standardization and evaluation of herbal drugs Flashcards
evaluation of a herbal drugs involves these 3 things
- identification of the drug as genuine
- determination of its quality
- determination of its purity
the assessment of herbal drugs requires an _________approach to testing
i.e. multiple tests that collectively assess drug safety and efficacy
tests for herbal drugs include assessing (2)
morphological characteristics and properties of constituents
morphological characteristics include
- organolepetic testing
- tests dealing with the senses
- microscopic examination
properties of constituents are assessed by these three general types of tests
- chemical
- physical and
- biological tests
identity tests include (4)
- organoleptic
- microscopic
- chemical and
- pysical tests
quality of a herbal medicine can be assessed by assessing its constituents using these tests
- chemical
- physical and
- biological tests
purity of a drug can be assessed by both morphological and constituent properties including
- organoleptic
- microscopic
- chemical and
- physical tests
organized drugs are
whole or powdered which have cellular organizations
eg. barks or roots
unorganized drugs are
acellular e.g. opium
organoleptic evaluation is assessment of characteristics that create impressions on the organ of _____ and include
- sense
- odour, sound when breaking drug, feel and macroscopic features (shape, size, colour)
microscopic evaluation of whole drugs involves
sectioning and staining of drugs and identification of cell types, inclusions and tissue distribution
microscopic evaluation of powdered drugs includes
cell types and inclusions but as they are dry do not have tissue arrangement
chemical tests are carried out after extraction of secondary metabolites and include (2)
- colour tests
- for specific metabolite
- to detect major compounds
physical tests are only performed on unorganized drugs such as lipids and include
various physical constants and solvent solubility characteristics
the estimation of quality is dependent upon
the amount and types of actives
for the evaluation of quality, vegetable drugs are divided into 3 categories
- potent drugs
- non-toxic
- traditional herbal remedies
the assessment of quality of potent drugs involves the use of
specific assays
e.g. alkaloids and glycosides
the quality assessment of non-toxic drugs is challenging because
- precise assays do not exist because there is not enough info on specific constituents
- assays are not warranted due to use
how is the quality of non-toxic drugs measured (5)
- extractive values
- essential oil content
- swelling index
- tannin content
- bitterness value
a drug is considered adulterated if there is
foreign matter present
foreign matter can be
organic or inorganic
organic foreign matter can include
- parts of the organ that the plant came from
- other plant parts
- or other vegetable or mineral elements from a different source
inorganic foreign matter includes
elements that the plant has absorbbed from the soil during growth
inorganic foreign matter is detected by performing these 4 tests
- total ash
- acid insoluble ash value
- water soluble ash
- sulfated ash
organic matter is detected by
visual observation