Stage 27 Flashcards
adeō (not comparable)
- so much , so greatly
adventus, adventūs, m.
- arrival, approach
anteā (not comparable)
- before, formerly, previously
appāreō, appārēre, appāruī, appāritum
- I appear, am visible, come into sight.
- (used impersonally) I am evident, clear or certain.
- I attend, wait upon, serve.
ārdeō, ārdēre, ārsī, ārsum
- To burn, be on fire
2. I am in love.
certāmen, certāminis, n.
- A contest, struggle, fight, strife.
- A battle, engagement, combat.
- An object contended for, prize.
comes, comitis, m.f.
- a companion, comrade, partner
2. a count, an earl
decet, decēre, decuit (impersonal)
- adorn
2. it is decent, suitable, seemly, or *proper
fax, facis, f.
- torch, firebrand
- fireball, comet
- cause of ruin, incitement
gaudeō, gaudēre, gāvīsus sum (semi-deponent)
- to be pleased, rejoice
ignārus, ignāra, ignārum
- ignorant, unaware
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātum
- (with dative) I command, give orders to
- I rule, govern
- I demand, impose
incendō, incendere, incendī, incensum
- (transitive) I set on fire, burn, kindle.
- (transitive) I heat, make hot, scorch.
- (transitive) I light up with fire, make a fire upon.
- (transitive) I make bright or shining, light up, brighten; adorn.
- (transitive, figuratively) I set on fire, excite, rouse, incite; incense, irritate.
- (transitive, figuratively) I enhance, raise, intensify.
- (transitive, figuratively) I ruin, destroy, lay waste.
īnsidiae, īnsidiārum, f. pl.
- (usually plural) ambush, trap
2. (usually plural) artifice, plot, snare
iocus, iocī, m.
- a joke
iussum, iussī, n.
- order, command
manus, manūs, f.
- hand
- a side, part, faction
- trunk of an elephant
- branch of a tree
- (military, nautical) grappling hooks used to snare enemy vessels
- group, company, host, multitude of people, especially of soldiers
- labor
- power, might
noceō, nocēre, nocuī, nocitum
1. I injure, do harm, hurt
occurrō, occurrere, occurrī, occursum
- I run to; I go to meet.
- I charge, rush to attack.
- I meet, go to, come to.
- I resist, oppose, counterattack.
- (figuratively) I answer, reply, especially in objection.
- (figuratively) I present myself, suggest myself, appear, occur, especially to the mind.
- (figuratively) I reach, attain.
ōsculum, ōsculī, n.
- a kiss
praeceps m, f, n, praecipitis
- head first, headlong
- steep, precipitous
- (figuratively) hasty, rash, precipitate
praemium, praemiī, n.
- prize, reward
quālis m and f, quāle n
- what sort of
silentium, silentiī, n.
- silence, stillness, quiet, noiselessness
- obscurity
- inaction, inactivity, cessation, standstill
sub (+ ABL or ACC)
- under, beneath
tacitus, tacita, tacitum
- silent
taedeō, taedēre, taeduī, taesum
- I am disgusted or offended
2. I am tired, weary or sick of, bored
tantus, tanta, tantum
- of such size
2. so much, so great