Stage 21 Flashcards
adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī, adiūtum
- I help, assist.
2. (figuratively) I cheer.
annus, annī, m.
- year
2. time; season
ascendō, ascendere, ascendī, ascensum
- I climb up, go up.
2. I rise, spring up.
barbarus, barbarī, m.
- a foreigner
- a savage, barbarian
- an uncivilized man
cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātum
- I hide (something from someone), cover, keep a secret, conceal.
circum (+ accusative)
- about, around, near
- through, among, to
- nearby, at, in the neighborhood o
cōnfīdō, cōnfīdere, cōnfīsus sum (semi-deponent)
- I am confident or assured of, confide in (+ Dat), believe, trust, place or put confidence in; rely upon.
dēiciō, dēicere, dēiēcī, dēiectum
- I throw, cast, or hurl down; precipitate.
- I drive out, dislodge.
- I kill, slay.
- I lower, hang down, depress.
- I deprive, rob (of).
dūrus, dūra, dūrum
- hard, harsh, rough (of a touch)
- harsh (of a taste)
- hardy, vigorous
- unyielding, unfeeling, stern
- oppressive, severe
efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum
- I make or work out; effect, execute, complete, accomplish, make, form, compose.
- I cause to occur, bring about, effect.
- I produce, bear, yield.
- I yield, bear, amount to, make out.
- (philosophy) I make out, show, prove, deduce.
extrahō, extrahere, extraxī, extractum
- (transitive) I drag, pull or draw forth or out; extract, remove.
- (transitive) I extricate, release; draw out, extract, eradicate.
- (transitive, of time) I draw out, protract, prolong, put off.
fōns, fontis, m.
- a spring, fountain
- fresh water, spring water
- (by extension) origin, source of something
gravis, gravis, grave
- heavy
- troublesome, hard
- grave, serious
haruspex, haruspicis, m.
- diviner, soothsayer who reads from the intestines of sacrificial animals; one who practices haruspicy.
hōra, hōrae, f.
- hour
- time
- o’clock
- season; time of year
- vocative singular of hōra
īnfēlīx m.f.n., īnfēlīcis
- unhappy, unfortunate
- unlucky
- unfruitful
- causing misfortune
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum
- I command, order
morbus, morbī, m.
- (of the body or mind) A disease, sickness, disorder, distemper, ailment, illness, malady.
- (of the mind) A fault, vice, failing.
- (of the mind) Sorrow, grief, distress.
nonnullus, nonnulla, nonnullum
- some, several, a few
Note: Declines similar to ille, is, et cetera
nūper (Superlative: nuperrime)
- recently
occupō, occupāre, occupāvī, occupātum
- I occupy, fill, take up.
- I seize, invade, take possession of.
- I anticipate, make the first move.
- I employ, make use of.
oppidum, oppidī, n.
- town
perītus, perīta, perītum
- skillful, skilled, expert, experienced, practiced
2. clever, skilfully constructed
plēnus, plēna, plēnum
- full, filled, plump
2. satisfied
ulter, ultra, ultrum
- that is beyond
pretium, pretiī, n.
- That for or by which anything is bought or sold; worth, price, value
- pay, hire, wage, reward
- ransom
- bribe
- punishment
sapiō, sapere, sapīvī (no passive)
- I taste of, smack of, have a flavor of.
- I have intelligence, or good taste or discernment.
- (figuratively) I am wise or sensible, discern.
suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī, susceptum
- I take up, acknowledge, undertake
- I catch, receive
- I bear, beget
balneum, balneī, n.
- bath, bathing place, bathroom
cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī, cōnsultum
- I consult, reflect, take counsel.
prūdentia, prūdentiae, f.
- acquaintance, knowledge
- sagacity, prudence, discretion
- foresight
cōnsilium, cōnsiliī, n.
- plan
- council, advisory body
- judgment, wisdom
- advice
aegrōtus, aegrōta, aegrōtum
- sick, invalid, ill, diseased, suffering
convalēscō, convalēscere, convaluī (no passive)
- I get better, recover (from an illness); I gain strength
exstruō, exstruere, exstruxī, exstructum
- I pile, heap or build up
2. I construct
calliditās, calliditātis, f.
- shrewdness, skill, skillfulness, readiness, aptness
2. cunning, craft, slyness, artfulness
prōcūrātor, prōcūrātoris, m.
