Stakeholder Engagement Flashcards


Sam’s project has successfully been initiated, and all the major roadblocks are removed. The senior stakeholders have now switched from a leading role to a supportive role. What is Sam’s next step once the first version of the project stakeholder register is developed?
Select one Mark question
Start the development of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Execute the stakeholder engagement strategy as laid out in the stakeholder register
Finalize the project management plan before developing the stakeholder engagement strategy
Start the stakeholder identification process


The project management plan cannot be finalized until all the other subsidiary plans, including the stakeholder engagement plan, are finalized. Since the first version of stakeholder register has been developed, this implies that the first run of the identity stakeholders process has been completed and the project manager is now all set to kick start the plan stakeholder engagement process.

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In projects following adaptive lifecycles, what are the two critical components of iterative scheduling with a product backlog?
Select one Mark question
Work packages and critical path
User epics and time-bound accepted deliverables
Scope management plan and a detailed WBS
User stories and time-boxed periods of work


In adaptive life cycles, the requirements are documented in user stories that are then prioritized and refined. The product features are developed using time-boxed periods of work.

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Andrew is managing a construction project. He is using his communication, interpersonal and management skills to keep the key project stakeholders engaged with the project. Which of the following activities is not related to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process?
Select one Mark question
Confirming the stakeholders’ continued commitment
Negotiating and communicating with the stakeholders
Developing the stakeholder engagement plan
Addressing and resolving issues


The stakeholder engagement plan is developed during the plan stakeholder engagement process. However, the stakeholder engagement plan might get updated during the manage stakeholder engagement process.

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To develop a project stakeholder engagement plan, seek knowledge from groups or individuals with specialized training or subject matter insight into the relationships within the organization. In PMBOK jargon, what is this technique called?
Select one Mark question
	Professional verdict
	Sage opinion
	Expert judgment

The technique can be called anything but according to the pmbok jargon, this technique is called expert judgement.

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Mary is currently drafting a stakeholder engagement plan for her new website development project. Her organization has strict communication guidelines. Mary wants to ensure that her stakeholder engagement strategy aligns with the organizational communications guidelines. Where can she find these guidelines?
Select one Mark question
	Project contract
	Corporate knowledge base
	Stakeholder register
	Lessons learned library

Mary is looking for the organizational policy on project communications. This is a part of the organizational process assets which are stored in corporate knowledge bases.

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Stanley’s project is in execution. Stanley has a monthly stakeholder update meeting scheduled in which he presents the project’s progress and current issues to the key stakeholders. During the last stakeholder update meeting, the stakeholders requested Stanley to provide bi-weekly project updates instead of monthly updates. The communication management plan has been broadly framed, and it does not restrict Stanley from doing bi-weekly updates. What should Stanley do?
Select one Mark question
Request that the stakeholders submit a change request
Disregard the stakeholders’ request and continue with the monthly updates
Start providing bi-weekly updates instead of monthly updates
Update the communication management plan prior to providing the biweekly updates


The key stakeholders’ concerns and requests can never be disregarded. Since the communication management plan is flexible and it does not restrict stanley from doing bi-weekly updates, stanley must immediately accept the key stakeholders’ request. Since this is not impacting the communication management plan, there is no need to go through the formal change control process.

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A project manager is currently ensuring that the stakeholders clearly understand the project goals, objectives, benefits, and risks. This relates to which of the following processes?
Select one Mark question
	Plan Communications Management
	Manage Stakeholder Engagement
	Control Stakeholder
	Identify Stakeholders

The manage stakeholder engagement process involves ensuring that the stakeholders clearly understand the project goals, objectives, benefits and risks.

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Two new team members have just joined the project you are leading. The project is large and involves many stakeholders. You want to get the new team members up to speed with the overall dynamics of the project and engage effectively with the project stakeholders. What should you do?
Select one Mark question
Schedule a meeting with the new team members and all project stakeholders
Submit a change request to update the stakeholder engagement plan
Review the stakeholder register with the new team members
Ask the team members to record any issues they encounter into the issue log


The stakeholder register is a project document that contains all current information about the stakeholders. The stakeholder register includes stakeholder identification information, assessment information, and the stakeholder classification. It is used by the project team to maintain information about the stakeholder’s expectations and interests with the project. By reviewing the stakeholder register with the new team members, the project manager can provide them with the information about each project stakeholder, politics surrounding the project, and other relevant details about the project and the stakeholders that may help the new team members to get up to speed with the overall dynamics of the project and engage effectively with the project stakeholders.

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Anthony is currently managing a bridge construction project. The project is in the execution phase. During the planning phase of the project, Anthony developed a comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan for the project. However, the frequency of plan review has not yet been defined. How often should Anthony review the stakeholder engagement plan?
Select one Mark question
On a regular basis; Anthony needs to decide the frequency.
The stakeholder engagement plan cannot be reviewed during the execution of the project.
On a weekly basis
On a monthly basis


As projects progress, project stakeholders and their interests, needs, expectations and engagement levels may change. The project manager should review the stakeholder engagement plan regularly. The frequency of review should be defined by the project manager if it was not imposed by top management.

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Different stakeholders might require dissimilar outcomes from a project. An integral component of stakeholder management is managing these competing expectations throughout the project from initiation to closure. Which of the following management techniques can help in this situation?
Select one Mark question
	Expert judgment
	Stakeholder engagement analysis

The project manager must use Facilitation skills to arrive at a consensus toward project objectives. Scheduling regular stakeholder update meetings and engaging them throughout the project lifecycle is the ideal way to manage stakeholders’ varying expectations.

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Gordon is currently developing his project‘s stakeholder engagement strategy. All enterprise environmental factors should be considered during this process. Which of the following enterprise environmental factors should receive particular attention during this process?
Select one Mark question
Commercial databases
Project templates
Lessons learned from past similar projects
The organization‘s culture and political climate


The lessons learned and the project templates are not enterprise environmental factors, but organizational process assets. The commercial databases can provide only very limited information to develop the stakeholder engagement plan. During the plan stakeholder engagement process, the organization’s culture and political climate are of particular importance.

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A good project manager knows the value of effective stakeholder management. What is the ultimate goal of effective stakeholder management?
Select one Mark question
	Stakeholder satisfaction
	Meeting project objectives
	Stakeholder engagement
	Project success

All of the statements are correct. However, the question is asking for the ultimate goal which is the project’s success. Stakeholder management is all about engaging stakeholders to meet their expectations and achieving stakeholder satisfaction. This is one of the key project objectives required to be achieved in order to deliver a successful project.

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Which of the following is not a basic input required to develop an effective project stakeholder engagement plan?
Select one Mark question
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
Stakeholder register
Organizational process assets
Enterprise environmental factors


The stakeholder engagement plan is developed during the plan stakeholder engagement process. The stakeholder register, enterprise environmental factors and the organizational process assets are all basic inputs to this process. The stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is developed during this process and is not an input to this process.

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Organizational process assets are key inputs to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. The key elements of the organizational process assets that are used during this process are organizational communication requirements, issue management procedures, and the change control procedures. Which of the following is also a key organizational process asset that must be considered during this process?
Select one Mark question
Human resource policies
Process audit procedures
Project document templates
Historical information about previous projects


All of the given choices are organizational process assets. However, the organizational policies and templates are more relevant during the planning phase of the project. For the manage stakeholder engagement process, a process from the executing process group, historical information about previous projects is considered a critical input from the organizational process assets.

