Standardized ICS (COG) Flashcards
The ICS is designed to be used in response to emergencies caused by
tidal waves,
hazardous materials,
natural, or human-caused incidents,
and is also applicable to incidenlts of peaceful mass gatherings that overwhelm normal resources.
CRITERIA for requesting mutual aid assistance ____.
- An emergency shall exist or appear imminent.
- The requesting jurisdiction shall have committed or shall have foreseen the need to commit its resources beyond the abiility to sustain normal emergency response demand.
- A jurisdiction lacks the resources needed to mitigate a specific type of incident.
When any order conflicts with a previously issued order or directive or with a departmental rule, regulation, or diretctive of the assisting personnel’s agency. the conflict should be respectfully brought to the attention of____.
the issuing officer.
Attempts to resolve conflicts between orders, when possible, between the parties involved, by summoning an individual higher in ran than both parties, to resolve the controversy. If the conflict cannot be resolved and the conflicting order is not rescinded the order shall______.
the order shall stand.
When jurisdictional boundaries are uncertain, two or more jurisdictions are affected, or doubt exists as to the ultimate responsibility for command, the__unit ________, with appropriate transfer of command contingent upon the arrival of senior official(s) from that same jurisdiction.
the first unit from one of the affected jurisdictions to arrive on the scene,
shall have command and control authority
Changes, including additions and deletions to the Operational Plan or any components, must be proposed in writing at a meeting of either the Fire Chiefs Committee or the Police Chiefs Committee of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. Each signatory shall transmit his/her agreement or disagreement with the proposed changes by the end of the _____ review period.
sixty-day (60) review period
And, All signatories must agree with the proposed changes in order to implement them.
_______ designed for use when the incident exceeds the scope of inter-jurisdictional
response plans; when responding agencies/units are not operating under standing mutual aid operational agreements; or
when the preceding is not applicable and its use is deemed appropriate by the host agency.
This Field Operations Guide (FOG)
The _______ shall head the Incident Managerrlent Team (IMT) and shall consult with team members in making decisions.
Incident Commander
All mobile and portable radios in these jurisdictions will have one zone for each of the participating jurisdictions programmed with ____ operational tallk-groups.
That organization level having responsibility for operations within a defined geographic area or with functional responsibility.
The _____ level is organizationally between the Strike Team and the Branch.
______ is That organizational level having responsibility for a specified functional assignment at an incident(ventilation, salvage, water supply, Etc.).
The individual responsible for command of a Task Force, Strike Team, or Functional Unit; is known as a _____.
_____ Section is responsible for providing facilities, services and materials for the incident.
_______ Section is responsible for the Collection, evaluation, dissemination and use of information about the development of the incident and the staltus of resources.
A group (typically five) of the same kind and type of resources, with common communications and a leader; is known as a _____.
Strike Team.
A group of any type and kind of resources, with common communications and a leader, temporarily assembled for a specific mission, not to exceed five (5) resources; is known as______
Task force
_________ Section is responsible for all costs and financial actions of the incident.
Includes the Time Unit. Procurement Unit, Compensation/Claims Unit, and the Cost Unit.
____ Section is responsible for aII tactical operations at the incident.
_______ Level is having responsibility for operations within a defined geographical area.
_____ Level having responsibility for a specified functional assignment
(ventilation, salvage, water supply, etc.)
_____ Level responsible for primary segments of incident operations such as: Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Administration
_____serves as ,a facilitator in organizing and accomplishing the mission, goals and
direction of the IMT Group.
The IMT Group Coordinator
The _______(this is also referred to in some agencies and EOCs as the Intelligence Unit) in an IMT is responsible for the collection and organization of incident status and situation information. The unit evaluates, analyzes and displays information for use by the IMT Group.
Situation Assessment Unit
The ______, if activated in an IMT, maintains summary information by agency on critical equipment and personnel committed and available within the IMT area of responsibility. Status is kept on the overall numbers of critical resources rather tharl on individual units.
Resources Unit
The _________ is designed to satisfy the need for regional information gathering. The unit will operate an information center to serve the print and broadcast media and other governmental agencies. It will provide summary information from agency/incident information officers and identify local agency sources for additional information to the media and other government agencies.
Public Information Unit
_____is responsible for the overall direction of incident management teams assigned to the same incident or to incidents in close proximity. This responsibility includes ensuring that conflicts are resolved, incident objectives are established and strategies are selected for the use of critical resources. Also has the responsibility to coordinate with local, state, federal and volunteer assisting and or cooperating organizations.