Stage 24 Flashcards
auctōritās, auctōritātis, f.
- support, backing
- warrant
- sanction, political sanction
- power conferred, decree, order, rights, command
- responsibility, opinion, judgment
- legal title
- influence, authority, prestige, reputation
- influential person
audāx m.f.n., audācis
- bold, daring
carcer, carceris, m.
- prison, jail
- jailbird
- traps (barriers at start of a horse race)
- commencement, beginning
comprehendō, comprehendere, comprehendī, comprehensum
- I lay hold of something on all sides; take or catch hold of, grasp, grip.
- I seize upon in a hostile manner, lay hold of; occupy, capture (of a place); arrest, detain, apprehend, catch.
- (to a crime or deed) I discover, detect, come upon, reveal.
- I intercept a letter.
- (of plants) I take root, take hold.
- (of a woman) I become pregnant, conceive.
- (of space) I contain, comprise, enclose, include, comprehend.
- (with ignem) I catch (fire).
- (Late Latin, of medicines) I combine, unite.
- (figuratively) I comprehend by sense of sight, perceive, observe, see.
- (figuratively) I comprehend something by the mind, understand, perceive, grasp, comprehend.
- (figuratively) I include or comprehend in words, comprise in discourse, express, describe, recount, narrate.
- (figuratively) I number, enumerate, reckon.
- (figuratively) I comprehend someone in affection, embrace with kindness, bind or put under obligation.
- (figuratively, Late Latin) I shut in, include.
cōnscendō, cōnscendere, cōnscendī, cōnscensum
- I climb up, ascend or scale.
- I climb on, mount (a horse)
- I board (a ship).
cum (+ subjunctive)
- when
- because
- although
dēscendō, dēscendere, dēscendī, dēscensum
- I climb down, to go or come down, to descend
- I march down
- I pierce, to penetrate
- I slope down (said of mountains)
- I sink (said of the voice)
- I lower oneself, to stoop
dēserō, dēserere, dēseruī, dēsertum
- I leave, depart, to desert, quit
- I forsake, abandon, give up
- I let down
eques, equitis, m.
- A horseman, rider
- A knight
- (Later Latin, chess) knight
flūmen, flūminis, n.
- river
humī (not comparable)
- on the ground.
2. to the ground.
īnfestus, īnfesta, īnfestum
- unsafe, dangerous
- hostile
- disturbed, molested, infested
intereā (not comparable)
- meanwhile
neque (conjunction)
- and not, also not
neque … neque (conjunction)
- neither … nor
nusquam (not comparable)
- nowhere
oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātum
- I attack, assault.
2. I storm, besiege.
passus, passa, passum
- having suffered
patefaciō, patefacere, patefēcī, patefactum. (irregular passive)
- I open, throw open
2. (figuratively) I disclose, bring to light, reveal, make public
perfidus, perfida, perfidum
- That breaks his promise; faithless, false, dishonest, treacherous, untrustworthy, perfidious, deceitful.
- (by extension) Treacherous, unsafe, dangerous.
pōns, pontis, m.
- a bridge
rīpa, rīpae, f.
- bank (of a river)
2. shore (of the sea)
tantum (not comparable)
- only, so much, so great, so many
trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī, trānsitum (irregular)
- I traverse, go across.
- I go over (to a side or faction)
- I pass over.
- I surpass, exceed.
- (of time) I pass, elapse.
- (figuratively) I cease, pass away.
trīstis m.f., trīste n.
- sad, unhappy, melancholy, morose
- sorrowful, mournful
- (of taste) disagreeable, harsh, bitter
- (of smell) foul, offensive
vērum, vērī, n.
- reality, fact, the truth
altus, alta, altum
- high
2. deep
sēmirutus, sēmiruta, sēmirutum
- half-demolished or ruined (rickety)
caballus, caballī, m.
- horse; nag
2. A pack-horse, jade, hack
labefaciō, labefacere, labefēcī, labefactum
- I cause to totter, shake, loosen, make ready to fall.
- (figuratively, of a person’s mind) I cause to waver, shake, weaken.
- (figuratively) I weaken; overthrow, ruin, destroy.
elapsus, elapsa, elapsum
- having escaped
quidem (postpositive)
- indeed
crīmen, crīminis, n.
- A judicial decision, verdict, judgment or judgement.
- An object of reproach, invective.
- An object representing a crime.
- A cause of a crime; criminal.
- The crime of lewdness; adultery.
- (in respect to the accuser) A charge, accusation, reproach; calumny, slander.
- (in respect to the accused) The fault one is accused of; crime, misdeed, offence, fault
māiestās, māiestātis, f.
- majesty
2. treason
īnferō, īnferre, intulī, illātum (irregular)
- I carry, bring, put or throw into or to somewhere or upon something; insert; set fire to; offer, sacrifice.
- I bring to a place for burial, bury, inter.
- (of a tribute or tax) I pay, furnish.
- (military) I advance, march, move forward.
- (military) I bear the standards against the enemy, attack, make an attack upon.
- (figuratively) I bring forward, bring against, introduce; produce, occasion, make; conclude; import.
- (figuratively, with dative) I cause, inflict, impose.
inclūsus, inclūsa, inclūsum
- confined, enclosed
- bound, restrained
- included, incorporated
- shut up, imprisoned
omnīnō (not comparable)
- entirely, utterly altogether, wholly, completely
2. (with negatives or numerals) at all, in all, altogether, only, but, just
dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, dīlēctum
- I esteem, love, have regard for, be fond of.
“nōbīs festīnandum est”
- "”we must hurry”
Define and give the comparative and superlative of:
ulter, ultra, ultrum
Definition: beyond
Comparative: ulterior m.f., ulterius n. (farther away)
Superlative: ultimus, -a, -um (furthest)
potestas, potestātis, f.
- power, ability
- mastery, control
- authority, jurisdiction
- dominion, political power
- right, legal power
- (of a word) meaning
- possibility, opportunity
fīdus, fīda, fīdum
- trusty, trustworthy, credible
- loyal, faithful
- steadfast
- certain, safe
praetereō, praeterīre, praeteriī, praeteritum. (irregular)
- I pass or go by
- I disregard, neglect, omit or miss
- I surpass or excel
pālus, pālī, m.
- stake, post, prop, stay, pale
furtum, furtī, n.
- theft, robbery
committō, committere, commīsī, commissum
- I commit.
- I begin.
- I carry on.
- I commence (a battle).
haesitō, haesitāre, haesitāvī, haesitātum
- I remain fixed in place.
2. I hesitate; I am uncertain.
prior m.f., prius n. (comparative)
- former, previous, prior
- in front
- (figuratively) better, superior
- (substantive, Medieval Latin) abbot, prior
Superlative: prīmus (first)
clam (not comparable)
- clandestinely, secretly, privately
2. stealthily
grōma, grōmae, f.
- A Roman surveying instrument having plumb lines hanging from four arms at right angles
- the centre of a military camp (marked by such an instrument)
pavimentum, pavimentī, n.
- a floor composed of small stones beaten down
2. The surface of a Roman road
agger, aggeris, m.
- rampart, bulwark (or the materials used to make one)
2. causeway, pier, dam, dyke
dīplōma, dīplōmatis, n.
- letter of recommendation
mūtātiō, mūtātiōnis, f.
- change, alteration
2. interchange, exchange, posting station
mansiō, mansiōnis, f.
- An act or instance of staying, remaining; stay, continuance.
- A dwelling, abode, habitation, home.
- (on a journey) A stopping place or halting place, station; stage.
- Night quarters, place for lodging or renting, inn.