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Christine is managing a healthcare software development project. At a PMI conference, she met George, who is the project manager at a competing organization. George, a PMP, has managed many successful healthcare-related software development projects. If George shares his stakeholder management experience with Christine, will that be considered expert judgment?
Select one Mark question
Yes! George is an expert in managing such projects.
No! This would be an example of expert opinion and not expert judgment.
Yes! All participants at a PMI conference are experts.
No! George is a project manager at a competitor organization.


George is giving an expert opinion; this is analogous to expert judgment. A PMP-certified project manager from a competitor would not normally give false information. This can be considered expert judgment since george has managed many similar projects.

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Bill is managing a website development project. He has recently received feedback from one of the key project stakeholders. The feedback is positive overall, but it contains some recommendations. After analyzing the recommendations, Bill accepts them, gets them approved, and incorporates them into the project management plan. The recommendations were then implemented and the new ideas were found to be successful. What needs to be done with this feedback now?
Select one Mark question
Discard it since it is no longer required
Add it to the organizational process assets
Send it back to the stakeholder
Publish it on the corporate intranet


The feedback must not be discarded. Successful ideas and implemented recommendations need to be stored in the organizational process assets library during the manage project knowledge process. Sending it back to the stakeholder does not make any sense. There is no restriction in publishing it, but updating the organizational process assets should be the project manager’s priority.

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During the development of the project stakeholder engagement plan, a project manager is usually dependent on the voice of the project stakeholders to obtain expert opinion. Which of the following is an important tool available to the project manager for gathering and organizing stakeholders’ information?
Select one Mark question
	Fishbone diagrams
	Focus groups
	Control charts

Fishbone diagrams, control charts and histograms are quality management tools. The question is asking for a tool that helps the project manager collect stakeholder information and focus group is one of the effective tools available to the project manager.

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The stakeholder engagement plan is developed early during project planning phase. However, as the project moves into its execution phase, project stakeholders’ needs, interests and/or influence might change. If a significant change happens, what should the project manager do?
Select one Mark question
Hold all project communications until the issue has a resolution
Seek expert judgment from the project sponsor
Refer the issue to the project sponsor
Revisit the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process


The plan stakeholder engagement is an iterative process. Stakeholders’ needs, interests or influence might change during the project lifecycle and whenever a significant change happens, the project manager must revisit the plan stakeholder engagement process and update the stakeholder engagement plan accordingly.

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Why is the project change log a prime input to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process?
Select one Mark question
So that the new identified changes can be appended to the log
So that the changes and their impact can be communicated to the appropriate stakeholders
So that stakeholders can review the log and prioritize the issues
So that the Integrated Change Control process is made redundant


A change log is used during the manage stakeholder engagement process so that the project changes and their impact on the project in term of time, cost, and risk can be communicate to the appropriate stakeholders.

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Mark is managing a telecom network deployment project. The buyer of the telecom network is an external entity. Recently, the customer requested that all future project updates be posted to their information system automatically. In order to implement this, the project team needs to customize their project management information system so it can be integrated with the customer’s information system. This is a new customer requirement that was not a part of the original project’s scope. What should the project manager do?
Select one Mark question
Ask the project team to customize the project management information system.
Ignore the request; this is outside the project’s scope.
Request that the customer terminate the current contract and award a new contract.
Initiate the formal change control process.


Change requests do come. They are never ignored; they are managed through the integrated change control process. This does not require terminating the contract. Implementing the new requirement without following the change control process is not advisable.

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Adaptive project lifecycles, in comparison with predictive project lifecycles, are developed with the intent of:
Select one Mark question
Minimizing cost of changes throughout the project’s lifecycle
Providing agility in responding to change
Maximizing cost of changes throughout the project’s lifecycle
Eliminating cost of changes throughout the project’s lifecycle


Adaptive project life cycles, in comparison with predictive project life cycles, are developed with the intent of providing agility in responding to change.

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Daniel is managing the development of an e-commerce website for his organization. Daniel enjoys coercive powers. He has assigned Julie, a project team member, to facilitate the team meetings. During any team meeting, Julie must:
Select one Mark question
Support the team members to challenge the project manager’s decisions
Remain neutral and conduct the meetings
Negotiate with team members to achieve the project objectives
Influence team members to support the project manager’s decisions


Since the project manager enjoys coercive powers, it seems likely that he has assigned a neutral facilitator to facilitate the team meetings. Facilitation is a management skill. A good facilitator should always remain neutral in a meeting and help facilitate consensus when required.

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Key project stakeholders can significantly influence a project in many ways. During which stage of the project do these stakeholders have the maximum ability to influence a project?
Select one Mark question
	Monitoring & Controlling

The stakeholder influence is highest at the start of the project and decreases as the project progresses towards completion. This is due to the fact that risk and uncertainty are greatest at the start of the project.

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Julia is currently assessing her project stakeholders’ engagement levels. During this exercise, she finds she also needs to document an escalation process, which will come in handy in the future. Where does she need to document the project’s escalation process?
Select one Mark question
Stakeholder engagement plan
Either the stakeholder engagement plan or the communications management plan
Communications management plan
Both the stakeholder engagement plan and the communications management plan


Although there is a lot of overlap of information between the project communication management and stakeholder engagement plans, the project escalation process is only documented in the communications management plan.

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Linda has been assigned to establish a PMO in her organization. Linda believes this project cannot succeed unless all the key project stakeholders support the project. She also believes she needs to pay special attention to stakeholder management to ensure success of this project. First, she needs to develop her stakeholder register. To produce the project stakeholder register, which of the following processes must Linda start?
Select one Mark question
	Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
	Identify Stakeholders
	Manage Stakeholder Engagement
	Plan Stakeholder Engagement

The stakeholder register is developed during the identify stakeholders process.

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In order to facilitate project configuration and change management on complex projects, a project manager relies on configuration and change management tools. Such tools:
Select one Mark question
Can be manual or automatic; the selection depends on the project’s environment and requirements.
Must be automatic; a complex project requires complex change control procedures.
Change control must be manual, but the configuration control may be automatic.
Must be manual; a complex project requires all change requests to be manually signed.


In order to facilitate configuration and change management, manual or automated tools may be used. Tool selection should be based on the needs of the project.

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Which of the following tools helps in determining the gaps between the current and desired stakeholder engagement levels?
Select one Mark question
Stakeholder register
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
Monte Carlo analysis
Fishbone diagram


Monte carlo analysis and the fishbone diagram are risk management and quality management tools respectively. Stakeholder register is a project artifact and not a tool or technique. The correct answer is ‘stakeholder engagement assessment matrix’ which helps a project manager in mapping the current and desired stakeholder engagement levels.

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Lena is managing the construction of a new office facility for her company. The project is halfway through the execution. The project sponsor has asked Lena to ensure that all key project stakeholders are still committed to the project. How can Lena assess the stakeholders’ current engagement levels?
Select one Mark question
By reviewing the Stakeholders Engagement Assessment Matrix last updated during the planning phase of the project
By communicating and interacting with the key stakeholders
By analyzing the most recent issue register
By requesting the key stakeholders to submit a signed declaration of commitment


The stakeholders’ current engagement levels can be assessed by communicating and interacting with them. Reviewing the stakeholders engagement assessment matrix developed during the planning phase of the project will be of little help, if it has not been reviewed since then. Analyzing the issue register can indicate stakeholder engagement levels, but this document alone is not sufficient to determine the current engagement levels. Asking the stakeholders to sign a declaration of commitment is ridiculous.

