Squadron Standards Flashcards
What do the standards say about when students have to be in the building?
15 minutes before first brief time and prepared 5 minutes before scheduled brief time.
What do the standards say about Go/No-go items before formal brief or 1st event?
1) . Not on DNIF
2) . Boldface completed prior to the first sortie of each calendar month
3) . All FCIFs and PRFs are signed off and changes made
4) . If last sortie was graded UNSAT/FAIR inform scheduler or instructor
What do the standards say for brief time prior to takeoff for normal? Cat check/PC? 1st low level? 1st off station? Initial solo? Dollar ride?
Normal: 1 hr CAT check/PC/EC: 1+15 1st Low Level: 1+30 1st Off Station: 1+45 Initial Solo: 1+25 Dollar Ride: 1+30
What do the standards say about the GPS?
Set GPS baro to current altimeter setting on initialization and update as required. Set GPS as desired.
What do the standards say about the RMU?
Aircrew will ensure that it is in BOTH to allow GUARD monitoring and monitor CH 15 as much as possible.
What do the standards say about the backup UHF? EADI? EHSI?
Presets have been set. As required. Set white needle to VOR and magenta to GPS and select ground speed for display.
What do the standards say about step time?
30 min prior to takeoff time be at the step desk
What do the standards say about spare aircraft?
Inform Lowell ch 15 of any tail changes.
What do the standards say about clearance/taxi procedures?
Plan to taxi NLT 10 minutes prior to scheduled takeoff time. Taxi staggered. Flight lead on downwind. Obtain ATIS and Call clearance delivery.
What do the standards say about takeoff?
Rolling to max extent possible.
What do the standards say about departure?
Comply with RAPCON. Climb at 160 KIAS or if using different airspeed must brief it. Set TAS to Above and 10 NM or greater range. Change to below for prolonged descents/recovery.
What do the standards say about power on stalls?
Brief entry parameters.
What do the standards say about OCF/spin?
Verbalize altitude after neutralize controls and oil pressure before advance PCL.
What do the standards say about recoveries?
Pre mid phase: IP will fly it to a recovery situation
Post mid phase: IP will direct recovery in middle of a maneuver
What do the standards say about TP stalls/slow flight?
Brief flap setting prior to execution.
What do the standards say about HAPL/SLIP?
HAPL from CORMI/DLLTA routes or MOA areas adjacent to Dogface. Can HAPL to NTAs if pattern saturated or MOA not aligned with Dogface.
What do the standards say about joker/bingo?
Students will calculate it and be responsible for if. They will verbalize intent to overfly it and set a new Joker.
What do the standards say about chock time?
Pilot is responsible for making it and will write it on their MDC. Coordinate with Lowell for a chock extension and state why need it. Expect RTB from Dogface or MOA NLT 15 (17L) or 20 (35R) minutes prior.
What do the standards say about inflight checks?
Pre-stalling, spinning, and aerobatic maneuvers checklist (CLEF) required before maneuvers (unless in a series).
What do the standards say about recovery/landing?
Monitor ATIS beforehand. IP encouraged LDG flap touch and gos proficiency. Plan touch and gos to hot side and full stops to cold side. 60 KIAS by 2 board, 40 knots by 1 board. LDG flaps for full stops.
What do the standards say about NWS?
Safe taxi speed. Ensure cold side clear if taxiing from hot side.
What do the standards say about what to do before leave A/C?
VOR ch. 1 , 359 radial set
RMU ch 3 for UHF
VHF ch. 15
Life support straps/equipment hoses stowed.
What do the standards say about A/C commander/student pilot duties?
IP is A/C commander, student will act like one and inform IP of profile changes.
What do the standards say about clearing?
Crisp 60 deg turns
Make pattern position calls
What do the standards say about radio calls/in flight checks?
PF will make them.
What do the standards say about CRM/ORM?
Tailor them to the mission. Do not fly with significant ORM issues and bring to IP/scheduler attention.
What do the standards say about emergency ground egress?
Right side egress blow CFS with mask up, visor down, canopy closed and fully strapped in
What do the standards say about abort/touch and go EPs?
Brief malfunctions which will require it
What do the standards say about Lost Comm/NORDO?
Use IFG if local
Use FIH if not local
What do the standards say about intercom fail?
FCP is Alpha and RCP is Bravo. If below 10,000’ lower mask and yell. Write notes on MDC and use ckpt mirrors.
What do the standards say about ejection?
Three face curtains for visual signal
What do the standards say about a bird strike?
If bird strike occurs and aircraft in position to land, land. If penetrates windscreen and intercom lost FCP thumbs up if okay. If not okay, RCP flies to nearest landing site with medical assistance. If strikes prop, PEL. If strikes aircraft, controllability check and chase ship.
What do the standards say about personal items?
Remove all of them except eyeglasses–wear those and bring a spare.