Restorative Yoga Postures Flashcards
What is Balasana?
Suppoted child’s pose
How many props needed for balasana?
1 Bolster
Possibly 1 or more blankets (depending on hip and ankle flexibility)
How do you set up or cue balasana?
- ) Sit on your heels with your knees separated and big toes touching.
- ) Place a bolster or stack of blankets between your legs.
- ) Lengthen your spine as you lower your torso onto the supports.
- ) Turn your head to the side. Switch the direction of the head halfway through your hold time. Hands may tuck under the supports or rest at your side.
How long should you relax in Balasana?
2 - 20 minutes
What are some benefits of balasana?
Relieves stress and fatigue
Stretches the ankles, thighs and hips
Relieves back and neck pain when properly supported
What are some cautions of balasana?
Pregnancy: Widen knees, support more under hips
Knee Injury
What are some tips/variations for balasana?
Place a blanket between the thighs and the calves for comfort
Breathe fully: See if you can feel an expansion of the back ribs with each inhalation
What is setu bandha sarvangasana?
Bridge Pose
How do you instruct or cue bridge pose in a restorative position?
- ) Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor with your heels close to your sitting bones with the legs hip width apart.
- ) Press the soles of your feet down with even pressure and lift the hips up. Slide a block underneath the sacrum (you may have to move the block slightly forward or back to find the most comfortable resting place). Lower the sacrum onto the block and allow the weight to be supported. Keep your chin slightly lifted away from your chest so that the natural curvature of the neck is supported.
- ) To release the pose lift the hips and slide the block out to the side. Lower the hips back to the floor and roll onto your side.
What props are needed for a restorative bridge pose?
1 - 3 Blocks
How long do your remain in a restorative bridge pose posture?
1 - 5 minutes
What are some benefits of a restorative bridge pose?
Stretches the shoulders, chest and spine
Stimulates the lungs and organs of digestion
What are some cautions for a restorative bridge pose?
Avoid this posture with injuries of the cervical spine.
What are some tips/variations for restorative bridge pose?
If it is appropriate and accessible for your body you can add blocks under the hips to increase the height and intensity of the stretch. A bolster could substitute for blocks.
What is Supta Baddha Konasana?
Reclining Bound Angle Posture
What props are needed for reclining bound angle posture?
1 Bolster 1 Strap 3 - 4 Blankets 2 Blocks 1 Eye Pillow
How do you instruct reclining bound angle posture restorative?
- ) Sit in Baddha Konasana. Place a strap in a loop around the hip. Loop the other end of the strap loosely around the front of the feet.
- ) Lie back onto a lengthwise bolster and place a blanket under your head. Blankets can be placed on either side under the arms for more cushion and support of the chest and shoulders.
- ) Reach down to the strap and tighten the loop. Blocks may be placed under the knees if they are not resting on the floor.
- ) To release the posture loosen the strap and roll to one side. Then push yourself to a seated position.
How long should your remain in bound angle posture restorative?
5 - 15 minutes
What are some benefits of reclining bound angle posture?
Opens the chest and shoulders
Calms the body
Reduces Fatigue
Stretches the hips and groins
What are some cautions for Recling Bound Angle posture?
Knee Injury
Groin Injury
What are some tips/variations for Reclining Bound Angle Posture?
Do not tighten the strap until you are in the supine position or it can create discomfort in the back. Keep the buckles of the strap resting in the space between the legs, that way it will not dig into the skin.
What props do you need for a side lying twist?
1 Bolster
2 Blankets
How do you set up in a side lying twist?
- ) Lie on your side with a folded blanket under your head. Place a bolster under the bent knee of your upper leg. Pause and rest here for several breaths.
- ) Reach your upper arm back as you roll your chest open into a twist. Allow the arm to rest softly on the blanket behind you.
How long do you remain in a side lying twist?
Remain in the posture 1 - 5 minutes. Switch sides and repeat.
What are some benefits to a side lying twist?
Stretches shoulders and hips
Stimulates digestion
What are some cautions for a side lying twist?
Spinal Injury
What are some tips/variations for a side lying twist?
Pre-set the second blanket so you can open into the twist without disturbing the flow.
What is Viparita Karani?
Legs Up the Wall
What props do you need for Legs Up the Wall?
Wall Space
1 Bolster or 1-2 Blankets
1 Eye Pillow
1 Sandbag (optional)
How do you set up Legs Up the Wall?
1.) Place a bolster or 2 stacked blankets in a horizontal position about 2 inches away from the wall. Rest your low back against the props and draw your legs up the wall. Allow the weight of the legs to lean against the wall.
How long should you remain in the posture of Legs Up the Wall?
Remain for 5 - 15 minutes
What are some benefits of Legs Up the Wall?
Stretches the back of the legs
Relieves tired legs and feet
What are some cautions for Legs Up the Wall?
Should be avoided with eye problems such as glaucoma
High Blood Pressure
Ear Infections
What are some tips/variations of Legs Up the Wall?
Place a sand bag on the feet to ground the pelvis
You may skip a bolster and just use the wall
Place a strap around the legs to lightly hold them together.