Standard Operating Procedures Flashcards
What is the MDA setting for a Non-Precision Approach that does not have vertical guidance?
MDA +50ft
During a Non-Precision Approach (excl. RNP AR) when can you set the MCP ALT to MDA/DA?
Once FAF is assured.
During an RNP AR APCH, when do you set the MCP ALT to the DA?
Approximately 2NM from commencement of the approach.
If using VNAV during an approach, when must you set the MAP Altitude on the MCP ALT?
When at least 300ft below the MAP Altitude.
When using V/S during an approach, when must you set the MAP Altitude?
Approximately 300ft above the MDA.
When must you cycle the F/Ds during an approach?
If LNAV or VNAV is not valid to the threshold.
During a Precision Approach, when can you set the MCP Altitude to MAP Altitude?
At G/S capture.
When must the AP be disconnected by, during a manually flown HGS AIII Approach?
Prior to 500ft HAT.
When must you disconnect the AP during an ILS/GLS Approach?
Before 50ft RA.
What does a Navigation System Display (NSD) consist of?
At least ONE:
(i) MCDU
(ii) Flight Director
(iii) PFD
(iv) ND
(v) FMC
How many NSD does an RNP AR APCH require?
With regards to visibility, when must the Captain be PF?
Less than 800m.
With regards to visibility, when must RVR be used?
Less than 350m.
What is the maximum crosswind allowed for Low Visibility Procedures?
When do you select the Landing Lights to on before getting airborne?
Once cleared for takeoff.
What is the descent rate restricted to when operating between 3000 - 5000ft AGL?
Less than the aircrafts altitude.
What is the maximum descent rate allowed, when operating between 3000 - 1000ft AGL?
2000 ft per minute.
What is the maximum descent rate allowed below 1000ft RA?
1000ft per minute.
What are the 3 overall stable approach criteria?
(i) All normal checklists completed; and
(ii) Fully configured for landing; and
(iii) Approach tolerances maintained.
What is the ILS lateral tolerance down to 300ft above the threshold?
1 dot on the normal localiser scale, or within the expanded localiser scale.
What is the ILS tolerance below 300 ft above the threshold elevation?
Within half a dot of the normal localiser scale, or within the expanded localiser scale.
What is the standard callout during a SA ILS approach at the “100 above” and below call if outside of ILS tolerances?
“Outside Limits”
What is the glideslope tolerance limit?
1 dot.
When does the PM become ‘Head Free’ during Low Visibility Procedures?
At autopilot disconnect.
When does the PM become ‘Head Free’ during a manually flown AIII approach?
At taxi speed.
What conditions require the Captain to be PF?
Reported ceiling within 200 ft of the minima or reported visibility within 2,000 m of the required visibility.
During Instrument and Low Visibility Procedures, if within 200 ft of the minima, when should the “Visual” call be be given?
At the minima
What must the IRS drift and residual groundspeed be checked as not exceeding, after landing?
3.0 nm/hr and 15 kt