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A project manager is conducting the initial process of identifying stakeholders for a new infrastructure development project. The project manager has just compiled a list of potential stakeholders’ names. What should the project manager do next?
Select one Mark question
Conduct stakeholder analysis
Invite the identified stakeholders to the project kick-off meeting
Develop the stakeholder engagement plan
Complete the Project Stakeholder Management process


The question suggests that the project is still in the initiation stage, with the initial iteration of the Identify Stakeholders process, and has yet to progress to project planning. At this point, the project manager has only compiled a list of potential stakeholders’ names. With only a list of individual and group names, the next logical step is to perform stakeholder analysis. Stakeholder analysis, an example of the data analysis technique which can be used during the Identify Stakeholder process, results in a list of stakeholders and relevant information such as their positions in the organization, roles on the project, expectations, attitudes, and their interest in information about the project. Therefore, of the available choices, conducting stakeholder analysis is what the project manager should do next.

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Henry is the project manager for a process improvement project. Henry is a recently hired Six Sigma expert. David is the process owner of the process Henry must optimize. During the project kick-start meeting with the project sponsor, David said he supports all continuous improvement efforts. However, David is unaware of the Six Sigma technique and feels threatened by the newly hired expert, and as a result, is blocking Henry’s ideas. What is David’s current engagement level with the project?
Select one Mark question

Although david claims that he is supportive of all improvement initiatives, his behavior is not coherent with his claim. Since david is blocking henry’s idea, he is in effect, resistant of the project.

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The enterprise environmental factors play an important role during the development of the project stakeholder engagement plan. The following list gives the most significant enterprise environmental factors considered during the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process except one. Which one is it?
Select one Mark question
Political climate
Organizational communication requirements
Organizational structure
Organizational culture


Organizational communication requirements should be considered during project stakeholder engagement plan development. However, these are part of organizational process assets and not enterprise environmental factors.

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You are managing a software upgrade project for your company. Your project sponsor has a great deal of authority regarding project decisions, but you recently discovered that he doesn’t have much interest in your project. To complete the project successfully, you need your project sponsor’s continuous support. What stakeholder management strategy should you use with your project sponsor?

Select one Mark question
	Monitor the sponsor's actions
	Keep the sponsor satisfied
	Manage the sponsor closely
	Keep the sponsor informed

A power/interest grid is a classification model used for stakeholder analysis and management that groups the stakeholders based on their level of authority (power) and their level of concern (interest) regarding project outcomes. The classification and recommended management strategies are as follows:

Low-power/low-interest: monitor only
Low-power/high-interest: keep informed
High-power/low-interest: keep satisfied
High-power/high-interest: manage closely
Based on this scenario, the sponsor can be classified as high-power and low-interest; therefore, the correct answer is to keep the sponsor satisfied.
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A project manager is leading a project to investigate the feasibility of constructing a dam to generate hydroelectric power. The project needs to be analyzed from technical, economic, and social points of view. The project manager has created the project charter on behalf of the project sponsor, and it is now approved. Which of the following processes should be performed next?

Select one Mark question
	Develop Project Management Plan
	Identify Risks
	Identify Stakeholders
	Develop Project Charter

The Identify Stakeholders process is the process of identifying all people or organizations impacted by the project and documenting relevant information regarding their interests, involvement, and impact on project success. Both the Develop Project Charter process and the Identify Stakeholders process are part of the Initiating Process Group which should be completed before proceeding to the processes in the Planning Process Group. In this scenario, since the project charter has been developed and approved, the Identify Stakeholders process should be performed next

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Increasing the number of resources in order to crash a project schedule does not always cut the time by the same factor. In worst cases, too many resources assigned to an activity may actually increase the activity duration. This is because:
Select one Mark question
Additional risk introduced due to crashing
Decrease in cost budget
Required additional coordination
Funding limit reconciliation


Increasing the number of resources in order to crash a project schedule does not always cut the time by the same factor. In worst cases, too many resources to the activity may actually increase the duration due to required additional coordination. Other choices are either not applicable or do not directly influence the project schedule.

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An organization’s value chain can be represented by a special type of flowchart called SIPOC. SIPOC stands for:
Select one Mark question
Simple, intellectual, procedural, optimal coding
Suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, and customers
Superior service, inferior service, peak hour service, optimized service, and client service
Sample, information, practice, organization, and control


SIPOC stands for Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Customers.

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A critical project rollout was delayed because one of the stakeholders did not receive necessary communication on time. On further analysis, the project manager discovered that the communication was sent to the wrong teams. This could have happened because:
Select one Mark question
Communication broke down between the project team and the stakeholder.
The stakeholder did not proactively ask for updates.
The stakeholder communications requirements were not properly analyzed during the Plan Communications Management process.
The project manager failed to manage stakeholder expectations.


It is likely that stakeholder communications requirements were not properly analyzed during the plan communications management process and the project communications management plan was not accurate.

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The Plan Stakeholder Engagement process has many inputs. Which of the following is an input to the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process that comes from the Conduct Procurements process?
Select one Mark question
	Project charter
	Project management plan
	Historic stakeholder engagement plans

Agreements are inputs to the plan stakeholder engagement process that are provided by the conduct procurements process

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In predictive projects, the scope baseline for the project is used to analyze a project’s scope performance. On the other hand, projects with adaptive lifecycles use:
Select one Mark question
	WBS dictionary
	Scope statement

In projects with adaptive life cycles, the overall scope of the project will be decomposed into a set of requirements and work to be performed, referred to as a product backlog

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The project management processes communicate with each other through their inputs and outputs. Which of the following outputs of the Direct and Manage Project Work process is a prime input of the Monitor Stakeholder Engagement process?
Select one Mark question
	Change requests
	Work performance data
	Work performance information
	Expert judgment

Work performance data is provided to the monitor stakeholder engagement process as an output from direct and manage project work process.

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A project manager has completed identification of stakeholders and has started planning for a flow instruments installation project in a hospital. While developing the project management plan, a team member states that a stakeholder in the X-ray department is missing from the stakeholder list. Which of the following would be the best response from the project manager?
Select one Mark question
It is too late to involve a stakeholder in the planning, so ignore the stakeholder
Wait until the execution phase to involve the new stakeholder
Include and involve the stakeholder immediately
Authenticate the information from the team member


Explanation: authenticate the information from the team member one aspect of responsibility for a project manager is to take ownership of decisions made. A project manager must identify all stakeholders as early as possible in the project and it is his responsibility. A missing stakeholder could jeopardize the objectives of the project. So, the project manager must involve the newly identified stakeholder as soon as possible. However, the project manager must authenticate the information from the team member first before involving the stakeholder. Thus, ‘authenticate the information from the team member’ is the best answer. Exam note: remember, the question is asking about best response (one of the 14 types of questions i’ve described in my book). In such type of question you will get more than one right answer, but you need to choose the best suited one for the situation given in the question.

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Carole is managing a hotel refurbishment project. She has identified her project’s key stakeholders. Carole now wants to expand this list of stakeholders and convert it to a comprehensive list of project stakeholders. What should Carole do?
Select one Mark question
Do not spend more time on identifying the non-key stakeholders
Seek expert judgment from the identified key stakeholders
Request that the project sponsor provide the details of the remaining stakeholders
Carry out a stakeholder analysis with the identified key stakeholders


The project manager is responsible for stakeholder identification; this cannot be delegated to the project sponsor. Identifying and analyzing the key stakeholders is not enough to ensure the success of the project. Other project stakeholders can be identified by interviewing the stakeholders who are already identified.

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Which of the following is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions:
Select one Mark question
	Servant leader

Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegated leadership, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group members.

