Stage 23 Flashcards
administrō, administrāre, administrāvī, administrātum
- I attend upon, assist, serve.
2. (figuratively) I take charge of, direct, manage, administer, do, accomplish; govern.
cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum
- (intransitive) I go, move, proceed, go along, move along.
- (intransitive) I result, turn out, happen.
- (intransitive) I withdraw, depart, retire, go away from.
- (intransitive, military) I withdraw, fall back, give up my post.
- (intransitive) I disappear, pass away, vanish.
- (intransitive, with dative) I cede, give in or yield (to), step aside (for), give way (to).
- (intransitive) I am inferior to, yield to in rank.
- (transitive) I concede, give up, grant, surrender, yield.
- (intransitive, with dative or in +acc.) I fall (to) (as a possession); accrue or come (to).
- (intransitive, with in +acc.) I become, turn into, be or become the equivalent of.
clārus, clāra, clārum
- clear, bright
2. renowned, famous
commemorō, commemorāre, commemorāvī, commemorātum
- I recall
- I remember
- I mention or relate
- I place on record
cōnspicātus, cōnspicāta, cōnspicātum
- having caught sight of
cūra, cūrae, f.
- Care, concern, thought; trouble, solicitude; anxiety, concern, grief, sorrow.
- Attention, management, administration, charge, care; command, office; guardianship.
- Written work, writing.
- (medicine) Medical attendance, healing.
- (agriculture) Rearing, culture, care.
- (rare) An attendant, guardian, observer.
(First word in sentence) + enim (postpositive)
- truly
- for
- so
- because
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum
- I go astray, err, make a mistake
gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum
- I carry, bear
- I wear (i.e. have on clothing)
- I have or possess (of traits)
- I carry (on), conduct, wage
honor, honōris, m.
- honor, esteem
immōtus, immōta, immōtum
- immovable, motionless, still
2. unmoved, unshaken, undisturbed, steadfast
ingenium, ingeniī, n.
- innate or natural quality, natural character; nature
- disposition, temper, inclination
- intelligence, natural capacity
locūtus, locūta, locūtum
- having spoken
māgnoperē (comparative māius opere, superlative māximō opere)
- greatly, exceedingly
2. earnestly, vehemently
magis (not comparable)
- more
- better
- rather
maximē (comparative maximius, superlative maximissimē)
- especially, chiefly
- certainly
- very much, very greatly
- most, most of all
mandātum, mandātī, n.
- instruction, order, commission
modus, modī, m.
- measure
- bound, limit
- manner, method, way, kind
nimium (not comparable)
- too, too much, excessively
ōrnō, ōrnāre, ōrnāvī, ōrnātum
- I furnish, equip, prepare.
- I adorn, ornament, decorate.
- (figuratively) I honor, commend, praise.
pāreō, pārēre, pāruī, pāritum
- I appear, I am visible, apparent.
2. (with dative) I obey, submit, I am obedient to.
potēns m.f.n., potentis
- being able (to), able; potent, mighty, strong, powerful
prāvus, prāva, prāvum
- crooked, deformed
2. depraved, perverse, wicked, evil
gressus, gressa, gressum
- Stepped, walked, having stepped or walked.
2. Advanced, gone, having advanced or gone.
sciō, scīre, scīvī, scītum
- I can, know, understand, have knowledge.
2. I know carnally.
tālis m.f., tāle n.
- such
2. distinguished; so great; so excellent
tamquam (not comparable)
- as much as, so as, just as, as, like
2. as if, so to speak
umquam (not comparable)
- ever
venēnum, venēnī, n.
- poison
venia, veniae, f.
- indulgence, kindness
2. mercy, grace, favor
praetexō, praetexere, praetexuī, praetextum
- I fringe, edge, border (weaving), esp. purple
- I place before or in front
- I adorn
- I pretend
perdomō, perdomāre, perdomuī, perdomitum
- I subjugate completely; conquer, vanquish, overcome
2. I knead (dough)
armātus, armāta, armātum
- armed
- equipped
- fortified
- armoured
- (substantive) armed men
suspicātus, suspicāta, suspicātum
- mistrusted, suspected, having suspected
2. surmised, supposed, believed or conjectured
ultiō, ultiōnis, f.
