Library of Alexandria
It contained more than 500,000 scrolls. The city’s reputation as a place of learning and its location on the Mediterranean Sea contributed to Alexandria’s economic growth.
Hellenistic sculpting style
Hellenistic sculptors developed new styles. They did not carve god-like figures to reflect beauty and harmony. Instead, they showed realistic people, statues that looked angry or sad.
He wrote Jason and Argonauts. The poem tells the story of Jason and his band of heroes that sail the seas seeking a ram with a golden fleece.
He wrote plays that told stories about love and relationships of ordinary people. He was the most important poet of Greek New Comedy. Lived from 343 to 291 B.C.
He taught his students that finding happiness was the goal of life. He belived that the way to be happy was to avoid pain.
The Stoics claimed that people who were guided by their emotions lived unhappy lives. They believed that happiness resulted from using reason.
He claimed that the sun was the center of the universe. He said that the Earth circled the sun. People didn’t believe him.
He belives that the Earth is round.
The distance around Earth. (By measuring shadows).
His book Elements describes plane geometry. It shows how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to one another.
He worked on solid geometry. He also figured out the value of pi.
The Romans eventually conquered the Greek mainland and all the city-states.