Staining Flashcards
Factor that influence the staining process that certain part of cells and tissues that are acidic in character have greater affinity for the basic dyes ,while the basic take more of the acid stains
2 factors that influence the staining process
Physical phenomenon of capillary osmosis
Is the process of applying dyed on the sections to see and study the architectural patter of the tissue and physical characteristics of the cell
Process by which sections are stained with simple aqueous soln or alcoholic soln.
Direct staining
Process of staining the tissue sections which requires the use of mordant
Indirect staining
Used in staining to enhance the O2 binding capacity to the tissue by the process of oxidation
Oxidizing agent
Rgt. Used in staining to diminish the O2 binding capacity to the tissue by the process of reduction
Reduction rgt.
Example of Reducing Agent
Pyrogallic acid , hydroquinone
Total removal of color previously imparted o tissues
give example
Bleaching , oxalic acid
Chemical agent which heighten the color intensity crispness and selectivity of the stain.
There is a continuous staining of the tissue sections until the desired intensity color is obtained
Progressive staining
The tissue is first overstrained and then the excess stain is later removed by another rgt. Thus differentiating staining of tissue details
Regressive staining
Process of applying less or exposing tissue to dyes for shorter period of time
Process of applying dye in excess or of exposing the tissue to dye in longer period of time
The application of a diff color stain to provide contrast and back ground to the stain of the structural components to be demonstrated
Counter staining
The ability of the dye to produce one color only
The ability of the dye to produce different color to the tissue
Process in which a dye forms other dyes spontaneously by virtue of chemical rxn. Which take place such as in the oxidation of methylene blue in soln upon standing resulting of 2 dyes homologous Azure A and B
The ability of the dye to produce different colors of different tinge or hues to the elements of the tissue
Used to demo star the general relationship of tissue and cells with general differentiation of nucleus and cytoplasm w/o necessarily emphasizing the inclusion bodies
Micro anatomical staining
Process of staining the living body
Vital staining
Demonstrate minute specific structure in cytoplasm and nucleus without necessarily differentiating tissue in general
Cytoplasmic staining
Used to demonstrate bacterial morphology . The substance and the organism are mixed on the slide and examined microscopically,the unstained organism a black background
Negative staining
Process of coating slides with dilute celloiden soln. For greater adherence of sections to slide so they will not detached off during stain
Process of injecting the dye or stain to the living body
Intravital staining
Process of staining the tissue sections with a little differentiation except between the nucleus and cytoplasm
Routine staining
Group of benzene ring which can impart net change to the molecule by conferring the properly of electrolyte dissociation
Substance that passes chromophores grp of benzene ring which confers color and alter light resonance properties
Demonstrate minute specific structure found in the cytoplasm and nucleus without necessarily differentiate tissue structural in general
Physical phenomenon of capillary osmosis
Dyes are divided in 3 Categories
S.I.N ( Natural Dyes , InOrganic Dye , Synthethic Dye)
4 types of Natural Dyes
Hematoxylin , Orcein , Carmine , Saffron
Purpose of Staining
To enable to study and see the physical characteristic of tissue as well as their cell constituent.
To identify the different tissue components through there color reaction
To increase the optical density of tissue for better microscopic study
3 types of Iron Hematoxylin
Weigert , Haidenhain Hematoxylin , Phospotungstic acid Hematoxylin
Type of Iron hematoxylin use for demonstrating muscle fiber and connective tissue
Type of Iron hematoxylin recommended for regressive staining
Haidenhain hematoxylin
Type of Iron hematoxylin usually use in progressive
Phosphotungstic Acid Hematoxylin
4 types of Hematoxylin
Mayers Hematoxylin , Ehrlich Hematoxylin , Coles Hematoxylin , Harris Hematoxylin
Type of Hematoxylin generally used for regressive staining differentiated with 1 % HCL in 70 % acid alcohol until nucleus is selectively stained
Type of Hematoxylin chemically ripened with sodium ioadate . It can be used as regressive stain but it is also useful as a progressive stain
Type of Hematoxylin recommended for routine purporse , especially used in sequence with Celestine Blue
Type of Hematoxylin that is a good regressive stain that may either be used immediately or stored for future use
Are substance with definite atomic groupings and are capable of producing visible colors
An auxiliary radical or substance which imparts to the cpd the property of electrolytic dissociation , thereby altering the shade of the dye , enabling it to form salts with another cpd and ultimately retaining its color
Hematoxylin is a natural dye that comes from the extract ether of what tree
H. Campechainum
Cochinial name of the Bug
Coccus cacti
Saffron name is natural pigment extracted by the stomata of