Stage 24 Flashcards
What are your responsibilities if a student is experiencing Physiological Obstacles in flight training? (Like airsickness)
- Never Ridicule (students who are affected)
- Acknowledge (the existence of these negative factors)
- Explain (the nature of the negative sensations)
What is Pivotal Altitude
- A specific altitude at which, when the a/c turns at a given ground speeld, the sighting reference line to the selected point on the ground will appear to PIVOT on a point
What endorsements would you need to make for Initial Pilot Certification?
A1 - Prereqs for Practical Test (2 cal months prep)
A2 - Written Deficiencies
A33 - Aeronautical Knowledge Test (61.103-109)
What endorsements would you need to make for an Additional Pilot Certification?
A34 - Aeronautical Knowledge
A35 - Flight Proficiency/Practical Test (61.123-129)
What endorsements would you make for Additional a/c Qualifications?
Additional Category: complete training and have appropriate aeronautical experience
Additional Cat. and Class:
- Logbook or training record endorsement (proficient in knowledge and areas of operations)
- Endorsement for practical test
- Endorsement of knowledge test if they did not already take the applicable one
What endorsement would you make for the Satisfactory Completion of a Flight Review?
A64 - Completion of a flight review 61.56(a)(c)
What are the required flight instructor records?
61.89 - must keep for 3 years
Solo Privilege Endorsements
Knowledge Test (kind, date, result)
Practical Test
What are AVIATION Instructor Responsibilities?
- Help students learn
- Demanding adequate performance
- Ensuring safety
- Emphasizing the positive
- Prove excellent instruction
What are FLIGHT Instructor Responsibilities?
- Physiological Obstacles
- Aknowledge
- Never ridicule
- Explain - Ensuring Student Ability
- Pilot supervision
- Practical test recommendations
- Additional training and endorsements
- See and avoid responsibility
How do we Evaluate Student Ability?
Kelly Does Crack
- Keep the student informed
- Demonstrated ability
- Correction of student error
What are the Characteristics of Learning?
- Result of an Experience
- Active Process
- Multifaceted
- Purposeful
What are the steps in the Teaching Process?
What are the different types of practice?
Deliberate - practicing specific things for improvement
Blocked - practicing until something becomes automatic
Random - mixing up skills to be acquired, resulting in better retention
What are the Levels of Learning? How does a student acquire knowledge? (general)
Rote Understanding Application Correlation - Memorize, understand and apply
What kinds of Errors are there?
- When a person plans to do one thing, but then
inadvertently does something else
- Error of ACTION. Ex. forgetting to do something
- When a person plans to do the wrong thing
and is successful in doing/understanding incorrectly
- Errors of THOUGHT
What are CFI Limitations?
- 195
- 8 hrs instruction in 24 hrs
- Can’t self endorse
- Can’t endorse/train if you don’t hold the respective category/class
- Need 5 hours PIC for multi/helo
- Can’t endorse for solo if you didn’t do the training
What is the difference between UND hotspots and FAA hotspots?
UND - Wherever
FAA - Runway intersections/taxiway intersections
- Location on an airport movement area with a history of potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots and drivers is necessary
What are the Principles of Risk Management? (4)
- ACCEPT no unnecessary risk
- Make risk decisions at the appropriate level
- ACCEPT risk when it benefits
- INTEGRATE risk management
Steps in the Risk Management PROCESS (6)
- ID hazardous
- ASSESS the risk
- ANALYZE risk control measures
- IMPLEMENT risk control
- SUPERVISE / Review
How do we measure the LEVEL of Risk? (3)
- Assessing risk
- Determining the LIKELIHOOD of an event
- SEVERITY of an event (catastrophic, critical, marginal, negligible)
Responsibilities of a CFI?
Requirements for additional ratings
Student pilot eligibility, etc.
PPL, CPL and CFI requirements
Defense Mechanisms (8)
Rx3 C Dx2 FP
- Reaction Formation
- Repression
- Rationalization
- Compensation
- Denial
- Displacement
- Fantasy
- Projection
CFI privileges
- Train/endorse
- Must have respective ratings - Accept application for a Student Pilot Cert
- verify identity of student
- verify they meet eligibility requirements
Characteristics of a good assessment?
Describe a spin
- Aggravated stall with yaw and auto-rotation in a corkscrew path
- The rising wing is less stalled, creating a rolling, yawing and pitching motion
What is human behavior?
- Product of factors that cause people to act in predictable ways
- Attempts to satisfy needs
What are the basic human needs?
- Physical
- Safety
- Social (Belonging)
- Cognitive - the need to understand what is going on around them
- Self-Actualization
Which basic human need do instructors have the hardest time helping their students achieve?
