck Injury
What are some preparatory poses for Happy Baby?
Supta Padangusthasana
Baddha Konasana
What is Virasana?
Hero’s Pose
What are some potential complications with alignment for Hero’s pose?
Tightness in quads (or soft tissue proximation in the thighs and calves) may prevent the hips from reaching the ground. A block or blanket may be used to elevate the hips.
What does Hero’s Pose strengthen?
Bones of Lower Extremities
Upper Back
What does Hero’s Pose stretch?
What are some other benefits of Hero’s Pose?
Therapeutic for high blood pressure
Relieve gas
What are some cautions or contrainidications for Hero’s Pose?
Knee or Ankle Injury
Heart Problems
What are some preparatory postures for Hero’s Pose?
What is Supta Virasana?
Reclining Hero’s Pose
What are some potential complications to alignment for Reclining Hero’s Pose?
Tightness in the quads (or soft tissue proximation in thighs and calves) may prevent the hips from reaching the ground. A block or blanket may be used to elevate the hips.
As you continue to move back towards the supine tightness in the hip flexors may cause a compression in the low back. This is why it is so important to lengthen the low back by posteriorly tilting the pelvis as you lower. You can place a bolster or block under the back if the body is not ready to go as deep or simply lower the elbows.
What does reclining Hero’s Pose strengthen?
Bones of the lower extremities
What does Reclining Hero’s Pose stretch?
Hip Flexors Quads Knees Shins Ankles
What are some other benefits of Reclining Hero’s Pose?
Therapeutic for Menstrual discomfort
Therapeutic for varicose veins
Helps to alleviate sciatica
What are some cautions and contrainindcations for Reclining Hero’s Pose?
Knee or ankle or low back injury
Heart Problems
What are some preparatory postures for Reclining Hero’s Pose?
What is Ardha Hanumanasana?
Runner’s Stretch
What are the potential complications with alignment for Runner’s Stretch?
Tightness in the hamstrings and adductor magnus may contribute to a rounding in the back as one tries to bow forward, or an inability to straighten the front leg. Blocks can be used on either side of the hips to lift the chest by raising the hands away from the floor.
This pose should engage mula bandha to protect the pelvis and keep from over sinking into the hamstrings attatchments.
What does Runner’s Stretch strengthen?
Back muscles (when the spine remains long and lifted) Pelvic Floor (when root lock is engaged)
What does Runner’s Stretch stretch?
What are some other benefits of Runner’s Stretch?
Calms the mind
What are some cautions and contrianindications of Runner’s Stretch?
Groin or hamstring injuries
What are some preparatory poses for Runner’s Stretch?
Janu Sirsasana