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A key stakeholder has been resistant to the project’s objectives, and the support of this stakeholder is vital to the success of the project. The project manager has employed various engagement strategies which have been ineffective and needs to determine the underlying reason that stakeholder engagement is not having the planned effect. What should the project manager do next?
Select one Mark question
Submit a change request to update the stakeholder engagement plan
Perform an alternatives analysis
Develop a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
Conduct data analysis


The scenario suggests that the Monitor Stakeholder Engagement process has identified a variance in the current and desired engagement level of a key stakeholder. The question asks about root cause analysis which is a data analysis technique that may be useful in performing the Monitor Stakeholder Engagement process. As it applies to this process, root cause analysis can be used to determine the basic underlying reason that stakeholder engagement is not having the planned effect. Thus, the project manager should perform a root cause analysis in this scenario. What makes this question challenging is that root cause analysis is not listed as an answer choice. There will likely be instances on the actual PMP exam where the obvious answer is not available, and the best option of the available responses must be selected. In this case, root cause analysis is a form of data analysis. Therefore, among the available choices, conducting a data analysis is the best answer to the question asked.

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You have been assigned as the project manager for a software development project. You are currently communicating with stakeholders and addressing their issues and expectations. Which of the following documents are inputs to this effort?
Select one Mark question
The stakeholder engagement plan, communications management plan, and the change log
Business case, change requests, and control charts
The Issue log, Project charter, and Configuration management system
The Project risk register, Work performance information, and Accepted deliverables


Communicating with stakeholders to address their issues is done during the manage stakeholder engagement process. The stakeholder engagement plan, communications management plan and the change log are some of the inputs of this process.

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Adam has just taken over a construction project. The project is currently in the planning phase of the project lifecycle. Adam’s next deliverable is to produce an effective stakeholder engagement strategy. Which of the following is the most important component of an effective stakeholder engagement plan?
Select one Mark question
	Construction know-how
	Management style
	Risk tolerance

An effective stakeholder engagement plan recognizes the diverse information needs of the project’s stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement relies on continuous communication with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations, addressing issues as they occur, managing conflicts and fostering stakeholder engagement.

Nancy’s project is 80 percent complete. Which of the following project documents is least likely to be updated during the Monitor Stakeholder Engagement process performed at this stage?
Select one Mark question
	Issue log
	Project charter
	Stakeholder register
	Risk register

The project charter is least likely to get updated during the project execution. Rest of the choices are project documents that do get updated during the monitor stakeholder engagement process.

Which of the following is a tool or technique of the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process?
Select one Mark question
	Communication models
	Communication standard
	Communication skills
	Communication technology

Communication skills is a tool and technique of the manage stakeholder engagement process.

During the development of the project stakeholder engagement plan, the project manager is usually dependent on the expert judgment of senior stakeholders to identify and plan effective stakeholder management strategies. Which of the following stakeholders cannot guide the project manager in developing effective strategies for internal stakeholders?
Select one Mark question
	Project team members
	Identified key stakeholders

Only internal stakeholders can provide expert judgment on effective management strategies for internal stakeholders. Project customers are important stakeholders but usually they lack the knowledge on internal stakeholders, and hence cannot provide accurate feedback.

A change log is an important input to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. Which process provides this input?
Select one Mark question
	Manage Communications
	Perform Integrated Change Control
	Plan Communications Management
	Monitor Communications

Project change logs are an output of the perform integrated change control process.


Julia is managing a complex industrial process reengineering project. She has identified all her key project stakeholders and has conducted individual interviews with them to identify other project stakeholders, as well. However, Julia is still not satisfied with her project’s stakeholders list; she believes there may be more key external stakeholders missing from the list. What can help Julia in this situation?
Select one Mark question
Get over her fear and finalize the project stakeholder register
Seek expert judgment from subject matter experts
Conduct more meetings with the key stakeholders
Use stakeholder register templates from the organizational process assets


The stakeholder register template does not contain stakeholders information; it only helps the project manager produce the project’s stakeholder register. If julia is not satisfied with the list, she needs to identify more stakeholders until she is satisfied. Interviewing the identified key stakeholders again might not resolve the issue. The best option is to seek an expert’s opinion.

You are working as a project manager for MALTEX, an IT organization having a projectized organization structure. You have recently started managing a project that involves stakeholders from within and outside your organization. The stakeholders external to your organization are highly critical since the project negatively affects their interests. You are making serious efforts to gather their expectations and influence levels early in the project to ensure their voice is heard and proper communication needs can be planned in the project’s future phases. The outcome of your effort can be documented in:
Select one Mark question
	The risk register
	The project scope document
	The stakeholder communication plan
	The stakeholder engagement plan

The stakeholder engagement plan is a component of the project management plan and identifies the management strategies required to effectively engage stakeholders.

Which of these is not a legitimate model used to analyze stakeholders?
Select one Mark question
	Influence/impact grid
	Power/influence grid
	Sufficiency model
	Salience model

The sufficiency model is not a valid model. The other choices are valid models used to analyze stakeholders.

Which of the following is a set of technical guidelines that may be applied during the design of a product for the optimization of a specific aspect of the design?
Select one Mark question
	Design for X
	Scrum master
	Rolling-wave planning
	Scope creeping

Design for x is a set of technical guidelines that may be applied during the design of a product for the optimization of a specific aspect of the design. Other choices are either invalid or do not relate to product design.

Which of the following processes belong to the planning process group?
Select one Mark question
	Manage Stakeholder Engagement
	Identify Stakeholders
	Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
	Plan Stakeholder Engagement

All of the given choices are the processes from the project stakeholder management knowledge area. However, only the plan stakeholder engagement process belongs to the planning process group.


During a project update meeting, one of the key stakeholders expressed his displeasure over the project management approach. One percent of the produced deliverables had minor defects which required a rework. This stakeholder has been a resisting stakeholder so far. What must the project manager do to bring the future project performance in line with the approved quality requirements?
Select one Mark question
Investigate the root cause and identify the required preventive action.
Ignore the complaint from the resisting stakeholder.
Investigate the root cause and identify the required defect repair.
Investigate the root cause and identify the required corrective action.


If any stakeholder—resisting or supporting—identifies any issue, it must be addressed. The defects have already been identified and fixed. The scenario is talking about an action that would bring the future project performance in line with the approved quality requirements, this is a corrective action.


A project is six months into its nine-month projected duration, and the project manager is reporting that the project is at least three months behind schedule because certain key stakeholders were resistant to any changes that might occur as outcomes of the project. What might have been done differently during project planning to have avoided this situation?
Select one Mark question
Creation of a comprehensive stakeholder register
Better execution of the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process
Establishment of a more robust communications management plan
Development of a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix


Development of a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

The scenario describes a situation where the resistance of certain key stakeholders has caused the project to run behind schedule and is asking what might have been done differently during project planning. Two of the answer choices represent activities which are not associated with the Planning Process Group, and, as a result, those responses can be eliminated. Both of the remaining answer choices represent plausible actions that may have led to better stakeholder engagement. The actual PMP exam may present questions with more than one correct answer, and the PMP aspirant must select the ‘best’ answer among the potentially correct options. In this case, the development of the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix directly addresses the issue described by the question. The stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is used as a tool during the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process and identifies key stakeholders along with their current and desired engagement level. Classifications for stakeholder engagement may include unaware, resistant, neutral, supportive, and leading. In this scenario, certain key stakeholders were resistant to the project which caused the project to run behind schedule. A stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is the best tool for identifying resistant stakeholders with enough influence to undermine a project. In this case, identifying the current and desired engagement levels of the key stakeholders might have allowed the project manager to take action to address the undesirable engagement levels and prevent the stakeholder’s resistance from negatively impact the project’s performance. Therefore, of the available options, development of a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is the best answer to the question asked.