- manager, overseer, superintendent
2. agent, deputy
obēsus, obēsa, obēsum
- eaten away, devoured, having been eaten away
- wasted away, lean, meager, having been wasted away
- (that is wasted away with fat) fat, stout, plump, obese
- (figuratively) gross, heavy, dull, coarse
nimium (not comparable)
- too, too much, excessively
rūrsus (not comparable)
- backward, turned back
- on the contrary
- in return, in turn, again
modus, modī, m.
- measure
- bound, limit
- manner, method, kind
dignitas, dignitātis, f.
- worth, merit, importance, prestige
- fitness, suitability
- esteem, standing, rank
- dignity
hostis, hostis, m.
- an enemy of the state, a stranger
2. enemy
dēsinō, dēsinere, dēsiī, dēsitum
- I leave off, give over, cease, desist.
2. I stop, end, close, make an end.
labor, labōris, m.
- work
populus, populī, m.
- people
2. nation
umquam (adverb)
- ever
rīsus, rīsūs, m.
- laughter, laughing, a smile
2. mockery, jest
praebeō, praebēre, praebuī, praebitum
- I proffer.
2. I provide, grant, service.
mōs, mōris, m.
- custom, usage, wont, rule
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositum
- I place on or upon, set upon, lay upon.
- (figuratively) I impose upon, put upon, inflict upon.
- (figuratively) I establish, fix, impose (e.g. a tax).
stultitia, stultitiae, f.
- Folly, stupidity, foolishness, simplicity, silliness, fatuity.
“etiam minōris pretiī habeō”
“I care even less about”
officium, officiī, n.
- duty, service
2. office
honor, honōris, m.
- honor, esteem
velim (v., sing. pres. act. subj.)
- I would like
potēns m.f.n., potentis
- being able (to), able; potent, mighty, strong, powerful
colō, colere, coluī, cultum
- I till, cultivate.
- I inhabit.
- I protect, nurture.
- (figuratively) I worship, honor, seek favor of.
clārus, clāra, clārum
- clear, bright
2. renowned, distinguished, famous
verbum, verbī, n.
- word
2. proverb
terreō, terrēre, terruī, territum
- I frighten, terrify, alarm.
2. I deter by terror, scare (away).
absēns m.f.n., absentis
- absent, missing
prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitum
- I hold back or before, keep off, restrain; avert; prevent, hinder.
- I forbid, prohibit.
- I keep, preserve, defend, protect.
hinc (not comparable)
- hence, from this place, from here.
- henceforth.
- because of this, from this cause.
- next, afterwards
calceus, calceī, m.
- shoe
auctōritās, auctōritātis, f.
- support, backing
- warrant
- sanction, political sanction
- power conferred, decree, order, rights, command
- responsibility, opinion, judgment
- legal title
- influence, authority, prestige, reputation
- influential person
raptim (not comparable)
- hastily, quickly suddenly, speedily, hurriedly
tālis m.f., tāle n.
- such
2. distinguished; so great; so excellent
reddō, reddere, reddidī, redditum
- I give back, return, restore.
- I give up, hand over, deliver, assign; surrender, resign.
- I give or pay back; take revenge for, punish, inflict vengeance for.
- I repeat, declare, report, narrate, recite, rehearse.
- I represent, imitate, express, resemble.
- I return in profit.
sānus, sāna, sānum
- sound in body, healthy
- sound in mind, sane
- (of style) correct, sensible, sober, chaste
contrārius, contrāria, contrārium
- opposite, opposed, contrary
porrō (adv.)
- further, furthermore
2. onwards
etiam (not comparable)
- even, and also, furthermore, besides
2. even now, as yet, even yet.
dīgnus, dīgna, dīgnum
- appropriate, fitting, worthy, meet
nesciō, nescīre, nescīvī, nescītum
- I cannot, I do not know, I am ignorant, I do not understand
venēnātus, venēnāta, venēnātum
- venomous, poisonous
- poisoned
- enchanted, bewitched
venēnum, venēnī, n.
- poison
exstinguō, exstinguere, exstinxī, exstinctum
- I quench or extinguish
2. I kill or destroy
prōpōnō, prōpōnere, prōposuī, prōpositum
- I set forth
- I make known.
- I declare.
- I propose
- (Ecclesiastical Latin) I designate.
quotiens (not comparable)
- how often?
2. as often as, whenever