Stage 26 Flashcards
accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, accūsātum
- I blame, reproach, make a complaint against, find fault with.
- (law) I indict, accuse, arraign, charge with a crime.
auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum
- I take away, carry off, remove, withdraw; separate, sever, divide.
- I take or snatch away, take by force or violently, abduct, rob, steal, snatch.
- I bear, carry, waft or sweep away.
- I carry away, mislead, deceive.
- I banish, dispel.
- I take off or away, destroy, kill, slay, consume.
- I cease from, desist from, leave off.
- I obtain, gain, get, receive, acquire.
bellum, bellī, n.
- war
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum
- I carry, bear
- I wear (i.e. have on clothing)
- I have or possess (of traits)
- I carry (on), conduct, wage
cohors, cohortis, f.
- a court
- a farmyard or enclosure
- a retinue
- a circle or crowd
- a cohort; tenth part of a legion
- a band or armed force
- a ship’s crew
- a bodyguard
- a military unit of 500 men
colligō, colligere, collēgī, collēctum
- I gather, draw, bring or collect (together), assemble, pick up; contract, draw up, compress, concentrate; harvest.
- I make thick, thicken; bind or mass together.
- I get, gain, acquire, produce, collect.
- I think upon, weigh, consider; deduce, conclude, infer, gather.
- (in a reflexive sense) I collect or compose myself, recover my courage or resolution.
- (of a number, chiefly a distance) I amount or come to, extend; am reckoned (in a passive sense).
commōtus, commōta, commōtum
- moved, excited, upset
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctum
- I teach, instruct; tell, inform; show, demonstrate.
facinus, facinoris, N.
- deed, action
2. esp. crime, wickedness, evil deed.
falsus, falsa, falsum
- false, untrue, dishonest
fidēs, fideī, f.
- faith, belief
- reliance, loyalty, trustworthiness
- confidence, trust
īnsānus, īnsāna, īnsānum
- mad, insane, crazy, demented
īnstruō, īnstruere, īnstrūxī, īnstrūctum
- I build in or into, insert; erect, construct.
- I arrange, organise or organize, plan; devise.
- I prepare (for), provide (for), make ready, set up, furnish, provide, equip, fit out, procure.
- I provide with information, teach, inform, instruct.
- (military) I draw up (in battle formation), array, set in order, form.
lēgātus, lēgātī, m.
- An envoy, ambassador, legate
2. A Commander
- (in a direct question) a particle expecting a negation
2. (in an indirect question) whether (+ subjunctive)
occupō, occupāre, occupāvī, occupātum
- I occupy, fill, take up.
- I seize, invade, take possession of.
- I anticipate, make the first move.
- I employ, make use of.
oportet, oportēre, oportuit. (impersonal)
- (with accusative) it is necessary, proper, becoming; it behooves.
perfidia, perfidiae, f.
- faithlessness, dishonesty, treachery, falsehood, perfidy
praebeō, praebēre, praebuī, praebitum
- I proffer.
2. I provide, grant, service.
prīncipium, prīncipiī, n.
- a beginning, an origin
- a groundwork, a foundation
- (plural) the elements, the first principles
- (military, plural) the front ranks, camp headquarters
prōvincia, prōvinciae, f.
- province, office, duty, command
- how many
referō, referre, rettulī, relātum
- I bear, bring, drive or carry back, deliver
- I give back, give up, return, restore, pay back, repay.
- (of sound) I bring back, return, answer, echo.
- I bring back, restore, renew, revive, repeat.
- I say in return, respond, reply, answer.
- I repeat, report, announce, relate, recount, tell, say
- I make known officially, report, announce, notify, proclaim.
rēgnum, rēgnī, n.
- royal power, power, control, kingdom, reign
2. kingship, royalty
saevus, saeva, saevum
- Furious, ferocious, fierce, violent, barbarous, cruel, savage.
sānē, sānius, sānissimē
- soundly, healthily, well
- soberly, sensibly, reasonably, discreetly
- (by extension) truly, certainly, obviously, right, really; quite, very
sī (conjunction)
- if, supposing that
tribūnus, tribūnī, m.
- commander, tribune (high-ranking officer)
ut (followed by the subjunctive)
- that, so that, to, in order to, in order that