It is not practical, and usually not necessary, to engage with all stakeholders with the same level of intensity at all times. A project manager must prioritize stakeholders depending upon on who they are, what level of influence they have on the project, and what their interests are. Which of the following techniques helps in stakeholder prioritization?
Select one Mark question
	Stakeholder register
	Resource histograms
	Stakeholder classification models
	Stakeholder engagement matrix

Stakeholder classification models are used during stakeholder analysis to rank stakeholders based on their power, influence, interest, and impact.

Bill is managing a healthcare software development project using stateof-the-art technology. Stakeholder management is crucial for the project’s success. Stakeholder involvement and influence are significant. During which of the following project stages will stakeholder management be most challenging for Bill?
Select one Mark question
	Early during the project execution
	Halfway through the project execution
	Toward the closure of the project
	Toward the end of the project execution

Stakeholders’ influence is highest during the early stages of the project and lowest towards the end of the project.


The project is not getting the marketing team to update the content of the online magazine website as scheduled. The outdated content is causing confusion among readers. What can the project manager do to engage the marketing team and make the needed changes as soon as possible?
Select one Mark question
Complain to other managers about the lack of response time
Force the marketing manager to make the changes immediately
Communicate the importance and urgency of the change
Assign any another project team member to perform the work


Communicate the importance and urgency of the change

Managing stakeholder engagement throughout a project is a difficult, yet important, process. Communicating and working with project stakeholders to meet project and stakeholder needs and expectations require interpersonal skills and leveraging other tools and techniques. In this scenario, for unknown reasons, the stakeholders in the marketing team are not available for the project as scheduled. Of the choices available, communicating the urgency and importance of the project to the stakeholders falls within the authority of the project manager and is likely to be the best course of action for the project manager to take under current circumstances. Forcing or threatening or making others perform the work without proper communication with the stakeholders risks breakdown of trust, cooperation, and shared values.

Daniel is the project manager for a factory construction project. Daniel has recently joined this organization and is not fully aware of the organization‘s culture and structure. In order to manage his project stakeholders, Daniel has to understand them better. Which of the following can provide Daniel some historical information regarding stakeholder engagement on previous projects?
Select one Mark question
	Enterprise environmental factors
	Project management plan
	Project charter
	Organizational process assets

The project charter and the project management plan do not document lessons learned from previous similar projects. Lessons learned are stored in the organization’s process assets library.

During the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process, a number of project documents might get updated. Which of the following project documents get updated the most during this process?
Select one Mark question
	Project reports
	Risk register
	Stakeholder register
	Project presentations

Project reports and presentation distributed to the stakeholders get archived in the organizational process assets during this process. Stakeholder register is the project document that gets updated the most during this process.

Sandra is managing a new supersonic aircraft design project. This is a massive project, and its success is hugely important for her organization. For such mission-critical projects, which of the following is the most desirable engagement level for all major stakeholders?
Select one Mark question
	Resistant stakeholders
	Neutral stakeholders
	Supportive stakeholders
	Leading stakeholders

In fact, for any project it would be ideal if all of the key stakeholders were supportive. This would help ensure smooth project progress and timely resolution of issues. In practice, this is often unachievable; nevertheless, it is the most desirable state for all major stakeholders. On the other hand, if all key stakeholders assume a leading role, this could lead to serious and substantial conflicts.

Sandra is managing a software development project. The project has many stakeholders having a negative attitude toward the project. Sandra knows she can’t keep everybody happy but still can try her best to manage them. Which of the following can help Sandra manage these negative stakeholders better?
Select one Mark question
	Send them project updates
	Ignore them
	Send inaccurate project reports
	Engage them in project decisions

Regardless how bad the situation is, send inaccurate project reports is never an option. Further ignoring the negative stakeholders is not recommended. Sending periodic project updates will help but the best way to reduce the negative bias towards the project is to involve the negative stakeholders in project decisions so they get a sense of ownership.


Organizational process assets are fundamental inputs to most of the project management processes. However, only some of the process assets are relevant to any given process. Which of the following organizational process assets is the least important consideration during the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process?
Select one Mark question
Historical information about previous projects
Issue management procedures
Change control procedures
Project plan templates


Project plan templates are considering during the planning processes. These would be of least importance during the manage stakeholder engagement process. The rest of the choices are the organizational process assets relevant to the manage stakeholder engagement process.

Which of the following stakeholder groups, especially if the size of the group is large, is ideal for the success of the project?
Select one Mark question
	Supportive stakeholders
	Unaware stakeholders
	Neutral stakeholders
	Leading stakeholders

Neutral and unware stakeholders usually don’t pose any serious threat but they are volatile and can sway in any direction as more information becomes available to them. Leading stakeholders are beneficial for the project as long as they are limited in number. If the size of the group is large this can be damaging. The supportive stakeholders are usually low in potential to affect the project but high in potential for collaboration. This is an ideal stakeholder group that supports the project’s goals and objectives.

PMBOK offers a number of tools and techniques for all the project management processes. These tools and techniques must be carefully applied in order to meet the objectives of any process. Which of the following is not a tool or technique of the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process?
Select one Mark question
	Expert judgment
	Interpersonal skills

‘interpersonal skills’ is not a tool or technique of the plan stakeholder engagement process. The rest of the choice are valid tools or techniques.


Project Stakeholder Management is focused on engaging project stakeholders with the project. What is the objective of keeping the project stakeholders engaged with the project?
Select one Mark question
To manage their expectations so that the project objectives are achieved
To demotivate the negative stakeholders
Using consistent project management methodology across organizational projects
To motivate the project team members


The core objective for stakeholder engagement management is to ensure that the project stakeholders are kept satisfied and that their expectations are being met throughout the course of the project. Keeping the project team members motivated and using a consistent project management methodology are generic objectives of project management.

Jessica is managing an office refurbishment project. All the project stakeholders are identified and classified. The stakeholder engagement plan is also approved. Jessica is managing a project for the first time, and she is relying on the PMBOK guide as a reference to deliver an excellent project. Which of the following processes would provide guidance to Jessica regarding how to execute the approved stakeholder engagement plan?
Select one Mark question
	Plan Stakeholder Engagement
	Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
	Identify Stakeholders
	Manage Stakeholder Engagement

The question is asking about the stakeholder management process from the executing process group. The manage stakeholder engagement process executes the stakeholder engagement strategy developed during the plan stakeholder engagement process. The monitor stakeholder engagement process deals with making the necessary adjustments to the stakeholder engagement strategy.


Mark is managing an airport construction project. He is currently identifying his project stakeholders, and he has compiled a long list of stakeholders already. Managing expectations of every project stakeholder is not practical. What should he do in this situation?
Select one Mark question
Stakeholder management processes should not be followed for such complex projects.
Non-key stakeholders should be dropped from the stakeholder register.
Stakeholder analysis should be outsourced.
Project stakeholders should be prioritized based on their influence and interest.


When the stakeholders list becomes unmanageable, the project stakeholders should be prioritized to ensure the efficient use of effort and time to manage their expectations.

To communicate with stakeholders on the resolved issues and the issues that are hard to resolve, you use an issue log in your project. Since you assign an owner for every issue and resolve it by working on it, your stakeholders actively support all your efforts in managing the project. This method of actively resolving issues and reducing risks to the project is known as:
Select one Mark question
	Communications management
	Quality management
	Scope Management
	Stakeholder management

Actively working with project stakeholders and resolving their issues relate to project stakeholder management.


