Stage 26 Flashcards
What are the parts of a Lesson Plan? (FAA)
- Attention
- Motivation
- Overview
- Explanation/Demonstration
- Performance/Supervision
- Evaluation
- Summary
- Remotivation
- Closure
What are the parts of a GROUND Lesson? (FAA)
- Objective
- Emphasis
- Set-up
- Exercise and Maneuvers
- Completion Standards
What is Prohibited Airspace? Why is it established?
- Area where flight is prohibited
- Established for security reasons or other reasons dealing with national security
- Depicted (blue lines P-##)
What is Restricted Airspace? What happens in Restricted airspace?
- Where flight is subject to restrictions
- Unusual/invisible operations present a hazard to nonparticipating a/c
- Depicted (blue lines R-##)
What are Warning Areas? What is the purpose?
- Airspace extending from 3nm outward from the coast
- Need ATC clearance to transition
- Purpose is to warn nonparticipating a/c of hazardous activity
- ATC will NOT vector you around even if IFR so it’s your responsibility to know if the airspace is active or not
- Depicted (blue lines W-###)
What are MOAs? Who can fly through them?
- Military Operation Areas
- Established to separate military training activities from IFR traffic
- VFR traffic can enter MOAs at their own risk
- Depicted (magenta lines __ __ MOA)
Do you need a clearance to enter an MOA?
- No, VFR can enter at their own risk
- IFR may be vectored through if separation can be maintained
What is the purpose of Alert Areas? Do you need a clearance to fly through?
- To inform non-participating pilots of areas containing HIGH VOLUMES OF TRAINING or unusual aerial activities
- No clearance needed
- Depicted (magenta lines A-###)
Do you need a clearance to fly through an Alert Area?
What are Controlled Firing Areas? Are they depicted on charts?
- Areas where a spotter or lookout position will indicate if an a/c is approaching, and activity will cease
- CFAs are NOT depicted
What are the entry requirements and a/c equipment needed for Class G airspace?
- No entry requirements
- No a/c equipment required
- No minimum pilot cert
What are the entry requirements and a/c equipment needed for Class E airspace?
- No entry requirements for VFR
- No a/c equipment required (unless IFR)
Can you every fly into controlled airspace without meeting the a/c equipment requirements?
Yes - but you must submit a request to the controlling facility!! (minimum 1 hour before the operations)
What endorsements must you make to SOLO a student? (think UND endorsements too)
A3 pre-solo knowledge
A4 per 61.87c pre-solo flight training
A6 per 61.87n solo flight
Wind Endorsement
How do you know when your student is ready to SOLO?
- tie the tasks to the requirements*
1. FARs - Meets 61.87
2. Overall Criteria - Recognizes and CORRECTS errors
- Consistency/no need to review basic things
- Maintain orientation/Basic nav
- Has a level of CONFIDENCE
3. Specific Criteria - Private Pilot ACS tasks (pertaining to Solo)
- TIMELY and CORRECT round-out/flare (ex. probs not smooth, but that’s ok)
- Add basic radio communications
4. Endorsements - A3 pre-solo knowledge
- A4 pre-solo flight training 61.87c
- A6 solo flight 61.87n (starts 90 day clock)
What endorsements must you make for SOLO XC authorizations?
A9 per 61.93c 1+2 solo cross-country (the privilege to fly xc)
A10 per 61.93c 3 solo cross country (privilege to fly solo xc on THAT ROUTE on THAT DAY)
How do you know when your student is ready for SOLO XC?
- FARs
- Meets 61.93 - Overall Criteria
- Know location within 3nm
- Consistency
- Confidence - Specific Criteria
- Private Pilot ACS tasks (pertaining to Solo XC) per 61.93
- Add ….other things you think important not covered there - Endorsements
- A4 solo flight 61.87n (within the 90 day clock)
- A9 Solo cross country (training CFI, houses A6 and A7)
- A10 Solo XC Flight
- A10 Route endorsement (any CFI)
- A11 need to already have A9
What endorsements must you make for repeated solo cross-country authorizations?
