Standards of Conduct Flashcards
What ethical behavior is expected from contract managers?
Contract managers must conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit upon the profession and conduct business in good faith.
What is the purpose of the Standards of Conduct in contract management?
To create trust and confidence in the integrity of the contract management process.
How should government business be conducted according to the ethical standards?
In a manner above reproach, with complete impartiality and with preferential treatment for none.
What do FAR 3.101-3 and Executive Order 11222 require agencies to prescribe?
They require agencies to prescribe ‘Standards of Conduct’ which include disciplinary measures for violations.
What must Government personnel’s official conduct allow for regarding public disclosure?
Their official conduct must be such that they would have no reluctance to make a full public disclosure of their actions.
What is the overarching rule on accepting gifts from contractor/employees according to FAR 3.101-2?
You may not solicit gifts from anyone, for any reason, and Federal employees are prohibited from soliciting or accepting gifts offered because of their official position.
What constitutes a ‘prohibited source’ in the context of accepting gifts?
A prohibited source is a company that offers gifts to Federal employees because of their official position.
What is the general rule regarding conflicts of interest in Government-contractor relationships?
The general rule is to avoid strictly any conflict of interest or even the appearance of a conflict of interest.
What are the potential consequences of accepting kickbacks, bribes, or gratuities?
The potential consequences include fines, loss of job, and imprisonment.
What is the purpose of the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986?
The purpose of the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 is to deter subcontractors from making payments and contractors from accepting payments for the purpose of improperly obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment.
What should a government official do regarding gifts given due to their official position?
A government official may not accept gifts given to them because of their official position.
What measures are in place to protect the integrity of the procurement system regarding contractor bid information?
One of the measures in place is that no person or entity may disclose contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information to any person other than a person authorized in accordance with applicable agency regulations.
What does the Kickbacks statute prohibit?
The Kickbacks statute prohibits providing, attempting to provide, or offering to provide any kickback
What penalties are imposed under the Kickbacks statute for knowingly engaging in prohibited conduct?
The Kickbacks statute imposes criminal penalties on any person who knowingly and willfully engages in prohibited conduct and provides for the recovery of civil penalties by the United States from any person who knowingly engages in such conduct.
What is the definition of ‘contractor bid or proposal information’ as per FAR 3.104-4(a)?
It refers to any information submitted to a Federal agency as part of a bid or proposal for a procurement contract that has not been made available to the public, including cost or pricing data, indirect costs, direct labor rates, and proprietary information marked by the contractor.
What types of information are included in contractor bid or proposal information?
Cost or pricing data, indirect costs, direct labor rates, proprietary information about manufacturing processes, and information marked as ‘contractor bid or proposal information’.
What must be completed and signed before providing contractor bid or proposal information to third parties?
A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) must be completed and signed.
What should individuals responsible for preparing source selection information mark on the cover page and each relevant page?
The legend ‘Source Selection Information-See FAR 2.101 and 3.104.’
What must contractor bid or proposal information and source selection information be protected from?
Unauthorized disclosure in accordance with FAR 14.401, FAR 15.207, applicable law, and agency regulations.
Who is allowed to disclose contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information?
Only persons authorized in accordance with applicable law and regulations.
What types of information are considered Source Selection Information?
Types of Source Selection Information include bid prices submitted in response to an agency invitation for bids, proposed costs or prices submitted in response to an agency solicitation, source selection plans, technical evaluation plans, technical evaluations of proposals, cost or price evaluations of proposals, competitive range determinations, and rankings of bids or proposals.
What is Source Selection Information according to FAR 2.101?
Source Selection Information refers to any information prepared for use by an agency to evaluate a bid or proposal for a procurement contract, which has not been previously made available to the public.
What is the significance of marking information as ‘Source Selection Information’?
Marking information as ‘Source Selection Information’ indicates that its disclosure could jeopardize the integrity or successful completion of the procurement process.
What happens if a contractor does not respond to the contracting officer’s notice regarding marking justification?
If the contractor does not respond within the specified time, the contracting officer may remove the marking and release the information.