You are leading a project to construct a new runway at an existing commercial airport. After completion of the project, the residents under the flight path of the new runway are making noise complaints and want the airport to compensate them for the diminished values of their homes. What might you have missed earlier in the project?
Select one Mark question
A thorough review of the agreements prior to the development of the stakeholder register
The inclusion of the affected homeowners in the project charter
Stakeholder analysis including consideration for those with an interest stake in the project
Including in the stakeholder register those with a contribution stake in the project


The question indicates that the homeowners under the flight path of the new runway have been negatively impacted by the resulting noise as well as a potential reduction in property values. This situation implies that the impact of the project on the affected homeowners was not considered or was just disregarded. Stakeholder analysis is used during the development of the stakeholder register to identify relevant information about the stakeholders including their stakes in the project. In this case, the affected homeowners, whether they realized it at the time or not, had an interest stake in the project. Any person or group that is affected by a decision related to the project or its outcomes has an interest stake in a project. Had the impact of the project on the affected homeowners been fully considered, steps may have been taken to mitigate the impact of the project on the homeowners. Mitigation steps may have included noise abatement procedures for aircraft or perhaps a different runway orientation. Therefore, of the available options, stakeholder analysis including consideration for those with an interest stake in the project is what you likely missed during project initiation.

Project stakeholder management is an integral part of project management. The effectiveness of stakeholder analysis carried out early in a project can decide its fate. Which of the following is the least important consideration during stakeholder analysis, especially when analyzing stakeholders who are also decision-makers?
Select one Mark question
	Prior experience

Stakeholder expectations, interests and influence are the key factors that are considered during stakeholder analysis. Stakeholder prior experience might be a consideration but that is not as important as the rest of the choices given for this question.

With a growing awareness of so-called unknowable-unknowns, the existence of emergent risk is becoming clear. These are risks that can only be recognized after they have occurred. Emergent risks can be tackled through developing:
Select one Mark question
	Project resilience
	Project risk management plan
	Project management plan
	Project charter

Emergent risks can be tackled through developing project resilience. This requires each project to have right level of budget and schedule contingencies, flexible project processes, empowered project team and frequent review of early warning signs.


Once a project’s business case has been approved, what should be done next?
Select one Mark question
Conduct and cost-benefit analysis
Identify market demand
Create the project charter
Identify and analyze project stakeholders and associated risks


Once a project’s business case is approved, the project can be initiated. The develop project charter process launches the project.

Linda is currently drafting her project stakeholder management plan. Since she is a new hire, she is not aware of the company’s policies and procedures. If she wants to know more about the company’s general issues management procedures, where must she look?
Select one Mark question
	Scope statement
	Issue register
	Organizational process assets
	Project charter

Linda is looking for company’s policies and procedures. These are part of the organizational process assets.

In projects with adaptive life cycles, many of the project management processes are repeated in each iteration of the project except:
Select one Mark question
	Create WBS
	Define Scope
	Develop Project Charter
	Collect Requirements

In projects with adaptive life cycles, many of the project management processes are repeated in each iteration of the project except the develop project charter process; which is typically performed only once at the start of the project.


Which of the following actions decreases the risk of the project failing to meet its goals and objectives?
Select one Mark question
Fast-tacking the project schedule to finish the project before deadline
Acquiring more than required resources
Active management of stakeholders
Discouraging changes to the initial project scope


Changes are inevitable. Acquiring more than required resources with put a strain on the budget and hence might compromise the project’s financial goals. Fast-tracking always induces risk to the project. However, active management of stakeholders almost guarantees a decrease in project risk.

Which of the following graphical techniques visually depict the product scope by showing a business system and how other systems interact with it?
Select one Mark question
	Influence diagram
	Ishikawa diagram
	Context diagram

A context diagram is a graphical technique that visually depicts the product scope by showing a business system and how other systems interact with it. The other choices are graphical techniques designed to achieve other objectives.


Stakeholder identification is a continuous process. Which of the following statements about stakeholders is incorrect?
Select one Mark question
Overlooking negative stakeholders can result in an increased likelihood of failure.
A project manager needs to focus on the positive stakeholders since their needs are best served by the project.
Stakeholders can have conflicting or differing objectives.
Positive stakeholders benefit from the outcome of a project.


A project manager needs to take into consideration all types of stakeholders, positive and negative. Focusing only on positive stakeholders will increase the probability of failure of the project.

Stakeholder analysis is an important technique in the Identify Stakeholders process. One of the steps involved is to identify the potential impact of each stakeholder and classify him or her appropriately. Which of the following is not a valid stakeholder categorization method?
Select one Mark question
	Tolerance model
	Power/interest grid
	Salience model
	Influence/impact grid

A tolerance model is not a valid classification model. The other three models are valid approaches, and classify stakeholders based on power/interest, influence/impact, or power/urgency and legitimacy as in the case of the salience model.


You are managing an enterprise solution deployment project. The end users are not happy with the solution. You decide to meet the end users and find out that they haven’t received proper training on the new system. What should you do first?
Select one Mark question
Update the project management plan with the necessary changes
Update the issue log
Arrange additional training
Investigate further into the issue and determine the root-cause


The first action you must take upon identification of any issue is to update the issue log. Once this has been done, you need to carry out a root-cause analysis and take appropriate corrective actions.


The project requires frequent input from the senior management team. Some of the past projects succeeded to engage the team, however, most failed as senior management is notorious throughout the organization of responding slowly and not attending meetings. What is the best strategy for the stakeholder engagement plan of the current project?
Select one Mark question
Patiently wait until management indicates that they are available to provide their input
Require one senior management representative to attend meetings or the project will be halted
Schedule regular, short update meetings at a constant time and convenient location
Review lessons learned from other projects involving the management stakeholders


Review lessons learned from other projects involving the management stakeholders

The scenario describes the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process. Lessons learned repository is an organizational process asset which can be used as an input to this process. When planning stakeholder engagement for the project, the project manager should take in the lessons learned from other projects that had to engage with similar stakeholders. In the scenario, the project stakeholders of the senior management team are known not to respond or attend meetings. Other projects have learned ways to gather feedback or other forms of engagement. Learning from their successes and failures will reduce the chances of the current project repeating failures and increase successes. Planning approaches without consulting past or current attempts and methods risks the project wasting time, money, resources, and more.


You have just become the project manager of a project already in execution. During your first week on the job, you receive multiple requests from different stakeholders asking for project reports in various formats. These requests overwhelm you. What should you do first?
Select one Mark question
Ignore the requests and send the standard project report
Review the communications management plan
Stakeholders are always right, fulfill their requests on top priority
Issue a change request


The first step should be to determine if the requests are legitimate or not. The ideal place to locate this information is the communications management plan. The communications management plan documents stakeholder communication requirements including the content, language and format.

A project manager first creates an assumption log during the Develop Project Charter process and records all project assumptions and constraints. During which of the following processes is the assumptions log updated and/or new assumptions and constraints added during the project execution?
Select one Mark question
	Close Project or Phase
	Monitor and Control Project Work
	Collect Requirements
	Direct and Manage Project Work

Direct and Manage Project Work

During the direct and manage project work process, new assumptions and constraints are added to the assumption log, and the status of existing assumptions and constraints may be updated and closed out. The other process do not directly update the assumptions log as an output of the process.


Nancy’s project has a large number of key positive and negative stakeholders. To ensure the project’s success, it is essential to manage the influential negative stakeholders closely. Do the key positive stakeholders need to be managed, too?
Select one Mark question
The positive stakeholders need to be closely managed, as well, since stakeholders’ needs and expectations change over time.
Project stakeholders should not be classified as positive and negative stakeholders.
Yes; positive stakeholders should be more closely managed than the negative stakeholders.
No; more attention needs to be given to the key negative stakeholders.