A11 - 61.93b 2
Repeated solo xc flights not more than 50nm from point of departure
A7 - 61.87p
If first 90-day period (A6) has expired
How do you know when your student is ready for repeated solo cross-country?
Consider currency AND proficiency
What endorsements must you make to recommend a student for Private Pilot certification? (PPC)
A1 - Prereqs for practical test Part 61 and 61.39a 6 i + ii (2 cal months prep)
A2 - Written Deficiencies
A33 - Flight proficiency/practical test 61.103/107/109
How do you know when your student is ready for Private Pilot certification? (PPC)
- Meets FARs
- 61.103/105/107/109 - Overall Criteria
- 61.43 - Specific Criteria
- ACS for cat/class - Endorsements
- 8710
- A1 2 cal. months prep
- A2 written deficiencies
- A33 flight proficiency/practical tests (61.107/109)
* not A32*
* different reqs for those graduating under examining authority*
What endorsements must you make to recommend a student for Commercial Pilot certification? (CPC)
A1 - 2 cal. months prep (prereqs for practical test Part 61 and 61.39)
A2 - written deficiencies
A35 - Flight proficiency/practical test 61.123/127/129
How does a school obtain a FAR Part 141 Pilot School Certificate?
(141. 5)
- Compliance with requirements
- 8/10 pass rate by course from most recent, and maintain this record of positive output
What is a training course outline?
(141. 53/55)
- Contains a syllabus for each course
- Description of where all ground instruction will take place
What is examining authority?
(141. 65)
- Mean certification is based on satisfactory completion of the COURSE (not a test)
- Issued on a course by course basis
How does a FAR Part 141 pilot school obtain examining authority?
(141. 63)
- Must have 2 years as a school w/ 90 percent pass rate on all intermediate/final checks
What does a solo endorsement allow your student to do?
Fly alone within a 25nm radius of the original departure point
What are the 4 parts of the MEL?
- Letter of Authorization
- Preamble
- Procedures Document
- Master MEL
If there is inoperative equipment on the aircraft and it is NOT in the MEL, can you fly?
If your 1st class medical lapses the first 12 cal months, how are your privileges affected?
Drops to 3rd class medical privileges! (under 40) - Can still act as PIC and be PAID for instructing
What must flight instructors keep records of?
- Solo flight privileges
- Knowledge test endorsements (date and results)
- Practical test endorsements (date and results)
* keep for 3 years*
What are the requirements for training FIRST TIME CFI applicants? What about part 141?
- Held CFI cert for 24 cal months
- Given at least 200 hrs of flight instruction
Part 141 is 400 hrs dual given and 80 percent pass rate
How can you RENEW you CFI? (before it has expired)
In the last 24 cal months:
- Passed another practice test
- Endorsed at least 5 students for practical tests with an 80 percent pass rate on first attempt
- Serve as a check pilot, chief flight instructor, or CFI in 121 or 135 operation, or position involving the regular eval of pilots
- (within 3 cal months) a graduation cert showing completion of Refresher Course
How can you get your expired CFI reinstated?
- Fill out an FAA application
- Satisfactorily complete a practical test (for a rating held on the certificate, or for an additional rating)
What are CFI privileges (2) and limitations (5)?
- Accept applications for student pilot certs
- Endorse and train within the limitations of your certificate and ratings (verifying they meet eligibility reqs)
- Must hold Instrument Rating
- 8 hrs flight training in any 24 hr period
- Endorsing student pilots for solo flight unless you conducted their training
- May not conduct training in any a/c if you do not hold the pilot/flight instructor certificate with appropriate cat/class ratings
- Must have at least 5 hours PIC in the specific make/model of a multi, helo or powered lift to give instruction
What does the term “instructional knowledge” mean?
- Being able to teach at the Application and Correlative levels of knowledge
- Knowing what to teach and how to teach it
In a 45 degree bank (like in accelerated stall demo) what is the load factor imposed on the a/c? What is the new stall speed?
Gs = 1.3
Vs increases to around 60kias or higher
How does an AFT CG/Lighter WT affect a/c performance and stability?