If a student is blaming their personal short comings and mistakes on others, what defense mechanism are they using?
Faking a belief opposite to the true belief because the true belief causes anxiety is an example of which defense mechanism?
Reaction Formation
Shifting emotions from the original object to a less-threatening substitute is an example of which defense mechanism?
What are abnormal reactions to stress?
- Does nothing
- Does too much
- Illogical or random response
What are the 3 basic elements of communication?
- Source - CFI
- Symbols - words/signs
- Receiver - student
What 3 things must instructors understand about their students before effective communication can take place? What does this help us do?
- Abilities
- Attitudes - resistant, motivated, passive
- Experiences - background, level of education
- Aids us in deciding on an approach to instructing
What are the BARRIERS to effective communication?
Confusion (between symbols and symbolized object)
Overuse of Abstractions - general ideas (vs specific experiences)
Lack of Common Experience
How can instructors DEVELOP their instructional communication skills? (5)
Role Playing Use examples of past experiences Listen Question Always keep learning
When are Perceptions formed?
When meaning is given to sensations
What influences affect the formation of perceptions?
Physical state Self-concept Goals Time Opportunity Threats
What are Insights? How can instructors ensure their student develops insights during training?
- The grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes
1. Help the student understand individual parts and how they all come together
2. Provide a secure and non-threatening environment to learn
3. Help the student acquire/maintain a favorable self-concept
How can instructors HELP student acquire knowledge? (general)
- Ask guided questions
- Present opportunities for them to apply what they’ve learned
What is a learning plateau?
- When learning appears to stop or slow down
- Can be brought on by over-practice
The ability to retrieve knowledge depends on what 2 things?
- Frequency
2. Recency
Why do students forget?
Fading - use it or lose it
Interference - overshadowing of another experience
Repression - they don’t want to remember
You go flying with you friend, can you both log PIC?
Yes because they are sole manipulator but you are final authority
When should you notify the NTSB of an incident or accident?
As soon as practical
A private pilot comes to you with ASES, and they want ASEL, what do they have to do?
This would be an additional CLASS rating
- 61.63 (c)
1. Logbook/training endorsement
2. Pass practical test
3. Not worry about time requirements (PPL)
4. Not take an additional knowledge test (PPL) - if wants CPL they must meet time reqs.*
Examples of CATEGORIES of a/c would be:
Examples of CLASS of a/c would be:
Land or Sea
What are the 3 stages of acquiring SKILL knowledge?
- Cognitive - memorization
- Associative - predicting outcomes
- Automatic Response Stage - do other things simultaneously
What endorsements do you need to make for you student to do a Solo XC?
61.93 A4 - Solo flight (61.87) A9 - Solo XC (training CFI, houses A6/A7 aka 90 days) A10 - Solo XC Flight A10 - ROUTE endorsement (any CFI)
What endorsements need to be made for a CPL applicant?
2 cal. months prep
Written deficiencies
Flight proficiency/practical test
What is Instructional Knowledge?
- Able to teach at the APPLICATION and CORRELATIVE levels of knowledge
- Knowing WHAT to teach and HOW to teach
(PTS pg 7)
If you have your CFI for something ELSE, what must you do to get the CFI ASEL/S?
- Refer to table in PTS
- Page 21!!!
In a spin, what can you use inside the cockpit to determine direction of rotation?
Turn coordinator
Rudder pedals
Where is the Federal Registration located in our C172s?
On left pocket
Where is State Registration located?
In the a/c book!
WHO can sign off on an Annual Inspection?
A and P mechanic with IA (inspection authority)
What reg. addresses overflying the 100-hour?
Do we NEED to have our Altimeter and VOR inspected for VFR flights?
When does the ELT need to be INSPECTED?
- Every 12 cal months
When does the ELT battery need to be Replaced or Recharged?
- 1/2 battery life
- After 1 hour of cumulative use
What does FSDO stand for?
Flight Standards District Offices
How are you going to teach the required Pre-flight Lesson on a Maneuver ??
Just like you would in a pre-brief before a lesson!
- Ask them LOTS of questions
- Use a/c model
- Draw on white board
What are CFI Privileges?
- 193
- Train/endorse
- Must have respective ratings - Accept application for a Student Pilot Cert
- verify identity of student
- verify they meet eligibility requirements
What are the 3 stages of acquiring SKILL knowledge?
- Cognitive
- Associative
- Automatic Response
What endorsements must you make for Initial SOLO of a students?
A3 pre-solo knowledge
A4 per 61.87c pre-solo flight training
A6 per 61.87n solo flight