It is just as important to manage the positive stakeholders as it is to manage the negative stakeholders. Stakeholders’ expectations and interests change over time. In order to ensure the success of the project, the positive stakeholders should be managed closely to retain their support and commitment to the project.


The stakeholder engagement plan is a subsidiary plan of the project management plan. It includes the strategies required to effectively engage project stakeholders. An ineffective stakeholder engagement strategy can lead to project failure. The stakeholder engagement plan:
Select one Mark question
Must be formal but broadly framed
Must be formal and highly detailed
Can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed
Can be formal or informal but must be highly detailed


According to the pmbok guide, the stakeholder engagement plan can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed.


David’s project is currently in difficult times, and the project stakeholders are not happy with the project updates they receive. In a meeting with the project sponsor, David said the stakeholders’ attitude is irrational since he personally ensures that all project communications are accurate and timely. Mary, the project sponsor, advises David that he needs to go the extra mile in managing the stakeholders rather than just managing the project communications. What does Mary mean?
Select one Mark question
David is not performing the Monitor Communications process.
David needs to pay attention to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process.
The project’s communications management plan is not comprehensive.
David needs to issue a change request.


David needs to pay attention to the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process.

Manage stakeholder engagement is the process of communicating and working with stakeholder to meet their needs/expectations, address issues as they occur, and foster appropriate stakeholder engagement in project activities throughout the project life cycle. Mary has advised david to pay attention to stakeholder management rather than just relying on communications management processes.


George is managing a telecommunication network deployment project. Most of the key project stakeholders are happy with the project so far. However, George has some potential concerns that might become issues in the near future. The next project status update meeting with the key stakeholders is the next day. What should George do?
Select one Mark question
Do not report the concerns in the next meeting but try to mitigate these concerns
Discuss these concerns with the key stakeholders
Briefly discuss these concerns in the next meeting but do not make them look significant
Wait until the concerns become issues


Discuss these concerns with the key stakeholders

Effective stakeholder management requires addressing potential concerns that have not yet become issues and anticipating future problems that may be raised by stakeholders. Such concerns need to be identified and discussed as soon as possible to assess associated project risks

During which stages of a project should the project manager be most active in managing project stakeholders’ needs and expectations?
Select one Mark question
	Initiating and planning
	Planning and executing
	Executing and controlling
	Controlling and closing

Initiating and planning

The ability of stakeholders to influence the project is typically highest during the initial stages and gets progressively lower as the project progresses. The project manager should more actively manage the project stakeholders during the project initiation and planning phases in comparison to the later stages of the project.

Which of the following PMBOK processes produces a project stakeholder engagement plan?
Select one Mark question
	Plan Communications Management
	Manage Stakeholder Engagement
	Identify Stakeholders
	Plan Stakeholder Engagement

The stakeholder engagement plan is produced during the plan stakeholder engagement process.


Greg’s project is in the initiating stage. The sponsor of the project has asked Greg to present a list of the identified project stakeholders at the next project update meeting. The sponsor has also asked Greg to present the project stakeholders’ current and desired engagement levels so they can brainstorm on the stakeholder engagement strategy. Which of the following is a presentation tool that can help Greg summarize all this information in a tabular format?
Select one Mark question
Stakeholder register
Communications management plan
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
Stakeholder engagement plan


Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix

Both the communications and stakeholder management plans are detailed textual documents. They are not presentation tools. On the other hand, both the stakeholder register and the stakeholders engagement assessment matrix contain the required information. However, the stakeholders engagement assessment is the best tool to be selected in this situation since it presents the information required by the project sponsor in a tabular format.


In regards to WBS, which of the following is the correct way to decompose the project scope?
Select one Mark question
Total scope -> Work package -> control account -> planning package
Total scope -> control account -> planning package -> work package
Total scope -> control account -> work package -> planning package
Total scope -> planning package -> control account -> work package


Total scope -> control account -> planning package -> work package

A planning package is a work breakdown structure component below the control account and above the work package with known work content but without detailed schedule activities.


Anna has recently taken over a project as the project manager. The project is early in the executing phase. Although all the key stakeholders signed off on the project scope statement, Anna learns that some of the key stakeholders do not fully understand the project scope. The stakeholders’ constant support is crucial for the success of the project. What must Anna do?
Select one Mark question
Don’t do anything since all the key project stakeholders signed the scope statement.
Email the copy of the scope statement to the key project stakeholders.
Conduct one-to-one meeting sessions with these key stakeholders to ensure they understand the project scope
Email the copy of the scope management plan to the key project stakeholders


Conduct one-to-one meeting sessions with these key stakeholders to ensure they understand the project scope

It is anna’s duty to ensure that all key project stakeholders understand the project scope and are aligned with the project management plan. Anna must conduct one-to-one meetings with those key stakeholders that are not fully aware of the project scope. Just emailing copies of the plans is not sufficient.


The Manage Stakeholder Engagement process is a very important project management process. An ineffective effort in this process can sabotage the whole project. Which of the following is the key benefit of this process?
Select one Mark question
It increases support and minimizes resistance from stakeholders.
Lessons learned are documented during this process.
It makes the Manage Communications process redundant.
It produces the stakeholder engagement plan.


It increases support and minimizes resistance from stakeholders.

Lessons learned can get documented during any project management process. The key benefit of the manage stakeholder engagement process is that it allows the project manager to increase support and minimize resistance from stakeholders, significantly increasing the changes to achieve project success.


Jennifer has recently been asked to manage an office refurbishment project. She finds out that the chief financial officer of the company is resisting the project. The chief financial officer is a key project stakeholder. What must Jennifer do first?
Select one Mark question
Analyze options that might change or influence the chief financial officer‘s perception
Conduct a team meeting to discuss this issue
Seek support from the project sponsor to force project decisions
Seek expert judgment from the project initiator


Analyze options that might change or influence the chief financial officer‘s perception

In this scenario, the chief financial officer is a resistant key stakeholder. The chief financial officer must be turned into a project supporter in order to ensure success. Any of the given choices could be the solution to this problem. However, jennifer should first identify all of the available options and analyze them before selecting the best option.


It is extremely important for a project manager to determine and map key stakeholder engagement levels early in the project. Which of the following statements support this claim:
Select one Mark question
Stakeholder engagement levels change during the lifecycle of the project
Stakeholder engagement throughout the lifecycle of the project is critical to project success
Leading stakeholders assume a supportive role during project execution
Development of the stakeholder assessment matrix is a mandatory PMBOK requirement


Stakeholder engagement throughout the lifecycle of the project is critical to project success

No project management practice, tool or technique is a mandatory requirement in pmbok. Rather, pmbok allows project managers to tailor the pmbok processes to suit the needs of a project. Although the rest of the three statements are true, the question is asking for the ‘reason’ of stakeholder engagement mapping exercise since the reason will support the claim. The correct answer is that the stakeholder engagement throughout the life cycle of the project is critical to project success.

You have recently been assigned to lead a project that is halfway into execution. The project has many stakeholders, and you are trying to determine how to engage them effectively. Which of the following will best help you in this effort?
Select one Mark question
	Work performance reports
	Procurement documents
	Project management plan
	Project charter

The scenario implies you are performing the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process which is concerned with communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs, address issues, and foster involvement. One of the inputs to this process is the project management plan which provides guidance regarding stakeholder communications, risk management, change management, and stakeholder engagement. Specifically, the stakeholder engagement plan contains information on how to manage stakeholder expectations thus helping to determine how to engage the stakeholders effectively.

