IFR Theory Flashcards
What is the maximum holding speed from FL140 up to FL200?
What is the maximum holding speed when above FL200?
What is the maximum holding speed up to and including FL140?
What is the speed range for a Category C aircraft ‘At Threshold’?
121 - 140KTS
What is the speed range for a Category C aircraft for ‘Initial and Intermediate Approach’?
160 - 240KTS
What is the speed range for a Category C aircraft for ‘Final Approach’?
115 - 160KTS
What is the maximum circling speed for a Category C aircraft?
What is the maximum speed on the missed approach for a category C aircraft?
What are the meteorological requirements for a Visual Approach during the DAY?
Within 30NM -
1. Clear of cloud
2. In sight of ground or water
3. 5000m visibility
When can you commence a descent for a night visual approach?
(i) Within the circling area; or
(ii) 5NM aligned with runway not below on-slope on PAPI (7NM if ILS/GLS equipped); or
(iii) 10NM aligned with runway not below ILS/GLS glide path (14NM Sydney 16L/34L)
Does a TAF3 service require a 30 minute buffer for alternate requirements?
No (for the first 3 hours of its validity).
What is the validity period range of a TAF3?
18 - 30 hours.
How often is a TAF3 service updated?
Every 3 hours.
What is the preferred maximum altimeter tolerance from airport elevation for IFR flight?
What speed must a jet aircraft exit an enroute holding pattern at?
What is the circling area for a CAT C aircraft?
What is the minimum obstacle clearance requirements while circling for a CAT C aircraft?