Plan Negotiations Flashcards
What are the three types of formal exchanges between the Government and industry when using FAR Part 15?
The three types of formal exchanges are Clarifications, Communications, and Discussions.
What opportunity may be given to offerors if an award will be made without conducting discussions?
Offerors may be given the opportunity to clarify certain aspects of proposals.
Can offerors respond to identified weaknesses or deficiencies during clarifications?
No, offerors are not given an opportunity to respond to identified weaknesses or deficiencies or revise their proposals during clarifications.
What should be documented if the Government determines it is necessary to conduct discussions after stating it would award without discussions?
The rationale for conducting discussions must be documented in the contract file.
What must be documented when conducting clarifications with offerors?
Clarifications must be documented through the transmittal of Evaluation Notices (EN) to the applicable offeror, clearly indicating that the type of exchange is ‘Clarification.’
Under what conditions can award be made without discussions?
Award may be made without discussions if the solicitation states that the Government intends to evaluate proposals and make award without discussions.
What are clarifications in the context of award without discussions according to FAR 15.306(a)?
Clarifications are limited exchanges between the Government and offerors that may occur when award without discussions is contemplated, allowing offerors to clarify certain aspects of proposals or resolve minor errors.
How may communications be considered in the proposal evaluation process?
Such communications may be considered in rating proposals for the purpose of establishing the competitive range.
What is the purpose of communications regarding adverse past performance information?
Such communications shall address adverse past performance information to which an offeror has not had a prior opportunity to respond.
What should communications not be used for in relation to proposals?
Such communications shall not be used to cure proposal deficiencies or material omissions, materially alter the technical or cost elements of the proposal, and/or otherwise revise the proposal.
When may communications be conducted with offerors regarding their inclusion in the competitive range?
Communications may only be held with those offerors whose exclusion from, or inclusion in, the competitive range is uncertain.
What are the permissible purposes of communications in the evaluation process?
Communications may be conducted to enhance Government understanding of proposals, allow reasonable interpretation of the proposal, or facilitate the Government’s evaluation process.
With whom shall communications be held if past performance information prevents an offeror from being placed within the competitive range?
Communications shall be held with offerors whose past performance information is the determining factor preventing them from being placed within the competitive range.
What are communications in the context of establishing the competitive range after receipt of proposals?
Communications are exchanges between the Government and offerors that occur after receipt of proposals, leading to the establishment of the competitive range.
What must the RFP state regarding the competitive range?
The RFP must clearly state that the Government reserves the right to limit the competitive range for the purposes of efficiency.
What is the purpose of communications regarding the competitive range?
The purpose of communications is to address issues that must be explored to determine whether a proposal should be placed in the competitive range, without providing an opportunity for the offeror to revise its proposal.
What factors does the contracting officer consider when determining the competitive range?
The contracting officer considers ambiguities in the proposal, relevant past performance information, and adverse past performance information that the offeror has not previously had an opportunity to comment on.
What is required of the contracting officer after eliminating an offeror from the competitive range?
The contracting officer must notify the offeror immediately of its elimination from the competitive range and must make the written notification.
How should the contracting officer make the competitive range determination?
The contracting officer should make the competitive range determination using prudent business judgment based on the specifics of the initial evaluation results.
What is the first step in the Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Process?
Offeror Proposals enter the evaluation stage and are vetted through evaluation factors.
What leads to the Best Value Decision in the Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Process?
The final evaluation briefing.
What types of risks are evaluated during the Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Process?
Strengths, deficiencies, weaknesses, and ratings.
What occurs after the initial evaluation in the Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Process?
The process may continue with or without discussions based on the evaluation results and the solicitation’s terms.
What is included in the discussions phase of the Source Selection Proposal Evaluation Process?
Competitive range determination and final proposal.