At which stage in a project should the project manager begin to develop effective stakeholder engagement strategies throughout the project lifecycle?
Select one Mark question
	Monitoring and Controlling


The project manager starts developing effective stakeholder engagement strategies early during the project’s planning phase. This effort is carried out during the plan stakeholder engagement process and the strategies are then documented in the stakeholder engagement plan.


An important aspect of project management is the handling of stakeholder expectations. Typically, at what level are the stakeholders with respect to the project manager?
Select one Mark question
At the same level with varying degrees of authority
At all levels and with varying degrees of authority
At higher levels and with greater authority
At higher levels but only the project sponsor has authority greater than the project manager


At all levels and with varying degrees of authority

Project stakeholders are persons and organizations having a stake in the project. They typically exist at different levels and have varying degrees of authority. For example, the project sponsor will be at a higher level and have greater authority than the project manager. In contrast, a team member may be at a lower level and have lesser authority.

Jim is managing a road network design project for a government agency. He is currently performing the Plan Stakeholder Engagement process for the project. Which of the following documents will provide the list of project stakeholders to Jim for this process?
Select one Mark question
	Enterprise environmental factors
	Organizational process assets
	Stakeholder register
	Project management plan

The stakeholder register, an output of the identify stakeholders process, documents all of the identified project stakeholders and related information. The stakeholder register is an input to the plan stakeholder engagement process, and it will provide the necessary information to jim.


For a project following a predictive life cycle, which of the following statements is most accurate?
Select one Mark question
Collect Requirements, Define Scope and Create WBS processes are performed toward the beginning of the project and updated as necessary, using the executing process.
Collect Requirements, Define Scope and Create WBS processes are performed toward the beginning of the project and updated as necessary, using the integrated change control process.
Collect Requirements, Define Scope and Create WBS processes are performed for each project iteration.
Collect Requirements, Define Scope and Create WBS processes are performed toward the beginning of the project and rarely updated.


Collect Requirements, Define Scope and Create WBS processes are performed toward the beginning of the project and updated as necessary, using the integrated change control process.

In a predictive project, the collect requirements, define scope and create WBS processes are performed toward the beginning of the project and updated as necessary, using the integrated change control process.


Diana is managing the development of a mobile phone application. Half the project work has been completed. Diana is currently reviewing her stakeholder engagement plan. She finds that some of the resisting stakeholders have now become supportive. How should Diana update her stakeholder engagement plan?
Select one Mark question
For these stakeholders, continue with the defined resisting stakeholder engagement strategy since this strategy has produced positive results so far.
Transfer these stakeholders to the project supporters group, and for these stakeholders, adopt the stakeholder engagement strategy defined for the project supporters.
Transfer these stakeholders to the project supporters group but continue with the defined resisting stakeholder engagement strategy with these stakeholders.
Do not update the stakeholder engagement plan at this stage since things are getting better.


Transfer these stakeholders to the project supporters group, and for these stakeholders, adopt the stakeholder engagement strategy defined for the project supporters.

The stakeholder engagement plan should be reviewed regularly. Since some of the resistant project stakeholders have now become project supporters, this implies that the current stakeholder classification in the stakeholder engagement plan is no longer accurate. These stakeholders should now be transferred to the project supporters group, and going forward the stakeholder engagement strategy defined for project supporters should be adopted for these stakeholders. Although the stakeholder engagement strategy for the resisting stakeholders has delivered impressive results, it should only be applied to the current resistant stakeholders.

You have recently been assigned to a research project. Although there is a limited number of key stakeholders, there is a big number of other stakeholders involved in this project, especially the ones who will be using the research’s outcome. You have some specific questions. Which of the following is the best way to quickly obtain responses from a big group of stakeholders?
Select one Mark question
	Phone calls
	Focus groups

Questionnaires offer a quick way of obtaining responses from a big group of people especially when the specific questions are known in advance. Interviews, phone conversations and focus groups are more time consuming techniques.


How can a project manager ensure continued active support of the project supporters and at the same time minimize negative impacts from the negative stakeholders?
Select one Mark question
By ensuring that stakeholders clearly understand the stakeholder management strategy
By ensuring that stakeholders are kept disengaged throughout the project lifecycle
By ensuring that stakeholders clearly understand project goals, objectives, benefits, and risks
By ensuring that stakeholders clearly understand the communication management plan


By ensuring that stakeholders clearly understand project goals, objectives, benefits, and risks

Managing stakeholder engagement helps to increase the probability of project success by ensuring that stakeholders clearly understand the project goals, objectives, benefits, and risks. This enables them to be active supporters of the project and to help guide activities and project decisions.

Nancy's project is in execution. Nancy is currently planning to execute the Manage Stakeholder Engagement process. She has gathered the project documents such as the issue log, the change log, the stakeholder register, the lessons learned register and the necessary organizational process assets. Which of the following is a key input to this process that is still missing from this list?
Select one Mark question
	Change requests
	Communication Skills
	Expert Judgment
	Project Management Plan

The missing input is the project management plan.


Mary has recently finalized her project management plan and has gotten it approved. She is managing a complex manufacturing process improvement project. The project stakeholders’ constant support and commitment are crucial for the success of the project. Which of the following are the most important stakeholder management processes at this stage?
Select one Mark question
Manage Stakeholder Engagement and Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
Plan Stakeholder Engagement and Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
Identify Stakeholders and Plan Stakeholder Engagement
Plan Stakeholder Engagement and Manage Stakeholder Engagement


Manage Stakeholder Engagement and Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

Approval of the project management plan marks the closure of the planning phase of the project. The stakeholder management processes from the executing and the monitoring & controlling process groups should be the center of attention now.

Which of the following techniques can ensure that the stakeholders are engaged at appropriate project phases and to obtain or confirm their continued commitment to the success of the project?
Select one Mark question
	Stage gate meetings
	Setting ground rules
	Performance audits
	Managing project team

Stage gate or phase review meetings give project stakeholders a chance to review project progress and planned future actions. This gives them a chance to have their voice heard and recorded. The rest of the choices are techniques that are internal to a project.


A project team is currently focusing on Monitor Stakeholder Engagement process to reassess the project stakeholders’ current engagement levels and to review the current stakeholder engagement strategy. Which of the following is an output of this process?
Select one Mark question
Project documents updates
Work performance data
Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
Approved change requests


The stakeholder engagement assessment matrix is a tool and technique of the monitor stakeholder engagement process while the work performance data is the input to this process. Change requests are produced during this process but are not approved during this process. The correct answer is project documents updates, which are the output of this process.

Which of the following is the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations, address issues as they occur, and foster appropriate stakeholder involvement?
Select one Mark question
	Manage Communications
	Monitor Communications
	Manage Stakeholder Engagement
	Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

Manage stakeholder engagement is the process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations, address issues as they occur, and foster appropriate stakeholder involvement.


During a key stakeholders’ update meeting, George’s project was challenged. The project is currently in the executing phase. One of the key stakeholders claimed the project no longer makes any business sense. What must George do next?
Select one Mark question
Request the project sponsor to intervene
Prematurely terminate the project
Redo the business case for the project
Update the issue log and request that the stakeholder provide more details


Update the issue log and request that the stakeholder provide more details

All key stakeholders’ concerns must be addressed. George must first understand these concerns and determine the root cause before taking any action. He must request the objecting stakeholder to provide further details so that he can analyze the situation. Taking immediate action without understanding the problem and determining the root cause is poor project management. Finally, this issue must be recorded in the issue log.