Numbers Flashcards
What is the EGT start limit?
Greater than what N2 % does the EEC become powered during start?
What difference between the main tanks will the fuel IMBAL alert be activated?
More than 453 kg
Maximum cabin differential pressure?
9.1 psi
Within how many feet of airport elevation should an IFR altimeter read?
60 ft
Beyond how many feet from airport elevation is an IFR altimeter considered unserviceable?
75 ft
What is the speed tolerance to be maintained in CTA?
+/- 10 kt or +/- 0.02 Mach
When a position estimate changes by more than ….. the pilot must advise ATS.
2 minutes
The pilot-in-command must commence a change of level as soon as possible, but not later than ….. after receiving that instruction from ATC.
1 minute
What are the RVSM levels?
FL290 - FL410
How many minutes of separation does a MEDIUM aircraft require for takeoff after a HEAVY aircraft?
2 minutes
How many minutes of separation does a MEDIUM aircraft require for takeoff after a SUPER aircraft?
3 minutes
What is the distance separation for a MEDIUM aircraft from a HEAVY?
5 nm
What is the distance separation for a MEDIUM aircraft from a SUPER?
7 nm
If unable to attain an ATC clearance, and a deviation is required due to weather of greater than 5NM, how much should an aircraft climb or descend?
300 ft
If unable to attain a clearance, deviation in Oceanic airspace should be accomplished by turning how much, and offsetting by how much?
30° left or right, 5 nm offset.
Up to how many miles are aircraft allowed to deviate under SLOP?
2 nm
What is the maximum allowable altitude overshoot in RVSM airspace?
150 ft
What is the rainfall amount in the last 10 minutes, to be considered as HEAVY?
> 1.6 mm
What buffer is applied to a forecast when operating under RAWC, regardless of weather?
+/- 60 minutes
What buffer is applied to a forecast when assessing an Aerodrome as a takeoff alternate airport?
+/- 30 minutes
What is the latest height an aircraft should have intercepted the Vertical profile on a non-instrument approach?
1,000 ft RA
What is the time frame requirement for arriving at a Feeder Fix?
0 minutes late, 30 seconds early.
What is the time frame for exiting a holding pattern at a specific time?
0 minutes late, 1 minute early.
What is the maximum speed for a Cat C aircraft during the MISSED APPROACH?
240 kts
What is the speed range for a Cat C aircraft at the INITIAL approach point?
160 - 240 kts
What is the speed range for a Cat C aircraft at the FINAL approach point?
115 - 160 kts
What is the speed range for a Cat C aircraft at the THRESHOLD?
121 - 140 kts
What is the maximum speed for a Cat C aircraft whilst CIRCLING?
180 kts
What is the minimum obstacle clearance height for a Cat C aircraft whilst in the CIRCLING AREA?
400 ft
What is the preselected minimum manoeuvre margin prior to buffet? (Including AoB)
0.3 g (40° AoB)
What is the minimum cruise segment time considered by Trip Altitude?
1 minute
What is the altimeter tolerance when inflight in RVSM airspace?
+/- 200ft
What is the descent rate limit between 3,000 - 5,000ft AGL?
The current altitude in fpm.
What is the descent rate limit between 1,000 - 2,000ft AGL?
2,000 fpm
What is the descent rate limit below 1,000ft AGL?
1,000 fpm
What is the maximum speed in a hold up to and including FL140?
230 kts
What is the maximum speed in a hold above FL140 and including FL200?
240 kts
What is the maximum speed in a hold above FL200?
265 kts
What is the standard maximum time limit on the outbound leg of a holding pattern above FL140?
1.5 minutes
What is the minimum obstacle clearance provided on a missed approach?
100 ft
What is the minimum missed approach gradient?
What is the maximum allowable offset for a Cat C aircraft for a straight-in NPA?
What speed must a jet aircraft exit a holding pattern at in CTA?
250 kt
What is the severe turbulence penetration speed in the climb?
280 kt or 0.76M whichever is lower
What is the severe turbulence penetration speed during descent?
0.76M/280/250 kt whichever is lower
During an ATM takeoff, what deteriorations in weather will require a recalculation in OPT?
(i) Temperature - Increases by more than 1°C
(ii) Tailwind - Any increase
(iii) Headwind - Decreases by more than 4 kt
(iv) QNH - Decreases by more than 1 hPa
When will the centre tank fuel scavenge jet pump operate?
When the No. 1 tank is about half full
What is the fuel capacity in kilograms of the main tanks?
3915 Kg
What is the centre tank capacity in kilograms?
13,066 Kg
What is the minimum amount of fuel required in the centre tanks for the pumps to be allowed to be switched on?
453 Kg
What is the minimum oxygen tank pressure required for flight?
1,400 psi
What is the minimum engine oil quantity required for flight?
12 litres
When will the refill indication display for hydraulic quantity?
What is the maximum pressure allowed for the hydraulic system?
3,500 psi
What are the Category B, C and D repair intervals for MELs?
B - 3 days
C - 10 days
D - 120 days
How long will the Speed Trim System (STS) be inhibited for if the pilot uses the electric trim switches?
5 seconds.
What is the margin applied to the Minimum Manoeuvre Speed bars?