gap between rich & poor
The gap between rich & poor grew wider. Many poor faced financial ruin while wealthy got richer.
farmers went into debt
Many small farmers had neglected their fields while fighting in Roman wars.
Others had their farms destroyed by the Carthaginians. In addition, small farmers could not compete with wealthy Romans, who owned latifundia, or large farming estates.
Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus
They thought that Rome´s problems were caused by the actions of wealthy landowners. They urged the Senate to take some land from the latifundia and return it to the poor. A group of senators killed Tiberius in 133 B.C, and killed the Gaius 12 years later.
Marius became consul. Marius, the son of a worker, was not a patrician. He believed that he could solve Rome´s economic problems. Marius, however, recruited soldiers from the landless poor. In return for their service, he paid them wages, and promised them land.
Sulla, who commanded his own army. In 82 B.C, Sulla drove his enemies out of Rome and named himself dictator.
A triumvirate is a political group of three people who share equal power.
Julius Caesar
He won the admiration and support of the poorer classes by winning many battles.
Julian calendar
one of the most famous reforms, its had 12 months, 365 days, and a leap year. It changed slightly in 1582 to become the Gregorian calendar. It is based on the birth date of Jesus.
Caesar´s 18-year old grandnephew. He joined two of Caesar´s top generals. Soon he and Antony became rivals.
Mark Antony
Soon Octavian and Antony became rivals. Antony fell in love with Cleopatra.
Octavian accused Antony and Cleopatra of plotting against Rome.
He was a well known political leader and writer in Rome. He strongly supported the representative, republican government and wanted it restored to Rome. He died before Octavian rose to power. His ideas influence the writers of the USA constitution years later.