Dash 1 Appendix A Flashcards
What are all the flight performance charts based on?
ICAO standard atmosphere conditions
All weights and fuel flows are based on what?
No external fuel stores and JP-8 with a density of 6.8 lbs/gallon
True/False. There is a significant change of performance with alternate (not JP-8) fuels.
False. They all perform about the same though alternate fuels may result in higher fuel flows.
All data presented in the Performance Appendix is based on what?
US Standard Atmosphere, 1962
What do all the charts assume?
PMU is set to NORM and is functioning normally
What is position error?
Error in airspeed indication caused by the location of the sending elements.
Compressibility corrected airspeeds may be how much off at higher speeds and altitudes?
10 knots
What is critical altitude?
The altitude at which 100% torque is no longer available with the PCL at MAX. It’s approximately 16,000’ MSL standard day.
Is there a time limit for operation at maximum power?
No but sustained operation at max power may reduce engine life significantly.
What is the engine supposed to do at MAX power?
Produce at least 1100 shp, indicate 100% torque below critical altitude, and have a max ITT not to exceed 820 deg C on a standard day.
What is maximum climb power?
The amount of power available during a climb above critical altitude. It’s the PCL position for an ITT 13 deg C below observed max power ITT at critical altitude not to exceed 807 deg C.
What is max cruise power?
The amount of power available for cruise flight when above critical altitude. It’s the PCL position which yields an ITT 40 deg C below max ITT at critical altitude not to exceed 780 deg C.
What is flight IDLE?
Not an engine rating but a PCL position suitable to give flight IDLE power.
What is runway condition reading (RCR)?
A measure of braking friction coefficient. It has values from 26 to 2. Dry is ICAO Good and is 23. Wet is ICAO Medium and is 12. Icy is ICAO 12 and Poor.
What is runway length?
The paved surface length excluding any overrun.
What is runway available?
The runway length minus the aircraft lineup distance.
What is takeoff ground run distance?
The runway distance normally obtained in service operation at a given wind and gradient at the mission specified weight, pressure altitude, power setting, ambient temperature and appropriate takeoff configuration.
What is maximum braking speed?
The max speed from which the aircraft can be brought to a stop without exceeding the maximum design energy absorption capability (3.96 million ft-lbs).
What is maximum abort speed?
The maximum speed at which an abort may be started and the aircraft stopped within remaining runway length.
What is lift off?
The moment at which 100% of aircraft weight is first supported by aerodynamic forces and no tires are in contact with the runway.
What is rotation speed?
The speed which permits obtaining obstacle speed at the 50 foot obstacle height above the runway.
What is obstacle speed?
The target speed at which the aircraft crosses the 50 foot obstacle height while accelerating to 140 KIAS at a 15 deg pitch attitude.
What is stall speed?
The higher of:
1) . The airspeed at which the aircraft ceases to fly due to loss of aerodynamic lift with input of slow smooth control movements
2) . The minimum controllable steady flight speed
What factors affect maximum abort speed?
Altitude, temperature, weight, runway available, runway gradient, wind, and RCR
What’s an important consideration with mac braking speed/abort speed and tailwind?
In a tailwind, if the abort speed is greater than the maximum braking speed minus 20 knots the maximum braking speed minus 20 knots will become the abort speed.
Wind grids include what factors for headwinds and tailwinds?
Factors of 50% for steady state headwinds and 150% for steady state tailwinds.
What should you do to formation wing takeoffs?
Add 1000’ to the charted takeoff distance. This assumes a lead power setting of no less than 85%
How can you achieve the charted climb performance?
If scheduled airspeed is maintained +/-5 KIAS.
What is best endurance?
The speed for minimum fuel flow in level flight.
What is maximum range?
The level flight speed which yields the maximum value of nautical air miles per pound of fuel.
What is long range?
The level flight speed above the maximum range speed which yields 99% of max range.
What does wind affect?
Ground speed and maximum range.
What is endurance?
The period of time available for the aircraft to loiter at a constant altitude, given a gross weight at the start and a given amount of reserve fuel for descent and landing at the end.
What two things do endurance values not consider?
Distance traveled and fuel required to climb to a higher altitude.
What is maximum endurance?
The time which results from the optimum combination of airspeed and altitude at a given gross weight.
What is the best endurance?
The time available at a combination of weight, altitude and airspeed. When the included altitude is the maximum endurance altitude, best endurance is max endurance.
What enroute descent speed/VSI do we use?
220 KIAS and 4000 fpm
What is the max range descent speed?
180 KIAS and 1500 fpm
What is the penetration descent speed?
IDLE power, gear and flaps retracted, speed brake out, 250 KIAS/0.67 Mach indicated
What is the rapid descent speed?
IDLE power, gear and flaps retracted, speed brake extended, 316 KIAS/0.67 indicated Mach
What is air distance?
The ground distance covered from touchdown to full stop using max braking procedures.
What is landing ground roll distance?
Ground distance covered from touchdown to full stop using max braking procedures.
What is total landing distance?
The sum of air distance and ground roll distance.
What are time and fuel allowances for a normal go-around?
5 minutes and 60 lbs of fuel
What is total landing ground distance?
Distance to land from 50 foot obstacle height to full stop with flaps LDG, assuming max braking is used.
Landing performance is based on what assumptions?
1) . A 3 degree approach to the 50 ft obstacle height
2) . IDLE power and threshold speed as determined by the chart at 50 ft
3) . A 2 second delay from touchdown until initiation of braking.
4) . Max braking is obtained once aircraft is firmly on the ground and goes to a full stop
5) . The braking coefficient for a dry asphalt or concrete runway corresponds to an RCR of 23