Inclusion Bodies Flashcards
Foci of fibrinoid necrosis within the myocardium of a patient with acute rheumatic fever
Aschoff Bodies
Inactivated X chromosome dark staining mass in contact with nuclear membrane
Barr Bodies
Small glandlike ‘‘Follicles’’ filled with acidophilic material often seen in ovarian granulose cell tumors
Cell Exner Bodies
Apoptopic , eosinophilic hepatocytes extruded into the sinuses . Seen in Acute Viral Hepatitis
Councilman Bodies
Acidophilic intranuclear inclusion separated from nuclear membrane by artifactual cleft - typical of Herpes infected cell
Cowdry Type A inclusion
Intracelllular bacillus ( Calymmatobacterium donovani) seen in histiocytes in the genital skin of patient with Granuloma Inguinale
Donovan Body
Malignan promyelocytes of AMLM3 containing numerous Auer Rods , Like “ STICKS IN FIREPLACE”
Faggot Cells
Calcium and hemosiderin deposits in the spleen : seen in setting of increased hemolysis ( Hemolysis Anemia)
Gandy Gamma Bodies
Epidermal cells with eosinophilic Cytoplasm inclusion in skin of patient with smallpox
Guarnieri Bodies
Eosinophilic football shaped inclusion seen in neurons of the brain part of normal aging but more numerous in Alzhiemer diseases
Hirano Bodies
Rings of discoloration of cornea of patients with Wilson’s Disease
Kayser-Fleischer Rings
Other name of LE bodies
Hematoxylin Bodies
Nuclei of damage cells with bound anti-nuclear antibodies that become homogenous and lose chromatin pattern: when phagocytosed form LEcells seen in SLE
LE bodies
Round concentrically laminated pale eosinophilic cytoplasm inclusions seen in neurons in Parkinson disease
Lewy Bodies
Pigmented Iris Hamartomas seen in patients with Type 1 neurofibromatosis
Lisch Nodules