animal products used in pharmacy Flashcards
animal products used in pharmacy include (2)
hormonal and non hormonal products
hormonal products include (3)
- adrenals
- androgens
- estrogens
non-hormonal products include (name 4 of 7)
- cantharides
- cochineal
- enzymes
- gelatin
- heparin
- leeches
- protamine
- surgical material
cantharides (cantharidin) are the active constituent of_____ and are cyclopentanoid monoterpenes used as
- blistering beetles
- counter irritants
enzymes play a crutial role in pharmacy since (3)
- many drugs act by inhibiting or stimulating enzyme activity
- natural product drugs are dependent upon enzyme controlled reactions for their synthesis
- they may be used as a treatment in enzyme deficient individuals or as antithrombotics or would cleansing agents
enzymes are characterized based upon the substrate catalyzed, these categories include (6)
- carbohydrazes
- proteases
- mucolytic enzymes
- kinases
- nucleolytic enzymes
- miscellaneous
carbohydrases act on
include examples
- carbohydrates e.g. starch and related polysaccharides
- examples
- diastase - digestive enzyme
- cellulase - hydrolyses cellulose
- pectinase - catalyze pectin
proteases break down proteins into
peptides and amino acids
plant proteases include
- bromelains
- papain
- ficin
bromelains are sourced from and are used as
- pineapples
- digestive aids and in the treatment of soft tissue inflammation and edema after dental or gynecological surgery, sprains, contusions, hematomas, and absecesses
papain is derived from the ______plant and is used
- unripe fruit of pawpaw plants
- used in slipped or ruptured discs
ficin is derived from the _________plant and is used as
- rubber plant ficus
- meat tenderizer
animal proteases include (3)
- pepsin
- chymotrypsin
- trypsin
what are the sources of
- pepsin
- chymotrypsin
- trypsin
- pepsin
- stomaches of domestic animals (sheep, cattle, pgis)
- increases disgestive power of gastric secretion
- chymotrypsin
- bovine pancrease
- intestinal digestion of casein
- used to liquify secretions in asthma and bronchitis
- trypsin
- pancreatic enzyme
- clot buster and remove dead cells in ounds and burns
mucolytic enzymes (4)
- catalyze depolymerization of hyaluronic acid
- sourced from beef testes
- promotes the diffusion of IM drugs
- found in hemarrhoidal products
kinases are enzyme inhibitors or activators
enzyme activators
what are kinases used for
- clot busters
- streptokinase and urokinase
nucelolytic enzymes act on DNA and related proteins and are used as
wound cleaners by removal of constituents of pus
pancreatin is a mixture of what enzymes and is used in the treatment of what conditions
- amylase, trypsin and lipase
- used in treatment of celiac disease and cystic fibrosis
penicillinase and beta-lactamases are produced by E. coli, bacillus subtilis and bacillus cereus and do this
- inactivate penicillins and beta lactams
- used in blood culture sensitivity testing
gelatin is sourced from ________ and is known for its gel forming properties
animal tissues bone and skin
heparin is a sodium salt of a sulfated polysaccharide is obtained from_________ or _____________and is used for
- beef lung
- intestinal mucos of cattle, sheep or pigs
- anticoagulant effects
leeches used to
reduce edema
protamine is prepared from the sperm or mature testes of ____and antagonizes the effect of
fish (salmon)