- ** vengeance, revenge**
patefaciō, patefacere, patefēcī, patefactum (irregular passive)
- I open, throw open
2. (figuratively) I disclose, bring to light, reveal
absurdus, absurda, absurdum
- discordant, harsh
- incongruous, inconsistent
- silly, absurd, stupid, worthless
falsus, falsa, falsum
- deceived, tricked, cheated, disappointed, having been deceived
- mistaken, having been mistaken, having deceived myself
- appeased, beguiled, having been appeased
- sworn falsely, perjured, having been sworn falsely
- (by extension) false, untrue
tormentum, tormentī, n.
- an engine for hurling missiles; a shot or missile thrown by this
- a (twisted) cord or rope
- an instrument of torture
- torture, anguish, pain, torment
- a clothes press, mangle
passus, passa, passum
- suffered, having suffered
īdem, eadem, idem
- the same
Number Singular Plural
Case \ Gender M. F. N. MM. FF. NN.
Nominative īdem eadem idem eīdem eaedem eadem
Genitive eiusdem eiusdem eiusdem eōrundem eārundem eōrundem
Dative eīdem eīdem eīdem eīsdem eīsdem eīsdem
Accusative eundem eandem idem eōsdem eāsdem eadem
Ablative eōdem eādem eōdem eīsdem eīsdem eīsdem
aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectum
- I look at or towards, behold; regard, respect.
- I observe, notice, catch sight of.
- I examine, survey, inspect; consider, ponder; investigate.
agna, agnae, f.
- a lamb
iecur, iecoris, n.
- liver
2. the seat of the soul
līvidus, līvida, līvidum
- Of a blue or leaden colour, bluish, blue; livid.
2. Envious, invidious, spiteful, malicious.
significō, significāre, significāvī, significātum
- I show, express, signify, point out.
- I portend, prognosticate.
- I call, name.
- I mean, indicate, import.
pallēscō, pallēscere, palluī (no passive)
- to grow pale
ac (conjunction)
- and, and also, and even, and too
- and besides
- than
secūtus, secūta, secūtum
- having followed
difficultās, difficultātis, f.
- difficulty, distress, trouble
dēmittō, dēmittere, dēmīsī, dēmissum
- I send or bring down, cause to hang or fall down; drop, flow, shed, sag, sink, lower, put down, let fall.
- I cast down, throw, thrust, plunge, drive.
- (with se) I let myself down, stoop, descend, walk or ride down.
- (military) I send, bring or lead soldiers down into a lower place.
- (figuratively) I cast down, demote; depress, dispirit.
- (figuratively) I engage in, enter or embark upon, meddle with.
amārus, amāra, amārum
- bitter (taste)
- harsh, shrill (sound)
- sarcastic (speech)
- sour, morose (conduct or behavior)
labrum, lābrī, n.
- lip
2. (by extension) edge, margin, brim, lip
prensō, prensāre, prensāvī, prensātum
- take hold of, clutch
genū, genūs, n.
- knee
cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coactum
- I collect, assemble, gather together, restrict or confine
2. I force, compel, urge, encourage.
īnsāniō, īnsānīre, īnsānīvī, īnsānītum
- to be crazy, insane
beneficium, beneficiī, n.
- benefit
- favor
- (act of) kindness
facinus, facinoris, n.
- deed, action
2. esp. crime, wickedness, evil deed.
dēmoveō, dēmovēre, dēmōvī, dēmōtum
- I move or turn away; divert; put away, remove, dismiss, dislodge.
perfidia, perfidiae, f.
- faithlessness, dishonesty, treachery, falsehood, perfidy
- openly
rēgnum, rēgnī, n.
- royal power, power, control, kingdom, reign
2. kingship, royalty
iūstitia, iūstitiae, f.
- justice, fairness, equity
fidēs, fideī, f.
- faith, belief
- reliance, loyalty, trustworthiness
- confidence, trust
perfidus, perfida, perfidum
- That breaks his promise; faithless, false, dishonest, treacherous, untrustworthy, perfidious, deceitful.
- (by extension) Treacherous, unsafe, dangerous.
- so far, thus far, until now, hitherto, still
2. again; furthermore; moreover; besides (used in scholastic debates to introduce a further point in one’s argument)
prōdō, prōdere, prōdidī, prōditum
- I give, put or bring forth; bear, produce, propagate.
- I put forth in writing; publish, exhibit, make known, relate, report, record.
- I proclaim, appoint, elect, create.
- I give up, surrender, abandon.
- I reveal, disclose; betray perfidiously, surrender treacherously.
- I permit to go farther, protract, project; put off, defer; prolong; hand down; bequeath.
vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum
- to win, to conquer