- Decreases Vs, Va, and drag produced
- Requires less lift and less tail down force
- Lower AOA required for straight and level flight
- Increased performance
- Decreased stability
How does a FWD CG/Heavy WT affect a/c performance and stability?
- Increases Vs, Va, and drag produced
- Requires more lift and greater tail down force!
- Increased stability
- Decreased performance
What CG location is better for performance? Why?
Aft CG = better performance
Lower AOA, Less tail down force needed
What is the 5P model?
- A risk management tool
1. Plan
2. Plane
3. Pilot
4. Passengers
5. Programming
What are the responsibilities of ALL aviation/flight instructors?
- Help students learn
- Demand adequate performance
- Ensure safety
- Emphasize the positive
- Provide excellent instruction
What are specific flight instructor responsibilities?
- Physiological obstacles
- Ensuring student ability
- Pilot supervision
- Practical test recommendations
- Additional training and endorsements
- See and avoid responsibilities
How do we Evaluate Student Ability?
Kelly Does Crack
- Keep the student informed
- Demonstrated ability
- Correction of student error
What are the Characteristics of Learning?
- Result of an Experience
- Active Process
- Multifaceted
- Purposeful
What are the steps in the Teaching Process?
What kinds of Errors are there?
- When a person plans to do one thing, but then
inadvertently does something else
- Error of ACTION. Ex. forgetting to do something
- When a person plans to do the wrong thing
and is successful in doing/understanding incorrectly
- Errors of THOUGHT
What are CFI Limitations?
- 195
- 8 hrs instruction in 24 hrs
- Can’t self endorse
- Can’t endorse/train if you don’t hold the respective category/class
- Need 5 hours PIC for multi/helo
- Can’t endorse for solo if you didn’t do the training
What are the Principles of Risk Management? (4)
- ACCEPT no unnecessary risk
- Make risk decisions at the appropriate level
- ACCEPT risk when it benefits
- INTEGRATE risk management
Steps in the Risk Management PROCESS (6)
- ID hazardous
- ASSESS the risk
- ANALYZE risk control measures
- IMPLEMENT risk control
- SUPERVISE / Review
How do we measure the LEVEL of Risk? (3)
- Assessing risk
- Determining the LIKELIHOOD of an event
- SEVERITY of an event (catastrophic, critical, marginal, negligible)
Responsibilities of a CFI?
Requirements for additional ratings
Student pilot eligibility, etc.
PPL, CPL and CFI requirements
Defense Mechanisms (8)
Rx3 C Dx2 FP
- Reaction Formation
- Repression
- Rationalization
- Compensation
- Denial
- Displacement
- Fantasy
- Projection
Characteristics of a good assessment?
What are the basic human needs?
- Physical
- Safety
- Social (Belonging)
- Cognitive - the need to understand what is going on around them
- Self-Actualization
If a student is blaming their personal short comings and mistakes on others, what defense mechanism are they using?
Shifting emotions from the original object to a less-threatening substitute is an example of which defense mechanism?
What are the BARRIERS to effective communication?
Confusion (between symbols and symbolized object)
Overuse of Abstractions - general ideas (vs specific experiences)
Lack of Common Experience
Why do students forget?
Fading - use it or lose it
Interference - overshadowing of another experience
Repression - they don’t want to remember
A private pilot comes to you with ASES, and they want ASEL, what do they have to do?
This would be an additional CLASS rating
- 61.63 (c)
1. Logbook/training endorsement
2. Pass practical test
3. Not worry about time requirements (PPL)
4. Not take an additional knowledge test (PPL) - if wants CPL they must meet time reqs.*
Examples of CATEGORIES of a/c would be:
Examples of CLASS of a/c would be:
Land or Sea
If you have your CFI for something ELSE, what must you do to get the CFI ASEL/S?
- Refer to table in PTS
- Page 21!!!
In a spin, what can you use inside the cockpit to determine direction of rotation?
Turn coordinator
Rudder pedals
How are you going to teach the required Pre-flight Lesson on a Maneuver ??
Just like you would in a pre-brief before a lesson!
- Ask them LOTS of questions
- Use a/c model
- Draw on white board